How The Ocean Cleanup Aims to End Ocean Plastic Pollution
BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by CoachSkunkMaster1203
Slide#1 Content:Title Slide:(Social Enterprise Busines)University Name:Student Name(Your Name)Course:Section:Professor's Name:Date:Reference Website: #2 Content:Business Name&Type:The Ocean Cleanup,WE AIM TO CLEAN UP 90% OF FLOATING OCEAN PLASTIC POLLUTION
Slide#3 Content:Description of the Business:WE DEVELOP AND SCALE TECHNOLOGIES TO RID THE OCEANS OF PLASTIC.Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills outfrom rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, getting caught ina vortex of circulating currents. If no action is taken, the plastic will increasingly impactour ecosystems, health, and economies.Slide#4 Content:Describe Their Social and/or Environmental Goals:WE AIM TO CLEAN UP 90% OF FLOATING OCEAN PLASTIC POLLUTIONThe Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization developing and scaling technologies torid the oceans of plastic. To achieve this objective, we have to work on a combinationof closing the source and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean anddoesn't go away by itself. This goal means we plan to put ourselves out of business -once we have completed this project, our work is done.CLEANINGTHE OCEAN
The Ocean Cleanup is developing cleanup systems that can clean up the floatingplastics caught swirling in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. System 002, our latestsystem iteration, reached proof of technology on October 20th, 2021, meaning we cannow start the cleanup.INTERCEPTINGIN RIVERSThe Ocean Cleanup has developed the first scalable solution to efficiently interceptplastic in rivers before it reaches the oceans. By tackling 1000 rivers around the world,we aim to halt 80% of riverine plastic from entering the oceans in five years fromrollout.Slide #5-6 Content:Statement form the Owner about their goals:JOIN OUR MISSIONOur aim is to remove 90 % of floating ocean plastic, which requires global initiative.With the help and support of individuals, corporations and governments all over theworld, we aim to realize the mission and work towards a future where plastic no longerpollutes our oceans.A SIMPLE IDEA TURNED INTO A MOONSHOT PROJECTAt 16 years of age, Boyan Slat saw more plastic bags than fish when scuba diving inGreece. He thought: "Why can't we just clean this up?" This question led him toresearch the plastic pollution problem for a school project. He learned about plastic
accumulating in five large oceanic gyres, the largest one being the Great PacificGarbage Patch. In 2012, Boyan Slat held a TedX talk about how to rid the world'soceans of plastic using technology. The video went viral, and the momentum thatfollowed allowed him to drop out of school and found The Ocean Cleanup.After many years of research, development, testing, and iteration, The Ocean Cleanupnow has technologies to intercept plastic in rivers before it reaches the ocean, andtechnologies to remove the plastic that is already out there—debris that has beenbuilding up for decades.OCEAN SYSTEMSPlastic, once trapped in a gyre, will slowly break down, fragmenting into pieces calledmicroplastics. Microplastic debris (< 5mm) is not only more challenging to clean up butis also easily mistaken for food by marine life. The time to clean up is now.The ocean garbage patches are massive. To effectively clean an area of suchmagnitude, a calculated and energy-efficient solution is required. With a relative speeddifference maintained between the cleanup system and the plastic, we can concentratethe plastic for extraction. Learn more about our ocean technology and System 002, ourcurrent ocean system iteration.The harvested plastic will be brought back to shore for recycling. We have made ourvery first product - The Ocean Cleanup Sunglasses - using the catch of System 001/Bin 2019. The revenue helps fund our ongoing cleanup efforts.INTERCEPTORS™1000 rivers, or 1% of the world's rivers, account for 80% of the plastic flowing into theoceans from land. The Interceptor™ is the first scalable solution to prevent plastic fromentering the world's oceans from rivers.
It is 100% solar-powered and can extract plastic autonomously. Together withcorporations and governments, we plan on tackling 1000 of the most polluting rivers allover the world in five years from scale-up.The Ocean Cleanup is a project; our goal is to reach a 90% reduction of floating oceanplastic by 2040.Slide#7 Final Slide Content:Reference Slide:Reference Links for all the information used within the slide.