Understanding Student Responsibilities in Cooperative Education
Wilfrid Laurier University**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 11, 2024
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Student Roles and ResponsibilitiesIn small groups, discuss the following statement.We all wear multiple hats.In your own words, writedown what it means.I think it means we all have different roles or tasks to perform and have different responsibilities thatwe all have to take over.We understand that you have many roles. You are more than a student. Many of you are older oryounger siblings, (maybe you are a middle child!), caregivers to younger siblings, parents orgrandparents, part-time employees, volunteers etc etc.The purpose of this assignment is to prepareyou for your role as a Cooperative Education student.As Cooperative Education students, you have additional responsibilities given your role in thecommunity. You will not only be representing yourself in the workplace, but our school community andthe younger, working generation to come!It is important to be aware of your responsibilities, andunderstand how to effectively manage them in the face ofadversity. Some responsibilities will be more challengingthan others, and not all students will face the sameresponsibilities and challenges. For example, some studentsmay find it difficult to get to their placement on time. As aCooperative Education student, you will need to find, specificstrategies to get to your placement on time, such as, set analarm on my phone to wake me up 15 minutes earlier, go tobed by 10.30PM to ensure I am getting enough sleep ortaking out my clothes the night before to avoid anyslowdowns in the morning.
For the first part of this assignment, take inventory of some of your responsibilities as a Laurier student.Please identify three responsibilities in the chart below.ROLERESPONSIBILITIESStudentEx. Complete my homework on a regular basis and submit it to my teacher (or BrightSpace) on time.I have to be present in all classes and actively engage in the discussion to enhanceunderstanding .I have to prepare for exams and quizzes to perform well on exams .I have to collaborate with peers on group projects.
For the second part of the assignment, consider some of your responsibilities as a Cooperative Education student with a working placement inthe community. What might be some of your responsibilities or expectations? Do you foresee any challenges and what strategies will you use toovercome them?Please identify three responsibilities or expectations you will have as a Cooperative Education student that you may find challenging. List three orfour specific strategies you will use to address these challenges you may anticipate.ROLERESPONSIBILITIES/EXPECTATIONSWHY THIS IS A CHALLENGE FOR YOUSTRATEGIES TO ADDRESS CHALLENGESCooperativeEducationStudentEx. As a morning coop student, you willbe expected to be on time at yourplacement (approx. 8.30AM), this maymean leaving earlier than a regularschool day.I have a part-time job, and I tend to go tobed late.1.Set an alarm (or multiple alarms)2.Go to bed earlier.3.Pack my lunch the night before.4.Set out my clothes for placementand school the night before.As an afternoon student I have to be ontime at my placement after my morningclasses.I have a limited time transition betweenschool and placement, which wouldmost probably cause stress and make itdifficult.1.I have to use the lunch breaktime efficiently.2.I have to set reminders on myphone to manage time.3.I have to plan the route ahead toavoid any delays.I have to learn and complete pharmacyrelated tasks such as organizingprescriptions and assisting customers.I have to balance learning at school andperforming in the workplace can beoverwhelming.1.I have to use checklists to tracktasks and deadlines.2.I have to plan and organize tasksahead of time.3.I have to be productive.I have to adapt to a professionalenvironmentI have to transition from a classroom to aprofessional environment. It requiresadapting to a new culture andexpectation.1.I can observe how experiencedco-workers behave andcommunicate.2.Regularly ask for feedback fromsupervisors and colleagues.