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PN 1003
Dec 11, 2024
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Concepts1.What is evidence-informed decision? How can you follow this approach as a nurse?2.What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative research? a.Pros and cons?1.QUANTITATIVE:PROS: oObjectiveoGeneralizableoReplicableoClear DataCONS:oRequire large samplesoCan miss contextoLimited depth 2.QUALITATIVE:PROS:oDeep UnderstandingoFlexibilityoRich DataoContextualCONS:oSubjectiveoTime consumingoNot generalizedb.What is PICO study question? A framework used to structure clinical research questions in evidence- based practice.3.What is positive feedback? Negative feedback?Negative Feedback: Counteract the change to maintain homeostasisPositive Feedback: Amplifies the change
4.What are the signs and symptoms of inflammation or infection?1.INFLAMMATION:SIGNS & SYMPTOMS:oHEAT (COLOR) - Tender due to increased blood flowoSWELLING (TUMOR) - Fluid buildup in tissuesoREDNESS (RUBOR/ERTYHMA) - Increased blood flow to the affected areaoPAIN (DOLOR) - Chemicals release during inflammation, like prostaglandins, can irritate nerve ending and cause pain and tendernessInflammation is a broader, protective response to injury or infection, and it may occur without infection. 2.INFECTIONSIGNS & SYMPTOMS:oFever: A common response to infection as the body tries to fight off the invaderoChills/or SweatingoFatigue: A feeling of extreme tiredness and weakness as the body bottles the infectionoIncreased Heart Rate: The body’s response to infection may cause an elevated pulse (tachycardia)oLocalized Pain: Infections in specific areasInfection specifically refers to the invasion of harmful microorganisms, which often triggers inflammation but has additional symptoms like fever and fatigue.5.What is chromosomal disorder? Autoimmune disorder? UTI? General adaptation syndrome?1.Chromosal Disorder: Occur when there are too many or too little chromosomesoEx. Down Syndrome (has 47 chromosomes instead of 46)oCauses: Can happen due to errors in cell division during the formation of eggs or spermoEffects: Can cause a variety of physical, developmental, and health problems.oDiagnosis: Can be diagnosed through genetic testing
2.Autoimmune DisorderoA condition in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own healthy cells and tissues. (Immune system malfunction)oEx. Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) etc.oCauses: Not always known, but a combination of genetic factors and environmental triggersoDiagnosis: Blood tests, Imaging test or Biopsies3.General Adaptation Syndrome(GAS)oDescribe how the body responds to stress overtimeoIt has 3 stages: Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion stage.Alarm Stage: Initial stress reaction; “FIGHT OR FLIGHT”-Signs: Increase heart rate, fast breathing etc.Resistance Stage: Body adapts to the stressor, maintaining arousal and homeostasis-Signs: Tiredness, irritability, anxiety etc.Exhaustion Stage: Prolonged stress depletes the body leading to health issues and potential death.-Signs: depression, burnout, weakened immune system etc.6.Know different types of hormones and how they affect your health7.What is health? Illness? Signs and symptoms? Disorder? Disability? Acute vs Chronic?1)Health: Overall well-being; physical, mental, spiritual, environmental...2)Illness: Refers to a person’s experience of feeling unwell3)Disease: Failure of the body’s adaptive mechanisms; causes dysfunction. 4)Signs: Objective observations (Ex. Fever, Swollen foot – anything that you see)5)Symptoms: Subjective experience (Ex. Pain)6)Disability: Impairment; loss or abnormality of a physical, mental or sensory function.7)Acute: Short-term; sudden and severe; can improve with treatment or time8)Chronic: Long term (months, years, or lifelong); develops slowly or may be ongoing without a sudden start; require continuous management8.What is the stage of shock? 9.What is immunity? Different types of barrier defenses?
Immunity is the body's ability to resist or defend against harmful invaders, like viruses, bacteria, and other pathogensTYPES OF BARRIER DEFENSES:1)SkinBody’s primary defense2)Mucous MembraneProduce mucus that traps pathogens and particles3)Gastric AcidThe acidic environment kills many pathogens that enter through food or drink4)Enzymes: Tears, saliva, and mucus break down cell walls of bacteria, killing themor preventing their growth.Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHS) is part of the adaptive immune system. oHelp the immune system recognize foreign invadersTerms1.EpidemiologyThe study of how diseases and health conditions are distributedin populations and thefactors that influence their occurrence.2.PathogenA microorganism (like a virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite) that causes disease in the body.3.Pathophysiology – Processes associated with diseaseThe study of how disease affects the normal functioning of the body.oIt looks at the changes in the body's systems and organs that occur when someone is sick or injured.4.EtiologyThe study of the cause or origin of a disease or conditionoFocuses on identifying the factors that lead to the development of a disease.5.PrognosisThe likely outcome of an illness/disease/or medical condition.6.Genetic
Refers to anything related to genes, the parts of DNA that are passed down from parents to their children, influencing traits and health.oIt involves how traits are inherited and how changes in genes can affect health.7.CongenitalRefers to a condition or trait that is present at birth, whether inherited or caused by factors during pregnancy.8.DegenerationRefers to the process where the cells, tissues, or organs gradually break downor lose their normal function over time, often due to aging, disease, or injury.9.IncidenceRefers to the number of new cases of a diseaseor condition that occur in a specific population during a certain period of time.oHelps measure how often a disease develops in a given group.10.Clinical ManifestationsRefers to the signs and symptomsthat appear in a person due to a disease or medical condition.11. CytoplasmThe gel-like substance inside a cell, between the cell membrane and the nucleus12. HomeostasisThe body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment, like temperature and fluid balance, despite changes outside13. MeiosisThe process that creates reproductive cells (sperm and eggs) with half the usual number of chromosomes,so they can combine during fertilization.14.ExcitabilityRefers to the ability of cells, particularly nerve and muscle cells, to respond to stimuli(such as a signal or trigger) by generating an electrical impulse or reaction.15. MitosisThe process of cell division results in two identical cells, each with the full number ofchromosomes, for growth and repair.16.Necrosis
The premature death or damage of cellsor tissues in the body, often caused by factorslike injury, infection, lack of blood flow (ischemia), or toxins.oUsually results in inflammationand can cause harm to surroundings17. ApoptosisProgrammed cell death; it is natural and controlled process.18. TumorAbnormal growth of cells or tissue that forms a lump or mass19.Dendritic cellsA type of immune cell that help detect and captureforeign invaders, like viruses or bacteria20. LymphocytesA type of white blood cell that is important for the immune system. They help protectthe body against infections and diseases.oT-Cell and B-Cell21. MonocytesA type of white blood cell that help fight infections and clean up dead cellsoThey circulate in the blood and can move into tissues, where they become larger cells called macrophagesthat engulf and digest harmful invaders like bacteria.22. B CellsProduce antibodiesthat help fight infections by targeting and neutralizing harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses.23. T CellsThey directly attack infected cellsor help control the immune response by signaling other immune cells.24. Autoimmune diseaseA condition where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own healthy cells and tissues.oEx. Rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes25. Infection/InflammationINFECTION: When harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, enter the body and cause harm or illness. The body's immune system
responds to fight off the infection, which can lead to symptoms like fever, pain, and swelling.INFLAMMATION: the body's response to injury, infection, or irritation. It is characterized by redness, heat, swelling, pain, and sometimes loss of function. oInflammation is a protective mechanism, helping the body heal, but if it becomes chronic, it can contribute to various health problems.26.HistamineChemicals produced by the body play a key role in allergic reactionsand inflammation.oCauses vasodilation + increase permeability of blood vessels, allowing immune cells to reach affected areas.27.Chemotaxis The movement of cells, like white blood cells, toward or away from a chemical signaloThis process helps immune cells find and attack infection or inflammation sites inthe bodyoActivated by arachidonic acidoAttract neutrophilsoAggressiveoLocal cellular breakdown and further inflammation28.VasodilationWidening of blood vessels; increase blood flow29. StressThe body's response to any demand or pressure.30. StressorAnything that causes stress, such as a challenging situation, event, or pressure that can affect a person's emotional or physical well-being.31. EustressA positive form of stress that can motivate and energize you.oEx. exercising32. Burn out
A state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustioncaused by prolonged stress, often from work or caregiving. It can lead to feelings of overwhelm, reduced motivation, and decreased ability to perform tasks effectively.33. Stress coping strategiesTechniques used to manage and reduce stress.oEx. Healthy sleeping habits, exercise, social support etc.