Understanding Blood Flow: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students
ECPI University, Virginia Beach**We aren't endorsed by this school
BIO112 101
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by ConstableFreedom8949
BLOOD FLOW REVIEW1. Cut out the terms on the following page. On this page, sort and glue the terms in the correct order of blood flow beginning with the RIGHT ATRIUM. 1.) Right atrium2.) Right av valve3.) Right ventricle4.) Pulmonic valve5.) Pulmonary arteries6.) Alveolar capillaries7.) Pulmonary veins8.) Left atrium9.) Left av valve10.) Left ventricle11.) Aortic valve12.) Aorta13.) Coronary and systemic circulation14.) SVC, IVC, coronary sinus
FLIP ME OVER FOR MORE BLOOD FLOW FUN!2. On this page, sort and glue the terms in the correct order of blood flow beginning with the LEFT AV VALVE.1.) Left av valve2.) Left ventricle3.) Aortic valve4.) Aorta5.) Coronary and systemic circulation6.) SVC, IVC, coronary tissues7.) Right atrium8.) Right av valve9.) Right ventricle10.) Pulmonic valve11.) Pulmonary arteries12.) Alveolar capillaries13.) Pulmonary veins14.) Left atrium
right atriumleft atrium
right ventricleleft ventricleright AV valveleft AV valvepulmonary veinspulmonary arteriesalveolar capillariesSVC, IVC, coronary sinusaortacoronary and systemiccirculationaortic valvepulmonic valve