Understanding SQL Data Insertion and Retrieval in Python

York Early College Academy**We aren't endorsed by this school
SS 101
Information Systems
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by baojiaocuo
four columns in the table). Also, each tuple contains the data for one row in the table. Because the list contains four tuples, it contains the data for four rows in the table. Line 20 is like line 7 in that it creates a string and assigns the string to the variable statement. Because this string fits on one line, it’s contained in one pair of double quotes instead of the pair of triple double quotes used in line 7 to manage the multi- line string. The string in this line is another SQL command, an INSERT statement we’ll use to insert the rows of data in data into the table sales. The first time you see this line you may be curious about the purpose of the question marks (?). The question marks serve as placeholders for values you want to use in your SQL commands. Then you provide a tuple of values in the connection object’s execute() or executemany() method, and the values in the tuple are substituted by position into your SQL com- mand. This method of parameter substitution makes your code less vulnerable to a SQL injection attack,? which actually sounds as harmful as it can be, than assembling your SQL command with string operations. Line 21 uses the connection object’s executemany() method to execute (i.e., run) the SQL command contained in statement for every tuple of data contained in data. Because there are four tuples of data in data, this executemany() method runs the INSERT statement four times, effectively inserting four rows of data into the tables sales. Remember that when discussing line 13 we noted that you always have to use the commit() method when you make changes to the database; otherwise, your changes will not be saved in the database. Inserting four rows of data into the table sales definitely constitutes a change to the database, so in line 22 we once again use the connection object’s commit() method to save the changes to the database. Now that we have the table sales in our in-memory database and it has four rows of data in it, let’s learn how to extract data from a database table. Line 25 uses the con- nection object’s execute() method to run a one-line SQL command and assigns the result of the command to a cursor object called cursor. Cursor objects have several methods (e.g., execute, executemany, fetchone, fetchmany, and fetchall). How- ever, because you're often interested in viewing or manipulating the entire result set of the SQL command you ran in the execute() method, you'll commonly want to use the fetchall() method to fetch (i.e., return) all of the rows in the result set. Line 26 implements this code. It uses the cursor object’s fetchall() method to return all of the rows in the result set of the SQL command executed in line 25 and assigns 2 SQL injection attacks are malicious SQL statements that an attacker uses to obtain private information or damage data repositories and applications. You can learn more about SQL injection attacks at http://en.wikipe dia.org/wiki/SQL _injection. Python'’s Built-in sqlite3 Module | 149
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the rows to the list variable rows. That is, the variable rows is a list that contains all of the rows of data resulting from the SQL command in line 25. Each row of data is a tuple of values, so rows is a list of tuples. In this case, because we know the table sales contains four rows of data and the SQL command selects all rows of data from the sales table, we know that rows is a list of four tuples. Finally, in lines 29-33, we return to the now basic operations of creating a row_counter variable to count the number of rows in rows, creating a for loop to iterate over each row in rows, incrementing the value in row_counter by one for each row in rows, and finally, after the for loop has completed iterating over all of the rows in rows, printing the string Number of rows: and the value in row_counter to the Command Prompt (or Terminal) window. As I've said, we expect that there are four rows of data in rows. To see this Python script in action, type one of the following commands on the com- mand line, depending on your operating system, and then hit Enter: On Windows: python 1db_count_rows.py On macOS: chmod +x 1db_count_rows.py ./1db_count_rows.py You should see the output shown in Figure 4-4 (on Windows) or Figure 4-5 (on macOS$) printed to the screen. This output shows that there are four records in the sales table. More generally, the output also shows that we created an in-memory database, created the table sales, populated the table with four records, fetched all of the rows from the table, and counted the number of rows in the output. Now that we understand the basic operations for creating an in-memory database, creating a table, loading data into the table, and fetching data from the table, let’s broaden our capabilities by learning how to insert data into a table and update records in a table at scale with CSV input files. 150 | Chapter4: Databases
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