Empowering Children as Change Agents in a Troubled World
university of Lagos (Nigeria)**We aren't endorsed by this school
CHM 101
Dec 12, 2024
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CHILDREN SEARCH THE SCRIPTURE (SPECIAL STUDY)18/8/2024FOUNDATION OF POSITIVE CHANGE IN A DISOBEDIENTAND CONFUSED WORLDMatthew 3:13-16; Philippians 2:14-16The world in which we live is constantly changing. There aremany things that are happening today that would have lookedstrange about 50 or 100 years ago. The world is changing notjust from good to bad, but from bad to worse. There is rioting,moral decadence among school children. Many families havescattered because of quarrelling and lack of love amongmembers. Children in some communities have become easytargets for evil doers – terrorists, rapists, homosexuals, drugaddicts. These people influence the young ones to engage inunwholesome activities that will make them become unfit tolive normal lives.The rate at which negative attitudes and evil activities aremultiplying is fearful. This is the reason for the warning that iscoming from the study of God’s word. As children, God desiresto enlist you as change agents. He does not want the world tocontinue in the way of destruction. He is calling you to stand-out and stand up to make the difference in this confusedworld. You must answer the call like the saints of old did intheir own time.1. DESCRIPTION OF NEGATIVE ATTITUDES THAT CORRUPT THE WORLD:Romans 1:18-32; 3:9-23; Galatians 5:19-21; Titus 1:10; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-11; 2 Timothy 3:1-7The things that are happening in our present times is apicture of what happened during the time of the Judges inIsrael. Everybody did that which was right in his eyes (Judges17:6; 21:25). Such a situation will always lead to confusion,chaos and disruption of acceptable and positive behaviours.The Bible reveals that in the last days, evil will multiply andperilous times shall come. This is what is happening in theworld today. In fact, it has reached a dangerous and fearfulstate that abnormal things are now taken as normal. Thethings that sinners will not do openly before, are now displayed
for the world to see. There is among other vices pornography,drug abuse, lack of respect for parents and constitutedauthorities, bad games, kidnapping, killing, internet fraud,stealing, immoral behaviour, cheating, fighting, hooliganism,murder and lying. Truth has become a very scarce commodity.Children now spend their time pursuing things that have novalue and spread of disobedience to God’s word is the order ofthe day.All these things show that the end of all things is at hand asrevealed in the word of God (2 Timothy 3:1-5). God is going tojudge the world just as He did to Sodom and Gomorrah. WhatHe demands now is repentance. This is why He is sendingfriends of Jesus as change agents to go into the world and callsinners to repent. You must arise and spread the message ofJesus everywhere so that sinners will turn from their evil waysand not perish.2. DIVINE CALL TO DISOBEDIENT AND UNREPENTANT SINNERS:Galatians 5:19-21; Isaiah 1:3-20God is full of mercy and love. He is not interested inthrowing sinners into hell fire. This is the reason He alwayssend His prophets to warn and call the sinners to repent.When Adam disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, and thoughthe could hide with his wife, God still came down to look forthem. He called out to them and said: “Adam,Where art thou?” (Genesis 3:8,9).During the time of Noah, the people were corrupt andwicked, yet God called Noah – the only righteous among themto prepare an ark for their salvation. Noah preached for about120 years, yet the people refused to harken. They all perishedand animals were taken in to replace them in the ark.For Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent His angels to seewhether they can even get up to ten righteous people, theycould not get. The two cities with their inhabitants were burntwith fire and brimstone. What a tragedy! Today, the door ofGod’s mercy is open to anyone who will repent and come to theLord and be saved. It is the duty of all friends of Jesus tourgently take this special message to everyone, warn them ofthe danger of remaining in their sinful state and tell them of
the love of Jesus. Be a change marker in your community andshine forth the light of the gospel (Matthew 5:13-16).3. DUTIES OF CHRISTIANS AS CHANGE AGENTS IN A CONFUSED WORLD:Matthew 5:13-16; Mark 16:15; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Philippians 2:14-16God is calling all friends of Jesus to stand out and stand forChrist even in the midst of a confused and corrupt world. Theyare to be like the lily in the mire. There are examples of youngminds in the Bible who were shining stars in their owngeneration. We have children like Daniel, Samuel, Shadrach,Meshach, Abednego, Esther, Timothy and a host of others.Though the society was corrupt and rebellious that time, yetthese children were different. Their lives and testimonies areexamples of what it means to live a holy life and becomechange agents.You are called to become positive influence in your littlespace. Preach the gospel everywhere you go. Do not joinmultitudes to do evil. Say no to cheating, fighting, strangedressing and hair styles, rioting and all forms of disobedience.Do not pollute your environment with refuse, urine, feaces anddirty habits. Take care of public utilities in your school andsurroundings. Never be a part of examination malpractice inyour school. Shine the light of Christ; and let it so shine before others sothat they too can come into the Light of Christ. Help the needy,care for those that are helpless, live a holy life and preach thegospel to sinners. Your motto should be “Others may, but Icannot and will not.”QUESTIONS:1.This present world is constantly changing. Yes/No?2.Give a brief description of the present-day world system.3.What is God calling sinners to do?4.God is going to judge the unrepentant world. Yes/No?5.What are the duties of Christians in a changing world?
MEMORY VERSE:“That ye may be blameless and harmless,the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crookedand perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in theworld;” (Philippians 2:15)ACTIVITY:Prayer.