Effective Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

The University of Hong Kong**We aren't endorsed by this school
MKTG 2501
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by ColonelGalaxy15929
Market Segmentation, Targeting, and PositioningMarket Segmentation (Divide)Market Segmentation is the process that companies use todivide the marketsintosmall segments(Assuming the markets is heterogeneous)Major purpose: Toreach buyersmore efficiently and effectively with market offeringthat match their unique needsA market segment is a group of people that hascommon consumption needsandsimilar responses to marketing actionsLifestyle: e.g. veganism, so more restaurants provide vegan optiongPersonality: e.g. adventure seekers → provide hundreds of activities e.g. ice-skating,rock climbing
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Requirements for Effective SegmentationMeasureable: The size, purchasing power, and profiles of the market segment (e.g.perceived importance, demographics)can be measuredAccessible: The market segments can beeffectively reachedand servedDifferentiable: The market segments are conceptuallydistinguishableandresponddifferentlyto different marketing mix elements and programsActionable: Effectivemarketing programs can be designedfor attracting andserving the market segmentsSubstantial: Tha market segments arelarge or profitableenough to serveMarket Targeting (Choose)Market segmentation reveals the company’s market segment opportunitiesMarket Targeting: evaluate the various market segments, decide how many and whichmarket segments the company can serve bestEvaluate Market SegmentsSegment size and growthSmaller vs Larger segmentsGrowth potentialSegment structural attractivenessCompetitionSubstitute productsPower of buyersPower of suppliersCompany objectives, resources, and costsCompetitive advantageAvailability of resourcesConsistent with company objectives
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Mass Marketing (Undifferentiated Marketing)Assume the market is homogenousTarget the whole market with one offer (“one-size-fits-all”)Same marketing mixfor all buyers (Mass-producing, mass-promoting,mass-distributing with the same product to all consumers)Focuses oncommon needsrather than what’s differente.g. Model T Ford car in 1914, Coca-cola in its early yearsDifferentiated Marketing (Segmented Marketing)Targetseveral different market segments(Goal is to achieve higher sales andstronger position)Designseparate offersto each segments (More expensive than undifferentiatedmarketing)e.g. Colgate’s toothpaste products, P&G’s shampoo productsExample: P&G’s shampooHead & Shoulder → Segment 1: Dandruff carePantene → Segment 2: Silky hairVidal Sassoon → Segment 3: Hair setting
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Niche Marketing (Concentrated Marketing)Target asmall share of a large segment (a niche)Segments are fairly large and normally attract several competitors whereas niches aresmaller and normally attract only one or a few competitorsGood for companies with limited company resourcesCompanies havegood knowledgeof the niche → canfine-tune the 4Psto meet theneeds of this carefully defined nicheNiching lets smaller companies focus their limited resources on serving niches thatmay be unimportant to or overlooked by larger competitorse.g. some stores selling unusual tropical fish, Swarovski: crystal ornamentsMicromarketingTailor-madeproducts and marketing programs for individual locations or individualsLocal marketing: To tailor-made for specific cities, neighbourhoods, storese.g. localization programs for different citiesIndividual marketing(also called one-to-one marketing, market-of-one marketing,mass customization): To tailor-made for individual consumerse.g. M&Ms with personalised messagee.g. Mattel Barbie Doll → Customer 1: Doll wearing Chinese dress, Customer2: Doll with blond hair, Customer 3: Doll which can sing
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Differentiation & PositioningCompetitive advantage and DifferentiationA company gainscompetitive advantagewhen it candifferentiateand positionitself byproviding superior customer valueCompetitive advantage: an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumersgreater valueeither through lower prices or by providing more benefits that justify higherpricesDifferentiation: To differentiate the product or brand on the aspects that consumersfind meaningful e.g. higher performance, better serviceProduct / Brand PositionProduct / Brand Position: The place the product or brand occupies in consumers’mindsrelative to competing products(Perceptions, impressions, beliefs, feelings)Perceptual Map(Positioning Map): Show consumer perceptions of a company’sproduct vs competing products on the important buying dimensions (十字)
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