Understanding Sensory Receptors: Touch and Eye Anatomy Exercises

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BSC 2085
Dec 11, 2024
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Exercise 1- Gene 4 Y A. Touch 1,;'::“t°tions of Gene L Special Senses ral s the skin, T Plors such 3 ses =:The et 31 Meissnep : grea?ty of these ‘Ouchs Corpuscleg and Pacj iy ©r ability to ee) » r;eceptOIS varies Qreauc nian corpuscles are abundant in - Note the image Beiow l::lv:r the lshuerface of t'he bady. glvh:g hows the areas of sensory cortex US regions g gyrus, i body, ang Where the informati Information is processed in the B. P Fiqum 6.1 Primary Somatosensory Cotex di:?r:?e tahte two-point discrimination test (desr:ribed below) to determine the smallest which two points of contact can be sensed. ] \ Procedure: Your instructor will demonstrate the following: using toothpicks and a rule’. o the ability to distinguish two separate sensations when the skin is touched in two places simultaneously. Start with the toothpicks together, and then with each test move thPf et farther apart. Record the smallest distance at which two points can first be discriminated. This is the two-point threshold. Area Tested Face Dorsum of Hand _ | Palm of Hand Back of Neck Two-point - Threshold (in mm) A 3 & 5 e somatosensory d is integrated in th pbe discriminated with great : our instructor will The ability to discriminate which area of the skin is touche er of association area of the brain. Some areas of the body can accuracy, while other areas allow only crude awareness of stimulation. Y demonstrate the error of localization test described below to determine the relative numb sensory receptors in regions of the body. ) Procedure: For tactile localization test, the eyes should be closed. In the area being tested, touch the skin with a pen or marker. That person will then touch what he/ she perceives to be the same spot (with eyes closed!) with the pen or marker. Measure the distance between the two marks. This is the error of localization. [ Area Tested Fingertips | Dorsum of Hand | Anterior forearm | Back of Neck l Error of Localization (in mm) \ S g 10 2 | Scanned with CamScanner
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Check Your U, nderstandin 1. In what tissues of . : Organs are Mej Specific function o €issner’s and Pacinian mis kAliLlsSk\i-; 5 § Seati QF-MMQISM‘,WSSM main areas of the b y to contain more s ults in Exercise 1 reinforce your expect AN ik ations? S ¢ %fi@u Heon f e SPATS - Tag ach? 2. Would You expect ce Why not? Did your res (& So “»lr Lc:/ \ Q' e vty ¢ ~ i *_. O\ol,\’(' d PERELG ] x.‘\/Q oo S oty corpuscles located? What is the Qe ky 7 ent lar 2 ? f the lips were tested for two-point discrimination, what results would you "\'Pmmhzw > o, () A\ sSfnwte Ad XY shee o s Exercise 2: Anatomy of the Eye A. Identify the follo Accessory Eye Struc wing structures on models tures Eyelid (medial and Fibrous Tunic lateral commissures) Extrinsic eye musc Sclera, Cornea les Vascular Tunic Lacrimal gland, lacrimal ducts Mepicg Nasolacrimal duct il Choroid, Ciliary body, Iris, Pu Neural Tunic lar ce“, % Retina: (|°ds and cones, b|p° i al:glit‘)n Ce“) Macu‘a lutea, Fovea ce““a S g [t Chambers Neural Components Anterior and posterior (aqueous humor) Vitreous (vitreous humor) Optic disc Optic nerve Other Structures : Lens, Suspenso! ligament Label the following diagram: Cootse K00, ensory receptors? Why or (" Scanned with CamScanner
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B. Eye ball Dissectjopn Th eye. Note: Safety s is dissection wi ill reinfo Ses and gloves are reqLoit:ed Check Your Understanding | 1. What s the function your study of the anatomical structures of the of the orbit? Ye\eomen, ‘hc.13cMal gland? wh b S R mu“!z'i'u@edo'&'{‘ii‘i"%’f\‘” e vy ¢ Sourfag SRR & Co_ 2. Which cranig| nerves j movement? nnervat e e the extrinsic muscles of the eye to stimulate eyeball OColomeler erve aldvcangir, e | frochlea— 3. Which of the e g e st Ye structures are refractory media—that is, which structures can bend light as light passes through them? %s, Vitveous 4. Which g of these refractory media is an adjustable refractory medium? £nd 5. Which layer of the eyeball is the toughest? Which layer is the most delicate? \gvfl . Y‘Q\:RV\Q 6. Is the retina attached to the inside of the eyeball over its entire surface? If not, attached? In the intact eyeball, what holds the retina against the surface of the cl borig where is it horoid? tic disc £ ora Scrm}a/. yitbreous 7. Note the structures through which light passes to reach the retina. Write these structures in order. & —> | = vilreoss body rekna—= opic nene (0 humer -2 pupi ke ism -y Exercise 3: Anatomy of the Ear A. Identify the following structures on models opkic tradk =3 YnolamS 2 ocCiptt=l CovieX [ Outer Ear [ Middle Ear Inner Ear Oval window, Round window | Ossicles: Malleus, incus, stapes EREEES | Auricle TPinna— | Auditory (Eustachian tube) Semicircular canals | Externatauditory-canal- | Cochiea (Organ of Corti) ‘Vestibuie-{Utricle;Saccule) VIl Cranial nerve [ Tympanum-{-eardrum) | [ | Scanned with CamScanner
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A sY( Figure 6.3 Anatomy of the Ear Check Your Understanding . e : < 1. Which cranial bone houses the structures involved in hearing and balance: )((.W\O o™\ ok o the transmission of a nerve 2. Each sense is designed to convert a particular stimulus int impulse. In hearing, what lsth original stlwu e Q_phhnlilm—fl—fio"“ GYe Conveed tnko Qflss 3. Exactly where |s the nerve impulse generated" Orqun of Co¢ 4. How can a sore throat and chronic inflammation affect one’s ability to hear? : i L . Yoo 5. Where are the receptors located that provide information about dynamlc equilibrium and balance during change of position? Semitivwlar Canald 6. Which crania| nervg transmits the impulses for balance and equilibrium to the brain? \leskilovloCoCh leay pevve Scanned with CamScanner
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rcise 4: Physiology of ~ocedure: Vision and Hearin 7 psition your partner at 5 dista nce of 20 feet fr, om the Sn | ig/mer eye With one hand. ch : - Check for 5 jine that your partner can read j Ccuracy as yoy : : S rec r partner re : and if your subject wears eyeglass,es',J r:’ ed as the ratio alongside ?hdast ?ach e ol a2 b With and without eyewear ine. Collect data for both eyes, Right eye ‘L Left eye e B. Astigmatism Test Procedure: 1. Ask your partner to ¢ over center of the chart and note ‘:Jl::tiye and quk at the astigmatism chart. The subject should look at the lines are lighter and less clear. If al(larli;heiradlatmg 108 EPe S ch Ak distinel, o wiialiicy ol refractory surface of either the cornea or t?\r: Ir;ztsclearly s e D b 2. Repeat for the other eye. : Le #ho) Righteye =20 Lefteye 1O 2 C. Rinne Test \d This procedure compares conducti ; uct ; Procedure: ion of hearing through bone ang air. mediately place the handle stem on nnot hear by bone 1. Hold el tl:lning for!( by its handle, strike it with a mallet, and im the subject’s mastoid process to test for bone conduction. When the subject ca duction. If the subject conduction, move the fork to the vicinity of the pinna to test air con (+)- : pinna, followed by the bone sound again at the pinna, record your result as positive 2. Repeat the test on the same side, but test the air conduction first at the s the sound again at the mastoid process, conduction on the mastoid process. If the subject hear record your result as positive (+). ! he other ear. Does your subject have better air conduction or bone hears the 3. Repeat this series of tests with t conduction? TR Right Ear Left Ear | bekkr tn v [ Bone then air + <% ['Air then bone ok + Exercise 5: Anatomy of Olfacto and Gustatory Structures A. Identify the following structures on models [ Nasal cavity /franial Nerve | Olfactory bulb, olfactory tract [Olfactory epithelium B. Identify the following structures on models 5| [Tongue | Papillae Scanned with CamScanner
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