Mastering Digital Marketing: E-Commerce Strategies for Success
Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by ColonelResolveDeer32
WelcomeFelcome to the practical classes of 3igital <arketing & 4-2ommerce!Teaching team:⛱0lexandra Eariz⛱8nês Aico⛱9osé 0lves⛱<iguel ?ereira⛱Bara ;opes⛱Easco Easconcelos 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·
2lasses structureChe 3igital <arketing & 4-2ommerce curricular unit encompasses the following sessions:±.8ntroduction to 4-2ommerce -Week of ±/±².B4> -Week of ²³/´±³.2ontent <arketing -Week of µ¶/´±´.2A< + 4-mail <arketing -Weeks of ¶´/´± and ´·/²´µ.Bocial <edia -Week of ²¸/²´¶.5eedback ?resentation -Week of µ²/²´ - Online Presentation - ²´ mins slots·.?aid Bocial 0ds -Weeks of ´¸/²² and ²²/²²¸.6oogle 0ds -Weeks of ²¹/²² and µº/²²¹.0nalytics -Week of ´µ/²µ±º.6roup ?roject ?resentation -Weeks of ´±/²µ and ²³/²µ - Online Presentation - µ´ mins slots±±.4xam -3ate T13)NNLLNNWFFQQ 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·
2ourse 4valuation5inal 4xam = µº% of 5inal 6rade6roup ?roject = µº% of 5inal 6rade)NNLLNNWFFQQ 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·
6roup Project 1riefingHou will have to create a fictionalflower/plants shopand choose atargetsegment.Hou are free to choose any product and target market inside the floristworld.Chen,you will develop your own e-commerce website store and create a digitalmarketing plan for it. 0fter submitting your group, a store's access will be granted toeach member of the group.Che sections of your project will be covered in each class and the deliverableinstructions will be available on <oodle at the end of each week.)NNLLNNWFFQQ 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·
6roup Project 3etailsChe group project covers the practical application of classes’ topics. Hou will have afinal delivery for evaluationthat representsº´% of your total grade (¶´% Report,²º% Presentation, º% Peer 4valuation).8n the week of ²±/±º, all groups have to do anintermediate presentation. 8n thisintermediate presentation, students have to cover all the topics teached so far,including Bocial <edia.Che last classes of the semester are reserved for the group project discussion.Presentationand5inal 3eliverymust be sent to each professor’semail.)NNLLNNWFFQQ 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·
6roup Project 1riefing: Milestones⛱6roup formation: untilBeptember ²ºth, the groups should be formed. Chegroup elements should be all from thesame practical class. Chere will benoregroupingafter this stage;⛱0ll groups must choose aflowers/plants brandto market and submit it to theassistant professor;⛱Chegroupelement’sname,email,studentnumber&clothesbrand/theme/product of each group must be submitted through a google form(later available on moodle);⛱0fter that, each group will be given a Bhopify 0ccount with access to buildtheir own website e-commerce store and put in practice the class exercises.)NNLLNNWFFQQ 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·
6roup Project deadlines6roup submission on Moodle (September µ´th)⛱Hou have to create groups with µ to ¶ elements and submit them on <oodle.8ntermediate Presentation (Week of µ²/²´)⛱Hou have to sent the presentation to your professor, but it will not be graded. 8tis just for feedback.Presentation (Last 2lasses) & 5inal 3elivery (3ate T12)⛱Chis delivery includes both presentation and final report and both will begraded.)NNLLNNWFFQQ 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·
Shopify Rapid 6rowth² in ¶americans consumers had purchased from a Bhopify-powered store.More than³,¶ºº businesses have switched to Bhopify ?lus (beyond the ±²¶%growth HoH).)NNLLNNWFFQQ 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·
Learn More⛱?4B> <odel -⛱7ow to 2reate a Dnique Ealue ?roposition -⛱7ow to Frite ?roduct 3escriptions that Bell -⛱8ntroduction to Bhopify -⛱7ow to create a brand persona -⛱7ow to create a brand persona -²)NNLLNNWFFQQ 23FFUPPJJWNNSLL ± *+²(TRRRRJJUHHJJ ³´³µ¶³´³·