Exploring Resilience and Justice in Abina & The Important Men

George Mason University**We aren't endorsed by this school
ECON 104
Dec 11, 2024
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Prompt A: 1.Identify a panel or page from Abina & The Important Men as artwork:Source: Abina & The Important Men by Trevor R. Getz and LizClarke, specifically the panel where Abina takes the stand in court.Explanation: I chose this panel because it visually captures Abina’scourage as she confronts a system stacked against her. The way her figure isdepicted—standing small yet defiant—emphasizes the bravery of her testimony ina setting dominated by powerful men. As artwork, this panel symbolizes thestrength of oppressed voices and would be impactful as a standalone piece,representing themes of justice and resilience.2.Identify a primary source, secondary source video, or topic thatresonated with you:Source: Secondary source video on Darwin and Evolution.Explanation: This video resonated with me because it illustrates howDarwin’s theories extended beyond science, influencing social and politicalideologies. The connection to Social Darwinism and how these ideas were misusedto justify social hierarchies and colonial exploitation was especially impactful. Ithighlighted the power of ideas and how they can be distorted to serve harmfulagendas, linking back to themes of inequality seen in Abina & The Important Men.3.Identify a primary source, secondary source video, or topic thatclarified a topic from earlier in the semester for you:Source: Primary source on the Franco-Prussian War.Explanation: The Franco-Prussian War clarified earlier topics ofnationalism and power dynamics in Europe. This source helped me understand thecomplexities of European conflicts that eventually fueled colonial ambitions. Byexploring how the war influenced national identities and alliances, I gained aclearer picture of the background leading to colonialism, which is evident in thecolonial court system and power imbalances shown in Abina & The ImportantMen.
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Prompt C: Reading Questions for Abina & The Important Men1.Do you prefer the comic or the transcript? Why?I prefer the comic because it makes historical events more accessibleand engaging. The visual storytelling in the comic adds emotional depth that atranscript alone cannot provide. By showing facial expressions, body language, andcontext through images, the comic format brings Abina’s experience to life in away that the transcript’s formal language cannot.2.Identify a piece of visual storytelling from the comic. How does thatvisual storytelling affect the information?Example: The use of color to differentiate between Abina’sperspective and the colonial court’s perspective is effective. For instance, Abina’sscenes are often in softer, warmer tones, while the court scenes are in darker,colder tones, emphasizing the hostile environment she faces. This color contrastvisually represents the power imbalance and makes it easier for readers toempathize with Abina’s vulnerable position.3.How does this close look at one story help show us what life was likefor one of the groups?I chose Abina and other enslaved women as the focus. ThroughAbina’s personal story, we see:Her struggles to be heard in a court dominated by men who dismissher claims, representing how enslaved women’s voices were marginalized.The economic and social constraints enslaved women faced, as shownby Abina’s reliance on the court system to seek justice in a world where she hadlittle agency.The limited options available to her and others in her position,illustrating how colonial rule reinforced social hierarchies that kept enslavedwomen in vulnerable roles.
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