Enhancing Oral Language Development for ELL Success
Gordon College**We aren't endorsed by this school
EDU 684
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by MagistrateSteelElephant26
Oral Language Development1.CREDE Report Findings○Limited U.S. research on oral language development in ELLs beyond elementary grades. ○Oral proficiency in English takes years; progresses rapidly during initial levels (L1 ⇒ L3), slows thereafter (> L3).○Instructional use of students’ home language supports early academic development.○English-only programs don’t accelerate English learning compared to bilingual programs.○English proficiency assessments cannot measure the full extent of a bilingual student’s oral language skills.○Combining assessments w/teacher insights should factor into discussions about where ELLs should be placed.2.National Literacy Panel Report Findings○Oral language skills are essential for reading comprehension beyond word level.○Strong association b/t oral language proficiency and reading comprehension.○Oral language skills influence writing quality more than spelling.○Home language literacy skills combined with English oral proficiency boost reading comprehension.○Focus ESL instruction on developing oral proficiency skills.○Maintain consistent ESL support alongside reading/writing comprehension.
3.National Academies Report Findings○School districts often fail to provide ELL students with adequate English instruction.○Four recommended practices for developing oral language:i.Specialized focus on oral language components (vocabulary, dialoguing, etc.).ii.Facilitate structured interaction w/ proficient speakers.iii.Provide corrective feedback (e.g. recasts and prompts).iv.Allocate dedicated time for focused oral English instruction.Oral Language Development (continued)