Understanding Classical Conditioning Through Popular Ads

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BIOL 1124
Dec 11, 2024
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Classical Conditioning:This Mcdonalds ad is advertising their new menu item, the angus third pounder. At the bottom ofthe ad they have a “free big mac” if you register on Mcdonalds.com. This ad includes Mcdonaldsfamous golden arches logo along with their slogan “i’m lovin’ in”.Neutral Stimulus: “i’m lovin’ it” slogan-The “i’m lovin’ it” slogan is the neutral stimulus because it is a thing that doesn’t elicit anyresponse without any prior training. The slogan doesn’t cause a response from viewerswhich is why it's the neutral stimulus.Unconditioned Stimulus: Mcdonalds-Mcdonalds is the unconditioned stimulus because it’s the stimulus we have a responseto without prior training, a stimulus which is Mcdonalds themselves as Mcdonalds makespeople hungry.Unconditioned Response: Hunger-The unconditioned response is feeling hungry. This is because it’s the response toseeing Mcdonalds (unconditioned stimulus). The unconditioned response (Mcdonalds),triggers the unconditioned response (hunger).Conditioned Stimulus: “i’m lovin’ it” slogan-The “i’m lovin’ it” slogan is the conditioned stimulus because it is the same as the neutralstimulus. The slogan is what the viewers are being trained to have a response to.Learning has occurred when the slogan is successfully associated with Mcdonalds. Now,the slogan isn‘t the neutral stimulus, but the conditioned stimulusConditioned Response: Buying Mcdonalds-The conditioned response is the action of going and buying Mcdonalds. The slogan nowelicits the response of wanting to go get Mcdonalds. This is a learned response thatoccurred as a result of the slogan (conditioned stimulus).One way we might counter condition the association of Mcdonalds and their slogan is byMcdonalds introducing a new slogan. The association between the conditioned stimulus(slogan) and unconditioned stimulus (Mcdonalds) gets replaced with a new association (newslogan), therefore changing the response.
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In this advertisement, Katy Perry is holding Popchips bags, while claiming that there is “nothingfake about ‘em”. Under where it says “nothing fake about ‘em”, Popchips inserted a quote fromKaty Perry where she says “they only taste like they’re bad for you”, implementing that theytaste unhealthy, but they are actually healthy.Neutral Stimulus: Popchips-Popchips is the neutral stimulus because it’s a thing that doesn’t elicit any responsewithout any prior training. The slogan doesn’t cause a response from viewers which iswhy it's the neutral stimulus.Unconditioned Stimulus: Katy Perry-Katy Perry is the unconditioned stimulus because it’s the stimulus we have a response towithout prior training, a stimulus which is Katy Perry because everyone knows KatyPerry..Unconditioned Response: I love Katy Perry-The unconditioned response is being in awe of Katy Perry because she’s famous. This isbecause it’s the response to seeing Katy Perry (unconditioned stimulus). Theunconditioned response (Katy Perry), triggers the unconditioned response (Loving KatyPerry).Conditioned Stimulus: “Popchips-Popchips is the conditioned stimulus because it is the same as the neutral stimulus.Popchips is what the viewers are being trained to have a response to. Learning hasoccurred when Popchips are successfully associated with Katy Perry. Now, the sloganisn‘t the neutral stimulus, but the conditioned stimulusConditioned Response: Buying/Liking Popchips-The conditioned response is the action of going and buying Popchips. Katy Perry nowelicits the response of wanting to go get Popchips. This is a learned response thatoccurred as a result of Popchips (conditioned stimulus).One way we countercondition the association between Popchips and Katy Perry is by having anew celebrity endorse Popchips.The association between the conditioned stimulus (Popchips)and unconditioned stimulus (Katy Perry) gets replaced with a new association (new celebrity),therefore changing the response.
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Operant ConditioningIn this advertisement, Mcdonalds is saying that if you visit Mcdonalds, you could win tokens thatgive you free items on the menu. Mcdonalds refers to this as “Monopoly at Mcdonalds” as thewinning of tokens for free items is just like the game Monopoly.The consequence that is shown in this advertisement is positive reinforcement. Theconsequence is reinforcement because it increases the likelihood of the behavior occurring inthe future with the behavior being coming to Mcdonalds. This reinforcement is positive becauseif you visit Mcdonalds you win prizes, and the more times you visit, the more prizes you get.The schedule used in this advertisement is fixed-interval. It is fixed because thisadvertisement comes out every year at the same time. It is interval because the time of the yearin which this advertisement is put out is always at the same time.
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In this advertisement by Starbucks, they are promoting the iced caramel macchiato and thedoubleshot on ice. In the middle of the screen they promote a deal saying if you buy any grandeiced espresso beverage, you get another free as long as you order between 2-5pm on the dates6/27 through 7/2.The consequence that is shown in this advertisement is positive reinforcement. Theconsequence is reinforcement because it increases the likelihood of the behavior occurring inthe future, with the behavior being to buy any grande iced espresso beverage from Starbucks.This reinforcement is positive because if you buy any grande iced espresso within the timeframeand dates on the ad, you get another drink for free.The schedule used in this advertisement is fixed-ratio. It is fixed because everytime youpurchase any grande iced espresso beverage, you get a drink free. It is a ratio because itdoesn;t matter how much time passes in between you ordering any grande iced espresso andgetting one free, and going to starbucks again and using the deal, all that matters is that youorder any grande iced espresso.
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