Disability Discrimination Awareness: Building Inclusive
American Public University**We aren't endorsed by this school
HRMT 602
Dec 12, 2024
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Welcome, everyone, to this fundamental session on Disability Discrimination Awareness Training. Your presence here today is a significant step towards fostering a workplace culture that values diversity and inclusiveness. By the end of this session, you will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges people with disabilities face daily. We aim to create an environment that promotes inclusiveness, awareness, and tolerance, and your active participationis crucial in this journey. Together, we can build a society where everyone is equally valued and supported to thrive regardless of physical ability. Let us embark on this journey of togetherness and equity and strive to improve our workplace.Research has shown that awareness is vital to creating an inclusive work community. This meansunderstanding and addressing ableism, which is the discrimination against disabled people. When we are aware of this, we can better understand and support our colleagues with disabilities. This leads to a workplace culture that appreciates diversity and inclusiveness. Additionally, we must take proactive measures to prevent discrimination, such as making it illegal. This will ensure that all employees are treated with respect and dignity and have the opportunity to do their best.In this section, we will delve into the various forms of discrimination that people with disabilitiesface in the workplace. Discrimination can be subtle, like unconscious bias, or more overt, like direct exclusion. It can manifest in different ways, such as unequal opportunities in recruitment, promotions, and wages or being excluded from workplace benefits and accommodations. However, our goal is to clearly understand these issues and work towards a fairer and more inclusive workplace. We believe that with your understanding and support, we can make this vision a reality, fostering a workplace where empathy and respect are the norm.In the second part of the training, we examine in detail the foundational laws at the core of the protection of the rights of workers with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Rehabilitation Act are not just laws, they are powerful tools that ensure individuals with disabilities receive all possible rights and protections. These legislations impose a duty of reasonable accommodation that ensures no reported cases of discrimination against disabled people in any area of employment, such as job application, promotions, duties, and many other disabilities (The Florida Senate). Through their detailed provisions and implications, these laws enable employers and employees to navigate workplace environments with clarity, render compliance with legal standards possible, and contribute general positive changes to the workplace. By realizing that they access these fundamental laws, we can maintain the importance of fairness, equality, and inclusion in our workplaces, providing a solid foundation for our collective efforts.The next topic will be a case study where discrimination based on disability happens as part of our organization. That instance has P.N., a software engineer who was seriously paralyzed because of an accident caused by a car, which leads to a case of mobility impairment at the spinallevel. P.N.'s disability, a hindrance for years, takes every job in stride and, in the course of five
years, has exceeded her job expectations consistently. That is to say, although P.N. claims unilateralism toward the latest promotion campaign where she met all specified requirements for the senior software engineer position, her application was left unappreciated, and her arguments objected with vague reasons. Utilizing this case study, we will circle the issues connected with discrimination in the workplace on a disability basis, which, hopefully, will provide a better picture of the matter and, in turn, help to develop practical ways that will prevent or resolve such incidents in the work environment of our enterprise.We first introduce the mission stemming from our training program that creates an environment at work where everybody can claim they are fair value in diversity and inclusivity. Our primary objective is to boost the workers` level of awareness of disability discrimination and the devastating aspects of such discrimination that affect not only the person but also the whole organization. On the other side, our goal is to address the entitlement issue and dichotomy of what is an employer’s responsibility and an employee’s rights through referrals relevant to Acts of legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA, and the Rehabilitation Act, among others. Finally, our training program will promote an environment where everyone feels welcome and lucky and is encouraged to use their gifts and points of view to succeed in the group. We intend to build this atmosphere by achieving such objectives in which diversity is welcomed, and discriminatory acts are regularly prevented.Now, we take an in-depth look at the ADA's definition of disability (American Disabilities Act) to gain a broad understanding. The ADA defines a disability as some bodily or mental restriction resulting in a person not performing major life functions without help. Moreover, the topic of perceived disabilities is examined where the participants are likely to be broken down purely on the assumptions made by people regarding their impairments, irrespective of the fact that they donot meet the ADA's rigid criteria (Lindsay et al., 2022). Realizing and understanding the meanings of this construct can make us aware of the cases of discrimination and guarantee inclusivity for every person, whether they possess particular abilities or not.This section deals with the issue of recognizing and giving up the actions of the job which are illegally discriminatory. Discriminatory measures like harassment, hostility, and inequitable treatment result in the degradation of the organization and disadvantage people’s welfare and productivity at work. An increase in consciousness of these discriminatory acts and the consequences that they bring will, in turn, give individuals the power to recognize and report them as soon as possible (Kwan, 2019). Besides this, we stress the necessity of building a culturethat does not stand for this kind of behavior. Our efforts to educate people actively are empirically aimed at developing a culture of respect where all the employees are treated fairly and with dignity (Blanck, 2020).We will address this segment under which the concept of 'reasonable accommodation,' vital for creating an inclusive environment within the workplace, is to be explored. We showcase realistic cases and outline a step-by-step procedure for implementing accommodations to benefit
individuals in various categories. Reasonable accommodations like workspace modifications, flexible scheduling, and aided technologies that align with the needs of differently able workers can be listed. We envision the sustained interaction and partnership between employers and employees as one of the primary indices of the successful application of accommodations. Here, it is ensured that individuals with disabilities can achieve their optimum performance. Therefore, this approach allows us to create a work environment where all the staff can manage their weaknesses and build their strengths.This area highlights, in particular, the significant importance of the timely and correct reporting of discrimination cases. By lending weightage to reporting complaints of discrimination to HR, you are assuring quick and comprehensive problem-solving. Confidentiality among clients not only ascertains the right to privacy and personal dignity but also serves as an avenue for victims to talk without fearing being victimized again. Firstly, strict rules related to the principle of non-retaliation protect employees from facing detrimental consequences when they report discrimination. We will promote a culture where reporting discrimination is welcome, and those convicted receive appropriate punishments and support. When this is done, we will create a safe and respectful workplace for all staff and where everyone feels empowered to contribute to positive change.This trait demonstrates the importance of maintaining a workplace environment with high empathy, respect, and cooperation. Promoting empathy is constructive, which stimulates employees to relate and be sympathetic to what their colleagues experience and their burden. Respect for each person mirrors the belief that we are all valuable and deserve respect irrespective of their origin. Collaboration can bring unity and good teamwork, which will give rise to a situation where many perspectives are accepted and considered valid. By cultivating these values, we aim to prevent discrimination and promote inclusivity, creating a workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique talents andperspectives to achieve collective success.The following paragraph informs the readers about varied training programs conducted to provide employees with skillful awareness of disability discrimination. We walk the reader through the diversity of training approaches in the form of online modules and interactive sessions to meet the needs of different types of learners, whether visual or auditory. Online modules provide the advantage of remote learning and make training more available through subscription, thereby increasing employee engagement. Interactive exercises, being involved, make the students more engaged and willing to discuss ideas and re-think the core concept (Lindsay et al., 2022). By providing a mixed bag of training media, we ensure a breadth of awareness of disability rights, which equips employees with the knowledge and tools to create a more welcoming, friendly, and considerate work environment.This part concentrates on how management drives a culture of inclusivity by setting down anti-discrimination policies and actions. The conduct of managers at bunches is very strategic in that
they are the framers of the general atmosphere of their workplaces and diversity advocates. Through the development of an inclusive culture, management demonstrates the necessary appreciation for every person it has and creates an environment where everyone is respected and remarkable. On the other hand, management provides policies that ensure all the rules are applied fairly and transparently, taking action against and holding accountable individuals who abuse their position of power. A manager dedicated to leadership and promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace will be successful and create a workplace where discrimination is unacceptable. Employees can fully utilize their talent to maximize their personal and company success.This part is aimed to offer interactive scenarios that give practical application of the knowledge that was acquired, and thus, the development of these skills is achieved. Participants can engage actively with the program and develop problem-solving skills through life simulations of biodiversity conservation scenarios. Participants in this training will be able to look at complex issues, detect discrimination behaviors, and try different ways to deal with such situations. Participating in these exercises will usually increase their knowledge of this type of discrimination and improve their assurance of addressing these matters at their workplace. In essence, this strategy is generative. It leaves participants as active participants in fighting discrimination and actively working to create an inclusive and respectful work environment that is exceptionally free from discrimination.In conclusion, I have gained from my training in fighting wrongdoings in the workplace, particularly in discriminating against workers with disabilities and making the environment a welcoming one for each worker. We have focused on differentiating the right way of acting, delivering empathy, respect, and harmony, and introducing anti-discrimination policies. Ultimately, we aim to achieve a working space where individuals are fully valued by acquiring relevant knowledge and accommodation. It is crucial to maintain a diverse culture highly and intensely make cyberbullying based on disability disappear. Collectively, we will achieve a workplace culture wherein no single person feels undervalued, unappreciated, or prohibited fromthriving. Thanks for your support in driving a fairer tomorrow for everybody.
ReferencesBlanck, P. (2020). Disability Inclusive Employment and The Accommodation Principle: Emerging issues in research, policy, and law. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 30(4), 505–510. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10926-020-09940-9Kwan, C. K. (2019). Socially Responsible Human Resource Practices to Improve the Employability of People with Disabilities. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1768Your rights under the Americans with disabilities act (ADA). USAGov. (n.d.). https://www.usa.gov/disability-rightsLindsay, S., Fuentes, K., Tomas, V., & Hsu, S. (2022). Ableism and workplace discrimination among youth and Young Adults with Disabilities: A systematic review. Journalof Occupational Rehabilitation, 33(1), 20–36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10926-022-10049-4The Florida Senate. Chapter 760 Section 01 - 2011 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate. (n.d.). https://www.flsenate.gov/laws/statutes/2011/760.01