Enhancing Oral Language Development for ELL Success

Gordon College**We aren't endorsed by this school
EDU 684
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by MagistrateSteelElephant26
Oral Language Development1.CREDE Report FindingsLimited U.S. research on oral language development in ELLs beyond elementary grades. Oral proficiency in English takes years; progresses rapidly during initial levels (L1 ⇒ L3), slows thereafter (> L3).Instructional use of students’ home language supports early academic development.English-only programs don’t accelerate English learning compared to bilingual programs.English proficiency assessments cannot measure the full extent of a bilingual student’s oral language skills.Combining assessments w/teacher insights should factor into discussions about where ELLs should be placed.2.National Literacy Panel Report FindingsOral language skills are essential for reading comprehension beyond word level.Strong association b/t oral language proficiency and reading comprehension.Oral language skills influence writing quality more than spelling.Home language literacy skills combined with English oral proficiency boost reading comprehension.Focus ESL instruction on developing oral proficiency skills.Maintain consistent ESL support alongside reading/writing comprehension.
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3.National Academies Report FindingsSchool districts often fail to provide ELL students with adequate English instruction.Four recommended practices for developing oral language:i.Specialized focus on oral language components (vocabulary, dialoguing, etc.).ii.Facilitate structured interaction w/ proficient speakers.iii.Provide corrective feedback (e.g. recasts and prompts).iv.Allocate dedicated time for focused oral English instruction.Oral Language Development (continued)
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