Exploring Environmental Impacts and Solutions in Forestry

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Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by azguj123
Apes FRQ unit 5Study online at https://quizlet.com/_7yqbdq1.Many of Earths resources, including forests and mineral ores, can be depleted or damaged because of the growing hu-man population.Provisioning service's would be food, water, and wood.2.Describe one possible negative environ-mental impact, other than loss of habitat or decreasing biodiversity, of clear-cutting large areas of old-growth forest.Adds carbon that was seques-trated in plant tissue to the at-mosphere.3.One official advocated for clear-cutting one-hectare plots in the middle of every twenty hectares of the intact old-growth forest. The official says that this pat-tern will maximize biodiversity in the area while still allowing for the harvest-ing of timber. Explain how this pattern could produce more biodiversity than the old-growth forest alone.Species with niche/habitats in grasslands or early succession communities have increased habitat available.4.Another official wants to harvest timber in a more sustainable way. The official wants to assess individual trees and remove only the most economically valuable trees to help maintain the forest ecosystem. Propose a logging technique that would best meet these two goals.Select cut.5.Explain how your proposal would meet both the goal to improve biodiversity and the goal to harvest timber.Meet both goals with timber harvested, however when in-dividual trees are selected, the habitat is minimally distrib-uted/disrupted and a variety of canopy levels/tree ages would be preserved, allowing the cur-rent biodiversity to thrive.6.Another concern resulting from an in-creasing human population is the extrac-Australia.1 / 2
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Apes FRQ unit 5Study online at https://quizlet.com/_7yqbdqtion of mineral ores, such as iron ore, from Earth. The iron reserves for several coun-tries are shown in the graph. Iron content is refined from crude ore.*BAR GRAPH*identify the country with the highest iron content reserves.7.Describe one advantage of reusing or re-cycling iron rather than mining new iron.Reducing damage/destruction to habitat from new mining op-eration.8.Based on the data in the graph, explain why the United States would be the coun-try that would most likely benefit the most from reusing or recycling iron rather than mining iron.The United States has the smallest crude oil reserves of all the countries listed, so there is less potential for income/eco-nomic gain from new mining.9.Describe one negative environmental im-pact of piles of tailings left at iron mine sites.Release of toxic metals (such as arsenic, and mercury) into the environment.10.Propose a solution for reducing or elimi-nating the environmental impacts of piles of tailings left at iron mine sites.Create impoundments/dams to store taillings or random land2 / 2
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