Enhancing Patient Consent: Effective Communication in Nursing

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ECN 2312
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by ConstableFang15478
Patient Consent & CommunicationStudent Id: 00777718Course: Bachelor’s of Nursing top up studies I would like to get feedback on the following areas;1.layout of the assignment 2.Application of accademic knowledge 3.Areas that I need to improve on
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Table of ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................1Reflective Model Selection and Rationale...................................................................................................1Description of the Professional Issue..........................................................................................................1Critical Evaluation and Analysis...................................................................................................................2Learning and Professional Development.....................................................................................................3Evidence of Skill Development....................................................................................................................3Maintaining Confidentiality.........................................................................................................................3Conclusion...................................................................................................................................................3References...................................................................................................................................................4
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IntroductionRespect to patient’s opinions is the basis of ethical practise and decision-making.Communication with a patient is the part of nursing intervention where effectivecommunication promotes patient involvement through sharing of patient’s treatmentplans, potential hazards and advantages in fostering respective strategies. In thecurrent world of nursing, the patient range and healthcare environments also differmaking it even more important to secure valid consent. Lack of proper communicationand administrative consent breaches ethical issues and reduce patient protection. Thisreflection will therefore specifically focus on the issues to do with patient consent andcommunication within the global healthcare scenario, with much focus placed on whythese issues are important in support of patients and in the promotion of the noblecause of the health centre. This reflection will discuss this topic in critical manner inorder to identify the possibilities of personal professional growth and enhance futurenursing practise in the continuously dynamically developing sphere of healthcare.Reflective Model Selection and RationaleThe main outcome of this critical reflection will be promoted through the use of aspecific framework, namely Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle on the following approach of patientconsent and promotion. Gibbs model comprises six stages which include description ofthe problem, emotion, judgement, interpretation, summary and recommendation. It isevident that this systematic approach is more helpful when it comes to analysingmultiple professional areas in nursing practice when exploring experiences.The reasons for choosing Gibbs Reflective Cycle stem for the facts that it focuses onthe emotional side as well as on the rational factors involved in the process of reflection.Through each step I am able to not only directly state the concepts and details of whathappened but also how I felt about it and how those experiences contribute towards myProfessional Growth and Development. Such focus allows for an enhanced appreciationof the problems and accomplishments in obtaining the consent of the patient.Gibbs model provides a critique of practise in accordance with the theory and guidelinesmentioned in NMC Code (2018). Ethical issues, human rights and encompassingconcepts are important in nursing and having a one on one connection between theoryand practise is vital. When looking at real case scenarios, I can notice my weaknesseswhen it comes to communicating and grasp concepts such as cultural sensitivity andconcurrence.Description of the Professional IssueThe basis of patient consent and communication is a necessary skill of nursing practice.It is a is a process whereby the healthcare organisation discloses information to thepatient about his/her treatment, risks, chances for success and other choices open tohim/ her. This is particularly important concerning the discussion of the disease andprognosis and any other information the patient is supposed to receive as a client whichin turn helps patients feel they have control over their healthcare process. This is1
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especially important in multicultural environments as different people have differentliteracy levels and coming from different cultures. They may or may not agree withdoctors on some treatment regimens.In the current nursing practise, issues of patient consent and communication are veryimportant. Nurses are most involved with the patients and therefore play a vital role inthe consent process with the patients. Lack of proper consent not only renders anethical violation as well as it can lead to a legal or court action. Most importantly it willbreak in the patient and healthcare provider relationship. Furthermore, with the currentemphasis on patient centred care, there is need for good working relationships withpatients as well as engaging and motivating them to adhere to prescribed treatmentregimens.The specific aspect of patient consent is overlaid with concerns regarding patientconfidentiality. The NMC Code (2018) restricts nurses to keep patient’s privacy andconfidentiality. This obligation covers failure to protect sensitive information disclosedduring consent. This balance is probably most crucial in those settings where severalhealth workers participate in the delivery of services to the patients. Situations wherepatient confidentiality and trust is violated, patients hesitate to share vital healthinformation with health organisations for fear of breaches in their privacy.So the significance of understanding regarding patient consent, communication andconfidentiality are connected is an imperative for modern nursing practise as it has aproximal influence of the quality of patient care, patient satisfaction and global healthoutcomes. These elements are crucial in development of safe and ethical healthpromoting environment that respects patient’s value.Critical Evaluation and AnalysisIn nursing practise, the patient’s consent and communication is a concern of highsignificance. Consent processes are based on the exchange of information between thepatient and the nurse ability to listen to the patient carefully and to respond to his or herworries. This aspect is essential in making patients relaxed and feel comfortable tocome up with decision making in reference to their health. Nevertheless, culturaldifferences and different levels of health literacy can hamper proper communication andtherefore consent can be inadequate.In my particular case, I have witnessed scenarios where the amount of medical data israther challenging to understand among the targeted patients. For instance, during aparticular consultation I observed that a particular patient was in apparent confusion inregards to the diagnosed ailment and the recommended course of treating it.Specifically, by changing the nature of my communication, simplifying cognitions andproviding illustrations, it became easier to improve the patient’s comprehension andthereby develop a deeper conversation regarding consent. I was also reminded that inorder to communicate effectively with a patient we need to take our time andunderstand the patients in question which is person-centred.In the theoretical systems there is a specific focus of Health Belief Model and the NMCCode (2018) section of the theoretical systems which addresses issues of informedconsent and ethical communication in the nursing context. These theories emphasise2
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the fact that nurses should stand for patients and also defend their independency. Tobring these theoretical ideas into the real world setting, it has been stressed that nursesthemselves have the potential of becoming agents of change, whereby the applicationof evidence-based practise will fill the gap between knowledge and experience in therealms of gaining valid consent and boosting the satisfaction levels of the patients.Altogether, patient consent and communication can be defined as the central themes ofnursing practise. My experiences have further helped me understand the importance ofmatching the communication needs of the patients as well as the ethical practise.However, this approach leads to improvements in the level of trust as well as enhancedhealth and patient’s autonomy.3
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