Understanding Quantum Theory: Electron Configuration &

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CHEM 121
Dec 10, 2024
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TOPIC 3:Quantum Theory and Periodicity(~ 3 h)Part 2
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Chapters 3 & 8PART 3 - Learning Objectives:16.define the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and its relationship to the electron spin quantum number (ms) and the population of orbitals by electrons17.understand the patterns of orbital enerigies in shells and subshells of atomic orbitals in both one-electron and multi-electron atoms18.define and distinguish between core and valence electrons and orbitals19.list the qualitative order of orbital energies in a multi-electron atom, as predicted by the Aufbau principle, from 1s to 6p20.understand the relationship between electronic configuration of an atom and its position of an element in the Periodic Table21.provide the Aufbau-predicted ground state electronic configuration, using either an orbital diagram or spdf notation, of atoms or ions of s- and p-block elements Z = 1 to 86, and of d-block elements Z = 21 to 30 (i.e. Sc to Zn)22.predict the periodic variation of the atomic properties of atomic radius, ionic radius, and ionization energy23.predict the variation of ionic radii of isoelectronic ions with varying charge24.define ionization energy (IE) in terms of reactions undergone by neutral atoms25.rationalize the periodic trends of atomic radius, ionic radius, and ionization energy in terms of electronic configuration, principal quantum number, and effective nuclear chargeSuggested Problems from Mahaffy 2/eChapter 8: 8.45 8.59 (except 8.59e) 8.61 8.63 8.65 8.71 8.73 8.75 8.77 8.81 8.87 8.38298.101 8.103
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Arrangement of Electrons in Multi-electron SpeciesPauli exclusion principleElectronnlmlmsOrbital12316) define the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and its relationship to the electron spin quantumnumber (ms) and the population of orbitals by electronsNo two electrons in the same atom can have the _________________Each orbital can accommodate 2 electrons
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Arrangement of Electrons in Multi-electron SpeciesOrbital Diagram:ground state Li1s22s1There are now four quantum numbers:n,l, mland ms(Electron spin)‘Spinup’ +1/2‘Spindown’-1/216) define the Pauli Exclusion Principle, and its relationship to the electron spin quantumnumber (ms) and the population of orbitals by electrons
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Valence ElectronsDefinition:Electrons in the __________ shellCan participate in __________18) define and distinguish between core and valence electrons and orbitals
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Electron Configurations in AtomsElectron configuration:Ground-state configuration:Excited state configuration:The process of placing _______ into their appropriate ___________ following a set of rulesThe _____________ arrangement for all electrons in an atom or ion Excited states exist when breaks the Hund’s rule or Aufbau principle
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Degenerate:17) Understand the patterns of orbital energies in shells and subshells of atomic orbitals inboth one-electron and multi-electron atomsAufbau PrincipleArrangement of Electrons in Multielectron SpeciesHund’s ruleElectrons are fed into the ______________ available orbitals for the ground stateWhen degenerate orbitals are available, the electron configuration of __________________ has the maximum number of ________ electrons with the same spinTwo or more orbitals that have the _______________
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17) Understand the patterns of orbital energies in shells and subshells of atomic orbitals inboth one-electron and multi-electron atoms
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How do we remember the order?19) list the qualitative order of orbital energies in a multi-electron atom, as predicted by the Aufbau principle, from 1sto 6p
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Procedure for Writing E.C20) understand the relationship between electronic configuration of an atom and its position of an element in the Periodic Table
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21)provide the Aufbau-predicted ground state electronic configuration, using either an orbital diagram orspdfnotation, of atoms or ions ofs- and p-block elements Z = 1 to 86, and ofd- block elements Z = 21 to30 (i.e. Sc to Zn)Write the electronic configuration of the first thirty elements on the periodic table(Z = 1 to Z = 30)Z= 7;NZ= 16;SZ= 26;Fe[Ar]4s23d10
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21)provide the Aufbau-predicted ground state electronic configuration, using either an orbital diagram orspdfnotation, of atoms or ions ofs- andp-block elements Z = 1 to 86, and ofd-block elements Z = 21 to 30 (i.e. Sc to Zn)Configurations of Ions (Metals and Non Metals)NeNa+Mg2+FIsoelectronic:Ions and atoms that contain the same electron configuration
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Exercises21)provide the Aufbau-predicted ground state electronic configuration, using either an orbital diagram orspdfnotation, of atoms or ions ofs- andp-block elements Z = 1 to 86, and ofd-block elements Z = 21 to 30 (i.e. Sc to Zn)Sketch the orbital diagrams for the following species.(a) Ba(b) Cl-(c) K+(d) N3-(e) Te+
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Excited StatesArrangement ofElectrons in Multielectron Species
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ExercisesWrite the electronic configuration and draw an orbital diagram for each of the following species:(a) Iron(b) iron (II) ion21)provide the Aufbau-predicted ground state electronic configuration, using either an orbital diagram orspdfnotation, of atoms or ions ofs- andp-block elements Z = 1 to 86, and ofd-block elements Z = 21 to30 (i.e. Sc to Zn)Transition metal cations: remove from s orbitals first, then d; or you can think of putting all remaining electrons in d orbitals
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2(c) copper (I) ion(d) cobalt(e) vanadium (III) ion
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The Periodic Table22) predict the periodic variation of the atomic properties of atomic radius, ionic radius, and ionization energy.
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Periodic Properties25) rationalize the periodic trends of atomic radius, ionic radius, and ionization energy in terms of electronic configuration, principal quantum number, and effective nuclear chargeShielding:When an electron is far away from the _____________, many other electronswill be between ___________ and ______________This could cancel __________ of the attractive force between the _________ and the ____________ Therefore, the shielding effect is done by the core electrons Effective nuclear charge (Zeff)A measure of the ___________________ outer electrons feel fromthe nucleus
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Periodic PropertiesFor example, Zefffor a valence electron inSodiumisInMagnesium:25) rationalize the periodic trends of atomic radius, ionic radius, and ionization energy in terms of electronic configuration, principal quantum number, and effective nucle2-a9rcharge
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Periodic PropertiesAtomic RadiusIonic Radius22) predict the periodic variation of the atomic properties of atomic radius, ionic radius, andionization energy.
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Periodic trends of atomic size(values are in pm)In a group: atomic radiusThis results from the quantum number ndown a columnin the principleIn a period: atomic radiusfrom left to right in a row.This results from thein Zeff, which draws the valenceelectronsto the nucleus
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Size of common ions(values in pm)22) predict the periodic variation of the atomic properties of atomic radius, ionic radius, andionization energy.
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Sizes of isoelectronic ions22) predict the periodic variation of ionic radii of isoelectronic ions with varying charge.
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Exercise:24) define and distinguish between ionization energy (IE) in terms of reactions undergone byneutral atomsArrange the following species in order of increasing ionization energy:Cl, Ca, Mg, S.
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Trends in Ionization EnergyThefirst ionization energy(IE1)The minimum energy required to_____________the first electron from the ground state of an isolated atom orion in the gas state.24) define and distinguish between ionization energy (IE) in terms of reactions undergone by neutral atomsWhich one to remove first?The greater the IE, theit is to remove the electron
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In a period: IE generallywith increasing ZeffIn a group: IE generallywith increasing radiusVariations:
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Successive Ionization Energies24) define and distinguish between ionization energy (IE) in terms of reactions undergone byneutral atoms
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Rationalizing the Periodic Variation of Properties25) rationalize the periodic trends of atomic radius, ionic radius, and ionization energy in terms of electronic configuration, principal quantum number, and effective nuclear charge
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