Conformational Analysis of n-Butane and 3,3-Dimethylhexane
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CHE 231
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by DeanFireFinch37
mihds-u,o_ e V-;t 4 dvaw Newman H 3 y ‘ e /z\;(\ tH, projeckion sighting . The anh thn'rpymxfim of - . =4 down C-24pcC-2 " i - butane is the lowezt in N- butane siqma.(0-) bond. e enevay Cconformer of — 1CH3 n-butane wheve a"gmufs e e e e ave stmgqored) w| dihedval Packee Jvow 4o drow- a : 60° ¥ (&) of 180° oman phagection ! 0-bond cinthe hont)y S ) WQA amdormahma anl ‘: rotation Steepfilst‘on \ €= QG’ZO lowen in mum Hon wgpsed ' r H4. ) \ —5 C:/ vecause Hove (o) Shuok owb oy doaumg 4 | kel Sggued Nuswan fprjectim : - " . e (3 The el im e huck wpounis,! | L K Ro awmd/laer covbon vL e c-c{ . atom. )|>se<1 copdormation . os‘ : oond. 46“1 N ' G = 240° _y Sa,ul‘,hfl- Coyhg)(m-h‘on 1‘0“0-0“% dowmn - : 3.9 Keal. mol ™' #1378 gn keal hi : ' n cneyj . - 0. B h‘ghw n H H = 9 mol ehigy . H HoR T o E e /(MW-WL ~ :' 3 Chy . ‘;' '3 “Wiation H N Hooo S H H ; I~ ~H okl eclipse of the butame. ethame Chy CH ‘ thghest in envyy confomen . e, ¢ = Looat il « HEA.AB Lockoe 1 _ 10.2, 2014 :.4?—“2 (4.5 Jeal-mel")
Dvaw the wmost stable i, Lweak MW ond. e @C ok shle ice., Mwb n uwum cmformakionall istmerd ( w»favmvw) 06’. 3,3~ dime-thyl hexane Al o i gl MMW"{W AL -3+oc4c-'baml.. R 1 2 4 = h Ut 2 U 5 G o Ci, it he™ \ )" (."_.p u+3 1 = \ £ é U—lsutz CHCH | = T, M N we* = J——’) 4 Z g, ; Ch Y H3C i & 043 (in the back) ”30 R ‘ 3 2 sk shable, P o-b— 33- &AWWW i_10,2.]9 F ; Do
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CHE 231 - Clicker & Drawing Questions - Lecture 11 10/2/2019 1) I brought my model kit to class: [a] Yes [b] No 2) Choose true statements about the staggered-anti and staggered-gauche conformational isomers of n-butane CH3CH2CH2CHj3 [. Sighting down C-2 to C-3, the dihedral angle (®) of gauche butane in 60°. [I. The anti-conformation of butane is the lowest in energy conformer. III. Gauche butane is ~0.87 kcalemol-! higher in energy than anti. IV. Eclipsed butane, with the two methyl groups (C-1/C-4) eclipsing each other, is the highest in energy conformation (4.5 kcalemol-1). V. All eclipsed conformations are higher in energy than staggered. [a] 1 &V [b] II, III & IV [c] L1l &IV [d] I, 11, LIL,V [e] All of the above. 3) Draw the Newman projection for the most stable conformer of n-butane viewed along the C-CZ—C-S single (o) bond. LCH3 " 3 o YS 3 - Mok A e T e Uke.231, ke otwne 11-10,2,19 .4
4) Draw a Newman projection for a gauche conformer of butane. 5) (a) Draw the Newman projection for the most stable conformer of 3,3- dimethylhexane viewed along the C-3-C-4 bond. (b) Draw the Newman projection for the least stable conformer of 3,3-dimethylhexane viewed along the C-3-C-4 bond. g / | 2 a 6) How many hydrogen atoms are ecllpsed in the ch onformation of cyclohexane CsH12? axial groups equatorial groups cyclohexane C¢H,, chair conformation @ B) 2 C) 4 D) 6 E) 8 L g i .= CHE. 231 AR hachune |} 1028 =2
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