Key Events of the European Theater in WWII: A Comprehensive Guide

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Dec 12, 2024
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12/12/24, 4:43 PMWorkbook 13.5 | European Theater" "European Theater1 - 1. Operation Overlord (June 6, 1944)On June 6, 1944, American forces land on the beaches of Normandy,France. The Allied attack on German forces, also known as D-Day,begins with an aerial assault by 1,200 planes. Next, the Navy begins toshell the beaches in preparation for an amphibious landing of nearly160,000 soldiers. The Americans take the beaches, and it is thebeginning of the Allied advance toward Berlin.12345678
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12/12/24, 4:43 PMWorkbook 13.5 | European Theater - 3. Liberation of Paris (August 19–25, 1944)With the landing of the Allied forces in Normandy, the military forcesof the French Resistance rise against the German forces in Paris,France. Before US forces can arrive in the city, the Germancommander of the city surrenders to the French.3 - 8. Germany Surrenders (May 7, 1945)In Reims, France, Germany surrenders to the Allied Powers. The cease-fire is to take place the next day, May 8, 1945, which becomes V-E Day.4 - 4. Battle of the Bulge (December 16, 1944)As the Allies begin to push back German forces, Hitler makes one lastattempt to stop Allied advancement. Hitler decides to attack Antwerp,Belgium, where the Allied lines are weakest. It is the last Germanoffensive of the war. Hitler drafts boys and old men to attackAmerican forces. Initially the German attack pushes back the Allies.However, the Germans are defeated, and the Allied forces continuetheir advance against Nazi forces.5 - 6. Operation Plunder (March 24, 1945)The success of American forces leads to the invasion of Germany andQuestion 1WhatwastheGermandefensivelinethatrannearly400milesacrossGermany’sweSwitzerland?Siegfried Line
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12/12/24, 4:43 PMWorkbook 13.5 | European Theater 2SiegfriedLineMaginotLineAlpineLineGothicLineOperationBagrationBattleoftheBulgeNormandyMatcheachbattlewiththecorrectdescription.thathb
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