Comprehensive Guide to Raloxifene for Osteoporosis Management
Falcon Institute of Health and Science**We aren't endorsed by this school
AHN 101
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by BrigadierScorpion22796
ACTIVE LEARNING TEMPLATE: Medica tion sTupenT Name Nymiura Lee MeDIcATION raloxifene REVIEW MODULE CHAPTERL CATEGORY CLAss Bone reabsorption inhibitor PURPOSE OF MEDICATION / Expected Pharmacological Action llssue selective estrogen ago-nist/antagonist; agonist activity in boned lipid metaperista attrus nistic activity on reduces resorption of bone i decreases bora turnover. Complications Insomnia thromboembolism vaginitis depression stroke larygitis migraines Pharygitis, leukorrhea fever sinusitis hot flashes diarrhea cystitis peripheral edema L — Contraindications/Precautions Hepatic / cv disease, cervical/ uterine cancer, elevated triglyceriddes, pulmonary embolism, pregnancy, BF, hypersensitivity “\ — 2\ / Interactions Ampicillin, cholestrymine, le vo thyroxine, anti coagulants, bilt acid sequestrants, highly protein - bound products (naproxen, Ibuprofen, diazoxide), soy = \ Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness prevention, treatment of osteoporosis. Therapeutic Use | prevention, treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausea women, | breast cancer, prophylaxis in post menopausal women with osteoporosis in post menopausal women. High risk factors for | developing the disease invasive breast cancer risk reduction 4 Medication Administration PO (By mouth) \ — S Nursing Interventions Obtain bone density test baseline, monitor B/P watch for increase caused by Hao 1 scoum retention. Client Education advise pt to avoid monitor one position for long periods. Take calcium supplement increase exercise using stop smoking, decrease consumption.