Mastering Content Marketing: Strategies for Digital Success

Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by ColonelResolveDeer32
Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µtŷŬŬƳĠĠĠŬŬƳ wvvvvõõõõƝŝŝĠĠĠƳʼnʼnʼnŬŬĻĻĻ
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µFhy 2ontent <arketing is 2rucial;9(7&ontMKent
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µFhy 2ontent <arketing is 2rucial2ontent is king.
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µFhy 2ontent <arketing is 2rucialIs a segment of the marketing strategy, that has the goal ofattracting,engaging and retaining an audience,by sharing different types ofcontent.You can use Content Marketing to influence every step of the MarketingFunnel.
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µCypes of 2ontent
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µFhy 2ontent <arketing is 2rucialǑāó÷ôóƞƝġĥĢġŰŭŬġĥĢġƥƥ\eŰŭŬƱġĥĢġƞƝġĥĢġƥƱ?ŸŷŰŭŬƥŎŋŊęĝĚęġĥĢġƞƝāó÷ôóƱŎŋŊŸŷŰŭŬ³¥©¦¥ƹƞƝĒĖēĒňŅńāó÷ôóƥġĥĢġ¶¨¬©¨ġĥĢġƛƚġĥĢġāó÷ôóƱPodcast ² ex: WellsBlog Post ² ex: BarkynInfographic ² ex: ApplePaid Ads ² ex: WortenEmail Newsletter ² Later
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µFells
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ1arkyn
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ0pple
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ0ds
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ=ewsletter
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent Btrategy7ow to build a2ontent Btrategy?
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent Btrategy±. 3efine the visionWhere do you want the company to be in ± - ² years?How can the content strategy achieve this?
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent Btrategy². 3efine the audienceDemographics, what other sites do they frequent, what kind of social media do they use,who are the influencers they listen to, what are their pain points. What types of content dothey consume?
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent Btrategy°. 3efine the guidelinesBrand style and voice: bold or friendly, conversational orinformational, formal or casual, etc. How the brand is perceived?
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent BtrategyEalue ?ropositionWhat Value is provided to the audience with the content?How can the company stand out from other content creators?
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ± 2’s of 2ontent <arketing to drive Aevenue2larity2onsistency2reativity2redibility2ustomer-2entricity
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2;2A8CHIf content is clear you can drive customers through the buyer journey.Users will understand the main message, reducing confusion andallow then to act quickly.User experience will be improved (Navigation instructions and CTA)Boost SEO through focusing on specific keywordsBuild Trust and Credibility
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2>=B8BC4=2HUniform voice, tone and frequency of content. Building a cohesive brandidentity.Professionalism and reliability. Regular Updates.Brand RecognitionSEO Performance - Search engines, value updates and relevantcontent.
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2A42C8E8CHDifferentiate your brand from the competition and gain audience’sattention.Get audience attention - stand out in a digital environment.Storytelling.User engagementInnovation
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2A43838;8CHPerceived Authority and Trustworthiness of the BrandBuilding Trust - with accurate and valuable information, brand will beperceived as a reliable source.Brand Authority - Position your brand as a leader, with expertise.Boost Seo through credible content. Backlinks to reliable sources.Customer Retention - Trust leads to ongoing engagement.Drive Conversion - through perceived credibility.
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2DBC><4A24=CA828CHContent focused on audience’s needs, preferences and interests.Addressing Pain points, questions and desires.Customer Engagement - content will resonate with audienceLoyalty and Trust - Useful and relevant informationImproves Conversion Rates - informed purchasing decisionsCustomer AdvocacyProduct and Service Development - feedback and interaction.
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent Btrategy?lanning 2ontentAudience, Which types of content to create, Content for each stepof the funnel.
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent 8deation3rainstorming2ompetitive Aesearch
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent 8deation - 1rainstorming
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent 8deation - 2ompetitive Aesearch6oogle Crends
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent 8deation - 2ompetitive Aesearch
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent 8deation - 2ompetitive AesearchCraffic 2nalyzer
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent 8deation - 0nswer the ?ublic
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent 8deation - 08
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ§¦¦¦¦ƝõõõõĒĒĒĒƳʼnʼnʼnĒĒĒĒõõõõšš ±±±±ĠĠĠĒĒĒĒƳʼnʼnʼnŷŬŬtŷŬŬƳĠĠĠŬŬƳ wvvvvõõõõƝŝŝĠĠĠƳʼnʼnʼnŬŬĻĻĻ
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µVisionxxxxCode Structure±udiencexxxxGuidelinesxxxxxValue propositionxxxxMarketing Funnel for ;ontent Marketing with Jxamplesxxxx
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µVisionEmpower individuals with innovative beauty and personal care gadgets.Code Structure±udience18-45 yearsInclusive but mainly FemaleUrban and suburban areasInterest in Beauty, Personal care and innovationGuidelinesTone: Friendly, aspirational and expert.Voice: Engaging and knowledgeableValue propositionGlamGadgets offers cutting edge beauty and personal care gadgets designed to elevate your daily self-care routine. Focusing on innovation and luxury. High quality beauty technology accessible to everyone.
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µMarketing Funnel for ;ontent Marketing with JxamplesǑāó÷ôóƞƝġĥĢġŰŭŬġĥĢġƥƥ\eŰŭŬƱġĥĢġƞƝġĥĢġƥƱ?ŸŷŰŭŬƥŎŋŊęĝĚęġĥĢġƞƝāó÷ôóƱŎŋŊŸŷŰŭŬ³¥©¦¥ƹƞƝĒĖēĒňŅńāó÷ôóƥġĥĢġ¶¨¬©¨ġĥĢġƛƚġĥĢġāó÷ôóƱ%loMg 86ost ±Top µ Must Have Beauty Gadgets for2°2³1nNLfoMgrIGpNhOiKIcsof how different gadgets work andtheir benefitsComparison Guide of Glam gadgets productsProduct Demonstration throughvOiLJdMKeo(mIGOil 6MKewslMKettMKerwith updates of new products
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent Btrategy2ontent 2alendarEnsures Regular Content and maintains a consistent brand voiceand messaging. Allows to coordinate with all the marketingactivities and campaigns.
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ2ontent 2alendar
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ1log writing7eadlineClear and SpecificUse Numbers and ListsSense of UrgencyBenefit DrivenIncorporate relevant keywords
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ1log writing - examplesCips for 3etter Fritingor³ tips on how toimprove your writing
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ1log writing - examples8mprove Hour Bkillsor8mprove your skills:content marketing
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ1log writing8ntroductionTry to start with Question or StatisticTell a StoryState the Problem you’ll be addressingTry to outline what the reader will learn or gainThe first seconds count to catch attention
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ1log writing>ther tips to write a blog postSubheadingsShort paragraphsBullet Points and ListsIncorporate Visuals
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Digital Marketing ± E²Commerce 2°2³´2°2µ0wesome 2ontent ?iecesēīħĖĒck Ŗhese͋
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