Impact of Globalization on Communication: Insights and Challenges
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Dec 11, 2024
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Purposive CommunicationWeek 2 (2) –Lecture Slides
Lesson 4: Communication and Globalization
BS Tourism ManagementGTMMACR1 –Macro Perspective of Tourism and HospitalitySetting Goals❑Define globalization and diversity❑Explain how cultural and global issues aswell as technological advancement affectcommunication and❑Discuss the impact of globalization on howpeople communicate and vice versaG E P C M 0 1 X| P U R P O S I V E C O M M U N I C A T I O N
Instructions:Choose a partner and share your thoughts or insights on the quotation of Carlos Santana.•“One day, there will be no borders, no boundaries, no flags, and no countries and the only passport will be the heart.”-Carlos SantanaG E P C M 0 1 X| P U R P O S I V E C O M M U N I C A T I O N
Communication and GlobalizationGlobalizationisatermthatimpliesthegrowthofeconomic,politicalandculturalassimilationandinterconnectednessofdifferentcultureswhichresultintheintegrationofpeopleacrosstheglobe(Gamble et al., 2013).
Related to globalizationisdiversity–theconceptthatenduresrespect,acceptanceandunderstanding.Itrecognizes to their age,gender, race, ethnicity,culture, socio-economicstatus,educationalbackgroundandideologies.Communication and Globalization
How people communicate has evolved significantly over the years.The most significant development in communication is the adventof smartphones and the accessibility of the internet that has madecommunication fast, accessible, virtual, and global.Communication and Globalization
Communication has now become “mediated.” This suggests that there are other options by which one can communicate such as:Communication and Globalization
1. Written Communication•Emailing•Messaging Apps2.Visual Communication•Video Calls •Visual Messaging3. Social Media•Posting on social media4. Voice Communication•Voice CallsCommunication and Globalization
5. Collaborative Platforms•Online Meetings•Collaborative Documents6. Blogs and Forums•Blogging Platforms•Online Forums7. Audio Content•PodcastingCommunication and Globalization
In most of the options above,theparticipantsincommunication are unable toaccessthenon-verbalcueswhichmayinfluencetheinterpretation and reception ofthe message.Communication and Globalization
Mostpeoplesharethesameviewsthattechnological advances incommunicationhaveposed alarming concernsandissuesincommunication both at thelocal, political and globalscale.Communication and Globalization
In conclusionAs an effective communicator, you have to be aware of these issues.You should be able to make informed decisions and influence otherpeople to be ethical and responsible in the use of technology whichshould serve as a platform to celebrate and respect diversity.Communication and Globalization
Activity TimeReaction Paper on the videos watched1. What is the impact of globalization on how people communicate? Is this something positive or negative? Explain your side. 2. Has technology contributed to establishing camaraderie or division in humanity? G E P C M 0 1 X| P U R P O S I V E C O M M U N I C A T I O N
G E P C M 0 1 X| P U R P O S I V E C O M M U N I C A T I O N
G E P C M 0 1 X| P U R P O S I V E C O M M U N I C A T I O N