Post-WWII Education Changes: Civil Rights and Technology Impact
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Dec 12, 2024
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The answer to the first question: After World War II, the role of the U.S. federalgovernment in the field of education has changed and expanded significantly. This was causedby social, economic and political factors. The growing importance of schooling, the number ofstudents increased, and study became more significant and important for society. Rury ( 231). Schools were influenced by social changes in the racial and ethnic composition ofurban settlements, this was the era of civil rights for African Americans, women and othergroups. School education and social changes were very difficult. The civil rights movement inthe 1950s and 1960s is largely supported by educational policy: The Supreme Court's decision inBrown v. Board of Education (1954) declared racial segregation in an unconstitutional school,which forced the federal government to take measures to ensure equal access to education. Thiswas a historic U.S. Supreme Court trial, in which which ruled that racial segregation in publicschools was unconstitutional. This decision symbolized a future step towards equality and justicein the American education system and marked a turning point in the history of human rights inthe United States (Chapter 14: Post World War II). The Elementary and Secondary EducationAct (Elementary and Secondary Education Act, ESEA) of 1965, which became an importantmilestone in the history of federal law in the field of education in the United States. This law wasadopted as part of the "War on Poverty" program, this Law provided for federal funding forschools where children from low-income families study. The goal is to ensure that there is noinequality in access to education. Rury (2020. page 284)The answer to the second question: The State plays a key role in the field of education andtraining, providing access to knowledge and skills, is responsible for free education and equalopportunities for all citizens. Milton Friedman, an outstanding economist, proposed a radicalrevision of the role of the state in education. He considered education from the point of view ofconsidering economic efficiency and freedom of choice. The state should help children get ahigh-quality education, and can provide vouchers (financial assistance) to use for tuition fees.Increased competition between schools, which leads to the provision of high quality education.Such a system promotes parents' choice of private schools and stimulates innovation in educationMilton Friedman (1955. page 3).In my opinion, the state should introduce uniform educational standards to ensure a high level ofeducation for students. Quality control is necessary to avoid knowledge gaps. There should befinancial assistance for low-income families. We live in a progressive age where digitaltechnologies are different every year, distance learning platforms and related technicalequipment can be competitive in the global economy. The only thing is to change the wayinformation is stored in practice. The current standardized tests are not very good for the way oflearning. Federal intervention has helped create some flexibility in this system, allowing thosewith learning or developmental disabilities to have special adaptations. Some smart studentsdon't always reflect their intelligence. It is necessary to change this system, because the student isconstantly under stress. Louise Gale (2019). Excessive bureaucracy or complete state control canhinder the development of the educational system. The state should act as a guarantor for people,because society lives in a difficult time of standardization.The answer to the third question: Technological change is a compromise. In his works,including "Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology", he focused on howtechnology shapes teaching methods and learning content. Technology has changed the focusfrom traditional text-based learning to visual, multimedia education. Neil Postman (1998) He
emphasized that technology is a tool that can help achieve educational goals, but should notreplace the goals themselves. The advantages of such education are the availability of knowledgevia the Internet, online learning, programming and communication through digital platforms.Cons: the introduction of technology can become an end in itself, rather than a means to achieveeducational goals, the lack of in-depth analysis and understanding, the replacement of traditionalteaching -teachers, entertainment programs, games, they can distract students from theeducational process. (pages 1-5). Technology is a powerful tool that can support and transformeducation in many ways, from facilitating the creation of teaching materials for teachers toproviding new ways for people to learn and work together. With the worldwide reach of theInternet and the ubiquity of smart devices that can connect to it, a new era of education is cominganytime, anywhere.Ferdi Çelik & Meltem Huri Baturay (2024)Questions:1.How did the economic conditions of the United States after World War II affectthe need for educational reforms?2.What social and economic factors have forced the Federal Government toincrease its participation in education?3.Is it possible to imagine education without teachers, where all learning will takeplace through technology? What are the pros and cons of this approach?ReferencesChapter 14: Post World War II, J. L. (2020). Education and social change:Contours in the history of American schooling(6th ed.). Routledge.22 Pros and Cons of Federal Involvement in Education Луиза Гейл(2019) Things We Need to Know About Technological Change by Neil Postman Talk delivered in Denver Colorado March 28, 1998.Postman, N. (1998). Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change. In Talk Delivered in Denver Colorado. and innovation in shaping the future of education (2024)