Understanding IDEA: Key Components of IEP for Special Education
Grand Canyon University**We aren't endorsed by this school
SPD 500
Information Systems
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by DeanKangaroo4741
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) requires IEP teams to consider the effect of a given qinterests, and needs to develop specially designed instruction. This is what makes special education different from providing general accommodations. Review the “Special Education” and the “Section 300.39 Special Education” topic Resources and describe the three major components that IDEA requires teams to include in the IEP to adequately address specially designed instruction. Explain why you think the law requires teams to explicitly describe specially designed instructionthat is different from the instruction provided to all students. In replies to peers, support or refute the ideas presented using the topic Resources, your own 31.The triad of IDEA weaves the fabric of a student's IEP, crafting pathways for growth and learning. According to the Center for Parent Information and Resources these components are, “Academic achievement, Functional performance, and as with academic achievement, consideration of a child’s functional performance is highly individualized” (n.d.). Through these myriad elements, we illuminate the IEP’s path, bestowing upon students the precious gift of learning they so deserve. The IEP, a tapestry of words, is woven in collaborative gatherings, a sacred space where voicesunite. It articulates the unique learning needs of a child, outlines the nurturing services the school shall offer, and charts the path to measure growth, each milestone a testament to progress in the journey of discovery. So, when thinking of why the law requires such this ensures a tailored journey of learning, honoring the laws that promise a public education—free and fitting for all—and holds our schools accountable to their noble purpose.“Present Levels (Component of the IEP) | Center for Parent Information and Resources.” Www.parentcenterhub.org, www.parentcenterhub.org/present-levels/#closer.