Explore the Epic Tales of the Trojan Cycle and Its Heroes

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The Trojan CycleTermsEpic Poetry:The Trojan Cycle: The Cypria, The Iliad, The Aethiopis, The Little Iliad, The Sack of Ilion (Troy), The Returns (Nostoi), The Odyssey, The TelegonyKey FiguresTroy (Ilion), Priam, Hecuba, Paris (Alexander), Hector, Cassandra, Polyxena, Andromache, Penthesileia, MemnonAchaeans (Greeks),Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, Menelaus, Helen, Iphigenia, Achilles, Neoptolemos, Patroclus, Ajax the Greater, Ajax the Lesser, Odysseus,Penelope, Telemachos, Telegonos, Philoctetes, Significant Events of the Trojan Cycle:The Wedding of Peleus:where eris instigates the argument between hera, Aphrodite, and athena as to which is the fairestJudgment of Paris (Alexander):Hermes leads them to mount ida for the dispute tobe settled by paris, promised the hand of helen by Aphrodite, Paris selects herdeciding between divinities was often catastrophic and impossible and paris’ decision reflected his own vanity and superficialnessAbduction of Helen: a guest of Menelaos and Helen, in Menelaos’ absence, Paris beds helen and the two sail into the night, Hera sending a storm after themGathering of the Achaeans (Menelaus, Agamemnon, Odysseus, Achilles): -odysseus feigned insanity to try to escape the battle but was deceived by Palamedes-achilles’ mother, thetis, knew he was fated to die if he went to troy and sent him to be brought up in skyros (Odysseus laid a shield and spear in front of him)-Agamemnon, brother of menelaos, put together an expeditionary force of oathtakersDepartures from Aulis:a false start placed the greeks at an impasse blocked by artemis – forcing Agamemnon to sacrifice his daughter Iphigeneia to artemis in order to escapePhiloctetes and Lemnos: after being bitten by a sacred serpent, Odysseus put Philoctetes ashore on lemnos with nothing but his bow to surviveProtesilaos and the Arrival at Troy:Apollo’s Plague; The Discord between Achilles and Agamemnon; The Death of Patroclus; Achilles’ Kills Hector; Priam’s Funeral for Hector;
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Achilles and Penthesileia; Achilles and Memnon; Death of Achilles;Discord Over the Arms of Achilles; Helenos’ Prophecy (Neoptolemus, Philoctetes, and the Palladium) Trojan Horse and the Fall of Troy; Fate of the Trojan Women (Helen, Hecuba, Cassandra, Polyxena, Andromache); Nostoi: Menelaus; Agamemnon; Neoptolemus; Penelope and Telemachus at Home (Ithaca); Odysseus’ Journey to IthacaOdysseus and the SuitorsSacrifices prescribe by TeiresiasThe Death of OdysseusMarriages of Telegonos and Telemachus: Telegonus marries Penelope and Telemachus marries CirceShort Answer1.Based on the website Summaries of the Trojan Cycle, what is the Trojan Cycle?A collection of poems, tales, and plays revolving the Trojan war including the Cypria, the Iliad, the Aethiopis, the Little Iliad, the Sack of Ilium, the Returns, the Odyssey, and the Telegony.the poems are lost, all that remains are the summaries. 2.Based on the website Summaries of the Trojan Cycleand lecture, what are the defining characteristics of Greek epic poetry? Epic poetry are collections of Greek literature that describe the deeds/actions of heroes in war and the process of mutual destruction that periodically and frequently affects mankind.earliest surviving forms of Greek literature3.Based on the introduction to the Chrestomathyin Trzaskoma (p. 337) and lecture, what Proclus’ Chrestomathy?A literary handbook summarizing the lost epics describing the events before, during, and after the Trojan war. 4.Based on your reading of Proclus’ Chrestomathy (pp. 337-338), give three events that led to the Trojan war that are expressed in the Cypria.Eris instigates an argument between Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite over beauty Alexander (Paris) selects Aphrodite as the most beautiful in exchange for a marriage to HelenAlexander goes to Sparta as a guest to Menelaos and HelenWhen Menelaos sails to Crete, Helen and Alexander bed each other, then collect wealth and sail off in the night5.Based on your reading of Proclus’ Chrestomathy (pp. 337-8), give three events that happen once the Achaeans (Greeks) reach Ilion (Troy) in Cypria.Achilles kills the son of Poseidon, Cycnos, and routs the Trojans
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the greeks besiege the trojansthey plunder the land and neighboring cities6.Based on the synopsis of the Iliadon the website Summaries of the Trojan Cycle,give three events that occur in the Iliad.Agamemnon dismisses the priest of Apollo coming to ransom his daughter and Apollo places a plague upon the Achaean army – causingAgamemnon to yield but takes Achilles’ prize of war (briseis) for himself causing Achilles to withdraw from angerDuring battle Diomedes wounds Aphrodite and Ares forcing the Trojans to return to the city and Hector returns to battle, meeting with Ajax – a truce falls to cremate the deadThe Achaeans build a wall to protect the ships, Zeus while in heaven forbids the gods to interfere in the warAchilles’ ? Patroclus goes into battle wearing his armor and is killed byHector; Achilles attempts to avenge his death despite his mothers warning that he will be killed7.Based on your reading of Proclus’ Chrestomathy (p. 339),give three events that signify the importance of Achilles to the Trojan War that are expressed in the Aithiopis. Achilles kills penthesileia, daughter of Ares, and Thersites because ares insults him insinuated he love penthesileia – causes conflict amongst the greeksachilles routs the trojans and is killed by paris and apollo rushing into the citya fierce battle ensues over achilles’ corpse8.Based on your reading of Proclus’ Chrestomathy (pp. 339-340), what three events happened in Little Iliadthat Helenos had prophesied were necessary for Troy to fall.the greeks captured herakles’ bowthe greeks brought achilles’ son, neoptolemos, to troythe palladion was removed from troy9.Based on your reading of Proclus’ Chrestomathy (p. 340), give three events that transpired during the fall of Troy that are expressed in Sack of Ilion.the men fall from the wooden horse and attack the enemy, taking the city by forceneoptolemos kills priam, menelaos discovers helen and takes her to his shipsthe city is burned and Polyxena is sacrificed at the grave of achilles10. Based on your reading of Proclus’ Chrestomathy (p. 341), give three examplesof how the Achaeans met different fates from each other on their journeys home in The Returns (Nostoi).neoptolemos makes the journey on foot, returning home to thraceDiomedes and Philoctetes make it home but are rejectedajax the lesser is cursed by athena for the rape of Cassandra, never making it home due to the curse placed upon him
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11. Based the synopsis of the Odysseyon the website Summaries of the Trojan Cycle,give three events that occur in the Odyssey.Athena persuades Zeus to promise that Calypso will be ordered to release Odysseus from the island of Ogygia where he has been held captive for 7 years.Odysseus sets sail to escape the island of Ogygia but Poseidon destroys the raft. He swims for two days and manages to reach the island of the Phaeacians.Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, comes to his palace, where he is insulted by the SUITORS of his wife. Then his wife Penelope publicly announces that, her son being grown up and her husband missing, sheis now ready to marry again.12. Based on your reading of Proclus’ Chrestomathy (pp. 341), give three events that occur in the Telegony.Odysseus marries Callidicea war takes place between the thesoprotians and the brygianstelegonus kills his father odysseusEssayYou are a modern bard, for each of the epic poems in the Trojan cycle, provide the title of suitable modern song. Briefly explain the rationale behind each of your choices.
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