Comprehensive Study Guide for A&P2 Lab Exam 3 Essentials

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BIOX 2402
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by MegaNeutron10089
BIOX 2402 (A&P2) – Lab Exam 3 Study guideThis study guide will rely primarily on the provided lab slide sets (Blackboard), with supplemental information from the lecture textbook and Mastering Anatomy & Physiology. You will be responsible for all material in the lab slide sets. You will also need to review all the models and the histology slides presented on microscopes during your in-person labs, since those images will also be represented on your lab exam.All page numbers refer to pages in Human Anatomy & Physiology(11th ed.) by Marieb & Hoehn and contain supplemental information.Urinary System Anatomy (Lab #15: Urinary System Anatomy PPT slides)1.Identify the organs and structures of the Urinary System on the models.Lab #15 Urinary System Anatomy PowerPoint slidesModel and Histology Inventory List – Unit 3 (On Blackboard)2.Know the functions of the following structures: filtration membrane, glomerulus, podocytes, juxtaglomerular apparatus (macula densa and JG cells), peritubular capillaries, vasa recta.Lab #15 Urinary System Anatomy PowerPoint slides3.Know the structures that make up the filtration membrane, renal corpuscle, and juxtaglomerular complex.Lab #15 Urinary System Anatomy PowerPoint slides4.Sheep kidney dissection - identify all the structures listed in lab slides.Lab #15 Urinary System Anatomy PowerPoint slides5.Histology of the Ureter, Renal cortex, and medulla.Lab #15 Urinary System Anatomy PowerPoint slidesModel and Histology Inventory List – Unit 3 (On Blackboard)Urinary System Physiology (Lab #16: Urinary System Physiology PPT slides)1.Know the relationship between NFP and GFR.Lab #16 Urinary System Physiology PowerPoint slides. (Slide #4)2.Be familiar with the concepts of tubular reabsorption and secretion - know where water and solutes/ions are secreted and/or reabsorbed in the nephron.Lab #16 Urinary System Physiology PowerPoint slides. Slide #7)3.Know the concepts of a Urinalysis. Be familiar with the causes of glycosuria, proteinuria, ketonuria, low and high pH in a urine sample. Lab #16 Urinary System Physiology PowerPoint slides.Lab Activity #13Watch video “Analyzing Urine Sample” (Mastering A&P, study area> lab tool>pre-lab videos> analyzing urine sample).
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Male and Female Reproductive Anatomy (Lab #17: Male Reproductive Anatomy PPT slides, and Lab #18 Female Reproductive Anatomy PPT slides)1.Identify the organs and structures of the male reproductive system.Lab #17 Male Reproductive Anatomy PowerPoint slidesModel and Histology Inventory List – Unit 3 (On Blackboard)2.Identify the organs and structures of the female reproductive system.Lab #18 Female Reproductive Anatomy PowerPoint slidesModel and Histology Inventory List – Unit 3 (On Blackboard)3.Know the process of Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis, and Follicular Development.Lab #17 Male Reproductive Anatomy PowerPoint slidesLab #18 Female Reproductive Anatomy PowerPoint slides4.Histology of the male and female reproductive system.Lab #17 Male Reproductive Anatomy PowerPoint slides (Slides #8-12)Lab #18 Female Reproductive Anatomy PowerPoint slides (Slides #9-11)Model and Histology Inventory List – Unit 3 (On Blackboard)Fetal Development and Heredity (Lab # 19 Human development PPT slides, and Lab #20 Heredity and Genetics PPT slides)1.Identify the structures of fetal development and the paternal, maternal, and fetal circulation structures as well as the process of fertilization and implantation.Lab # 19 Human Development PowerPoint slidesModel and Histology Inventory List – Unit 3 (On Blackboard)2.Know the difference between phenotype and genotype, dominant and recessive alleles, haploid and diploid, autosomal and sex-linked inheritance. (Watch videos in Mastering A&P, study area > study by chapter > Chapter 29 > extend your knowledge).These are the videos:i.“Allele Interaction”ii.“Gene expression”iii.“Hybrid Crosses”iv.“Zygosity”Lab # 20 Heredity and Genetics PowerPoint slides.3.Be able to complete a Punnett square given the genotypes of mom and dad, also calculate probabilities of a certain genotype or phenotype.Lab # 20 Heredity and Genetics PowerPoint slidesLab Activity #14
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