Comprehensive Guide to Manufacturing Hexagon Spacers

Cardiff and Vale College**We aren't endorsed by this school
Mechanical Engineering
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by PrivateNightingale4728
Cross-RefJOB / TASK WRITE-UPDate:04/07/2024 Job Reference Number:22Job Title:Hexagon Spacers Materials/Equipment/Tooling UsedCentre finder Dividing head Centre punch Vernier height gauge Centre drillRule 5mm drill0-25mm micrometre Cutting tool Aluminium bar stock cut to 12mmSpanner Nylon bar stock cut to 12mmNeedle files Scribe Bastard file Profile gauge Parallels Comparison plates Engineers compassSafety Issues Considered Prior to Undertaking JobHazards:1.Operation of lathe2.Swarf from drilling3.Slips and trips Risks:1.Could get caught in machine 2.Swarf in eye 3.Fall over and injure yourself0Controls:1.Follow instruction from tutors on the operation of lathe 2.Ensure that while carrying out the job correct PPE is worn 3.Ensure that you have good housekeeping and have a clear work areaCommunication:Obtained all relevant instructions from my assessor before beginning the job.Page 1of 7PLAN
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Cross-RefJOB / TASK WRITE-UPPage 2of 7DO
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Cross-RefJOB / TASK WRITE-UPDrawings / Sketches / Diagrams / Photos / GraphsPage 3of 7Before carrying out the job I collect all tooling and carry out pre use checks on all tooling, ensuring its all free from contamination, following this. I cut a piece from the stock just over 11mm in size so that I can have some material to remove on the lathe to ensure the piece will be flat, once Ihave cut the piece, I remove all the burs from the cut piece to ensure that I do not cut myself when handling it. I repeat this process for the nylon Once I had cut the piece, I then roughly lined up the job in the lathe and took a skim of the front to attempt to make it as straight as possible, once I had taken a cut of the first side I then turned it around and used parallels to ensure the work piece was straight in the lathe and started to take it down to the size of 10mm checking it with a micrometre on both sides to ensure that both sides are completely flat and there are no discrepancies in sizes across the work pieces and I have flat datum faces. I then repeat this same process for the nylon stock. When doing this I checked it with a 0-25mm micrometre that I checked the calibration of using slip gauges Using a vernier height gauge and a dividing head I marked out lines moving the dividing head 4 increments each timeso that I have 6 equal lines. Once my lines had been marked out, I used a centre punch to mark outeach corner of the hexagon for the linear hole position. For the nylon u used a engineer’s compass marking out the hole position on each cross made with the compass and marking in between each one with a scribe To begin I set up the job in the mill using parallels to ensure that the work piece stayed flat during drilling, once I had set upmy work piece I then used a centre finder to find the position of the hole, once I had found the hole position I then use a centre drill to start the hole followed by a 5mm drill to get the final hole size. I then repeat these five more times to drill out each hole. To get my linear hole positions, I repeat this process for the nylon hexagon spacer. Once I had drilled out
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Cross-RefJOB / TASK WRITE-UPPage 4of 7Once I had drilled out the holes for the hexagon spacer, I thenbegin to file each of the spacers ensuring that each of the faces remain flat while filing them.When filing I use the hexagon profile gauge to check for the correct fitting ensuring it has a tight fit and there is no light which you can see on any of the faces.Once I manage to get the fit on both the nylon and aluminium, I clean up both spacers and make sure I have achieved the final finish checking them with comparison plates. And ensure that the final components are free from any foreign objects or dirt Once the job is completed, I then carry out post use checks on all tooling an return it to the correct places
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Cross-RefJOB / TASK WRITE-UPDescription of Work Undertaken / MethodPage 5of 7
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Cross-RefJOB / TASK WRITE-UPWhat safety issues did you encounter when undertaking the job?I encountered no major health and safety issues when undertaking the job as I always hadgood housekeeping and wore all PPE while carrying out the task.What difficulties did you experience whilst undertaking the job?One difficulty I faced during this task was ensuring the disks were completely flat aftergetting them to size in the lathe.What will you do differently next time when given a similar job /task?I don’t believe if I was given this task again, I would do anything different to how I carriedout this task.Assessor FeedbackI confirm that all of the data recorded on this form is entirely my own work:Candidate Signature:I confirm this task write up meets the minimum performance criteria:Assessor Signature:Date:Stamp:Page 7of 7REFLECT
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