Leveraging Celebrity Influence for Mental Health Awareness

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Dec 11, 2024
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Erika Martinez7-2 Memo for Final ProjectApril 16, 2023a)Documentation of the literature (course materials and peer-reviewed journal articles) that you drew on to formulate your approach.Mental illness is a disease that some individuals who go through it don’t really have an idea on how to handle it. The organization NAMI focuses on helping those that need the help to control or learn about mental illness. Other article’s reviewed for this project identified some celebrities that suffer from mental illness themselves to be able to compare that no matter how popular or not you are mental illness does not skip celebrities for being celebrities. This research help describe Robert Cialdini’s persuasion tactics involved with the principle of liking. We like people who are similar to us, who pay us compliments, and who cooperate with us towards mutual goals. For those individuals that are suffering from any type of mental illness, can relate to a celebrity thatmay suffer that same type of illness, they won’t feel like an outsider. They will tend to be persuaded to follow anything that celebrity is doing to help them understand their illness. This ties into Cialdini’s persuasion technique of Likability which explains that people are influenced by those who are similar, complimentary, and cooperative. b)Analysis of components of persuasion: Reiterate plan to persuade others to change their behavior.
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Cialdini’s theories of Liking and Likability will be utilized to persuade NAMI to use more of a celebrity fan base to help advertise about the importance of mental health because I feel that those suffering from any type of illness would seek for help from NAMI if they can relate to the celebrity. It would also help them get more donations to help keep their organization going. Celebrities are very big in donating to a cause that they can relate too. c) Analysis of proposed approach: Explain why your plan will produce the desired behavioral change. I feel that my plan will produce a desired behavioral change because the organization NAMI is based on not only helping people, but with them utilizing some celebrities to help bring awareness they will get more clientele. This organization also takes on donations to keep them striving so if there are celebrity ties they might be more profitable in the donation department which will help them broaden the horizon and be able to help more individuals. c)Inclusion of articles used to design approach: Provide an annotated bibliography with MORE THAN FOUR article citations and abstracts.McLean, J. (2020, September 26). Why mental health education in schools is so important? Retrieved from, https://thedoctorweighsin.com/mental-health-education-schools/This article explains the importance of bringing more awareness on how schools should deal with student’s who suffer from mental illnesses. Mental health issues often begin during the school-age years. It follows, therefore, that education aboutmental health should also start at an early age. Because children spend so much of
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their daily life at school, mental health education logically should begin in schools(McLean, J. 2020, September 26). Monroe, J. (2020, June 03). How celebrities influence teens and why it matters. Retrieved from, https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/empowering-teens/celebrities-influence/ This article brings awareness on how teenagers or adults will find a celebrity they like or idolize which means that they are easily persuaded to follow that celebrities trends and network. Imagine how much it would help bring awareness to teenagers that do suffer from mental illness. In them finding a celebrity that they can relate to won’t make them feel like an outsider. It also gives an inside on how some celebrities can have a negative influence depending on what they are promoting. National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2021, March). Mental health by the numbers.Retrieved from, https://www.nami.org/mhstats This article or website speaks about the organization NAMI, and what they have to offer to those individuals who suffer from mental illness. NAMI strives to help those that need a little help with mental illness. Mental Illness can be several different diseases such as schizophasia, anxiety, depression, and many more. NAMI shapes national public policy for people with mental illness and their families and provides volunteer leaders with the tools, resources and skills necessary to save mental health in all states ( NAMI, 2023).• Office of Public Affairs. (2017, April 26). 10 celebrities who struggle with mental health. Retrieved from, https://healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed/postings/2017/04/celebs-mental.php
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In this article it really just promotes the top 10 celebrities who suffer from mental health. From postpartum depression to Bipolar depression. These celebrities are good at the industry that they are in but they are also human being who suffer from illness.
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