Comprehensive Project Plan for Enhancing Productivity App
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Dec 11, 2024
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Assignment 3 | Project PlanDevelopmentProject Plan DevelopmentGrade: 15%Length: See each section below. This assignment has 4 parts.Due: Sunday of Week 6 – 23:55 (PT)Submit: A complete project plan with highlighted sections, including tables and charts, exportedto PDF format.SUBMIT: Assignment 3DescriptionYou have been assigned the role of Project Manager for enhancing and debugging a productivityapplication for UVic Continuing Studies Department. This application is critical for thedepartment's operations, and the goal is to improve its functionality by adding new features andfixing existing errors. The project will involve collaboration with the UVic IT team, who willprovide technical support, and you will coordinate with the department to gather requirementsand ensure the application's effectiveness.Note: To accomplish this assignment, you can use Trello, Teamwork or any other projectmanagement application.Part One: Project Goals and Objectives (25 Marks)Create a new document in MS Word.1.On the Cover Page, write the following:oTitle: Project Plan for Enhancing and Debugging Productivity ApplicationoProject Sponsor: UVic – Continuing StudiesoProject Manager: Your Name and Surname
oSID: Your Student IDoProject Code: Your Project CodeoIssue Date: Enter the date this file is created2.Onthesubsequentpage,entertheTitle:"Introduction"As the project manager for enhancing and debugging the productivityapplication for UVic Continuing Studies, you have been invited to meetingswith key stakeholders to plan the project and gather information for itssuccessful execution. You are provided with details on the application's currentlimitations,userneeds,budget,andtimelines.Draft the introduction section of your project plan, starting with why the projectwas undertaken and providing rationale on the project's initiation. In theintroductionsection:oDefine what a project plan isoInclude components that make up a project plan.oIdentify the problem that will be solved by completing the project.Note: Provide a 150-word explanation (about 1/4 of an A4 page).3.Below the Introduction, enter the subtitle: "Project Goal and Objectives":Define the goal of the project using the project description provided. Rememberthat a goal is the main statement that broadly defines the aim of the project,which may have several objectives with one outcome. Feel free to be creativewith reasons in your assumption around the information provided in thedescription of the assignment. The final outcome is an enhanced and debuggedproductivityapplicationforUVicContinuingStudies.Note: Provide a 150-word explanation (about 1/4 of an A4 page).Part 2: Project Scope Statement (25 Marks)1.On the subsequent page, enter the Title: "Project Scope"The Project Scope statement provides all stakeholders clear information aboutall aspects of the project, including activities to be carried out, deliverables,resources, and timelines. The scope statement showcases the assumptions,processes and key stakeholders involved in the execution of the project goalsandobjections.Write a project scope statement at a high level that provides information on the
project's outcome and the issue addressed by the completion of the project. Theproject statement of work is a summary of the work to be undertaken by theproject team as well as critical factors that will affect the outcome.The scope section will include the following:2.Deliverables: List of the final deliverables that will be provided to UVicContinuing Studies at the end of the project. Provide details about the newfeatures, bug fixes, and improvements to the application. (150 words)3.Constraints: Factors that may negatively impact the ability to complete theproject on time. This may include issues with technical resources, userrequirements, or budget constraints. (150 words)4.Exclusions: Information about activities and deliverables that will not beincluded in the project. For example, certain features or platforms may beexcluded based on current priorities. (150 words)5.Acceptance Criteria: The requirements that must be met for the project to bedeemed completed. Acceptance criteria detail how success will be measured fortheapplicationimprovementsandbugfixes.(150words)Note: Be creative in generating ideas, and please ensure that all ideas arerelevant to the project description provided.Part 3: Project Work Breakdown Structure (25 Marks)The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) applies a step-by-step approach to highlight the actionsteps needed to meet the project's deliverables. The main question when developing the WorkBreakdown Structure is what needs to be done and who will do it.1.On the subsequent page, enter the Title: "Work Breakdown Structure".Below the title, provide a summary description of your Work BreakdownStructure that enables the users of the Project Plan to understand the flow of theproject from start to finish. Be sure to include the stakeholders, such as the UVicIT team. (150 words)2.Below your summary of the WBS, insert a 2 by 6 table.In the table created, enter the header for the first and second columns as "TaskDescription" and "Assigned to" respectively.oUnder the Task Description column, enter the 5 action steps required tocomplete the project (e.g., identify bugs, develop new features).oUnder the Assigned To column, enter 5 different teams, groups, orprofessionals required to complete each task (e.g., backend developer,QA tester).
Task DescriptionAssignedtoDesigning the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) for the iOS version of the (XYZ) application.UI/UXTeamNote: This section can be done in Trello, Teamwork or any other project managementapplication.Part 4: Project Schedule (25 Marks)The project schedule will provide an overall timeframe for the completion of the projectdeliverables and milestones. It will typically contain the start and end dates for each projectmilestone, activity, and deliverable. The Project Schedule is usually presented on a Gantt Chart.1.On the subsequent page, enter the Title: "Project Schedule".Below the title, provide a summary description of your project schedule. Theproject schedule enables the project plan users to understand the timeframeallocated to the project from start to finish of the deliverables. (150 words)2.Below your summary of the Project Schedule, insert a 6 by 5 table.In the table created, enter the headers for the six columns as follows: TaskName, Duration, Start Date, End Date, Responsible Team, Status.Afterward, input 5 tasks (from Part 3) and assign a suitable timeline to each ofthem.Task NameDurationStart DateEnd DateResponsible TeamStatusDesign Phase7 days15-Aug-202422-Aug-2024 UI/UX TeamCompletedNote: This section can be done in Trello, Teamwork or any other project managementapplication.1.Save your Word file as "YourName-Assignment3.docx".2.Convert the Word file to PDF and save as "YourName-Assignment3.pdf".3.Submit the PDF file "YourName-Assignment3.pdf" using the submission tool.
GradingThis assignment is marked out of 100. Each part is worth 25 marks. This assignment is worth15% of your final grade.