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BIO 201
Dec 11, 2024
Uploaded by AmbassadorPowerFox28
FINANCIAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN PARTIES INVOLVED IN PAYMENT 6:45/0716,2024 Date____________ Time_______________ Place___________________________ Financial Executive in Charge: _________________and______________________ Bookkeeper: ___Mrs. Hattie L Isaac _____________________________ Payee: ____________________________________________________ Amount(s) in Question______$10,000_______________________________ Relationship to Transaction: Property taxes from: ____ to _________ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Due to Property taxes on 123 Mai Tai Drive in Cope, South Carolina, 29038, being in lien for the amount of generally $10,000 and paid by only one of the heirs, (Name of payer) Juliette D. Isaac, on ____________ (although there are three heirs responsible for inheritance of the property), it is only fair that the payer be reimbursed for partial payment of $3,333.00 from each remaining heir. *Even if the payee has forgiven one of the heirs (Alice Ann Carter) from payment, the responsibility of the third heir, Raymond M Isaac and his wife Hattie L Isaac, remains enforced. So, as it will be, Raymond and Hattie Isaac (one of the heirs(s)) will pay 1/3 of the property taxes in installments of $500 per availability until the agreed amount is satisfied. This responsibility will hold true as the relationship between the parties is of great significance, and trust is important in the upholding of this petition. As payment is accessed, the bookkeeper will document the total amount paid and keep it on record until full payment is satisfied. Then a letter of completion of payment will be drawn up, signed, and given to all parties involved to close this matter.
This is to be established on July 16, 2024, 6:45 pm. HLI