Lifesaving CPR Steps for Children: A Quick Emergency Guide

New Mexico State University**We aren't endorsed by this school
ECED 115
Dec 12, 2024
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Emergency GuideLifesaving steps to save a child if he or she stops breathing.S t e p 1Start Rescue breathing.When you start rescue breathing you are going to want to first hold their head tilted and chin up to keep the airway open. Then the next step you want to take is to pinch their nose with your hand and put your mouth overtheirs. Then you are going to exhale two gentle breaths as you are doing this you want tomake sure their chest is slowlyrising each time. Rember these are tiny lungs, so you donot need a great big breath to do this job. S t e p 2Begin with ChestCompressionsJust below the nipples on thechild is their breastbone. Inthe midline of their chest, youwant to put two fingers onthat spot. You want to pushdown on the chest betweenone third to one half of thedepth. Repeat thesecompressions 30 times fastallowing the chest to return toits former state beforecontinuing betweencompressions. You will need torepeat steps one and two atleast five times.
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S t e p 3Call 911!After you have done steps 1and 2 at least five times call911, this is only if you arealone. If possible, take thephone near the child or viceversa. After callingprofessionals continue chestcompressions. If with otherssomeone needs to call 911right away while anotherperforms cpr.CPR for Children over 1 year oldStep 1 Rescue BreathsWhen you start rescue breathing you are going to want to first hold their head tilted and chin up to keep the airway open. Then the next step you want to take is to pinch their nose with your hand and put your mouth overtheirs. Then you are going to exhale two one-minute-long breaths and as you are doing this you want to make sure their chest is slowly rising each time.Step 2 Chest CompressionsJust below the nipples on thechild is their breastbone. Inthe midline of their chest, youwant to put the heal of yourhand on that spot. You want topush down on the chestbetween one third to one halfof the depth. Repeat thesecompressions 30 times fastallowing the chest to return to
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its former state beforecontinuing betweencompressions. You will need torepeat steps one and two atleast five times.Step 3 Call 911After you have done steps 1and 2 at least five times call911, this is only if you arealone. If possible, take thephone near the child or viceversa. After callingprofessionals continue chestcompressions. If with otherssomeone needs to call 911right away while anotherperforms cprWhen you need to use CPRSuffocationDrowningChoking Anaphylactic Shock
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