Exploring Dystopian Regimes: Personalist Dictatorships Unveiled

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IDPT 670
Political Science
Dec 11, 2024
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1Final Research PaperMelinda CrattyBethany CollegeID203 | DystopiasDr. Harris & Dr. FinnellDecember 13, 2022
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2Final Research PaperIntro Question: How does my 3D model of a dystopian regime relate to We (1993) and real-life authoritarian regimes are shown worldwide? Answer: By using repression and co-option tactics to keep the society in my dystopia under total control by the personalist dictator. Also, using walls like in the novel We (1993) proves that my dystopia can be seen in a real-life setting. Berlin WallGreat wall of chinaMilitary Demarcation LineLiterature ReviewPersonalist DictatorshipThere are many different regime typologies for authoritarians, but the one I will discuss today is a personalist dictatorship. This is a type of regime where the leader is the main person. Frantz defines a personalist government as the power solely being in the hands of the leader, and the elites do not have a say in what happens (Frantz 2018). The leader makes all of the decisions,and the elites do not help with anything being done. No one can stop the leader within this form of government. They have complete control over everyone without anyone telling them no or speaking with logic. A perosnalist dictator is someone who is the main one in charge and runs their country however they want to. By seeing that a regime is a personalist dictatorship, we can now predict what kind of actions will be taken within that regime. As humans, we tend to follow
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3paths and do the same as others did in the past. With this, we can use research to determine what the future will look like for those regimes and dystopian societies. Frantz page 76RepressionFrantz page 105Co-OptationFrantz page 115Political AnalysisWithin the dystopia I have created, the regime typology that the leader falls into is a personalist dictatorship. Conclusion Sdkfjfalkdj
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4References Frantz, E. (2018). In Authoritarianism: What everyone needs to know. Oxford University Press.Zamyatin, Y. (1993). We. (C. Brown, Translated). Penguin. (Original work published 1929).
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