Key Elements and Impacts of the Clean Air Act Explained
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Dec 12, 2024
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Running head: The Clean Air Act 1The Clean Air ActStudent nameInstitution Affiliation
The Clean Air Act 2Describe three key elements of the regulation or policy you chose. Specifically, discuss who is affected and what actions they are required to undertake, including federal and state agencies and specific industries, and how these requirements are enforcedThe Clean Air Act is a law that aims at regulating emissions in many countries from mobile as well as stationary sources. It aims at protecting the public welfare and public wealth health from hazardous air pollutants. The main aim of formulating the Act was to achieve NAAQS in each state by 1975. This Act was amended in 1977 to establish new goals to achieve NAAQS. One of the elements of the Clean Air Act is cleaning all the air pollutants. These include such things as the six air pollutants, lead, sulfur oxides, and carbon monoxide. The second element involves international and interstate air pollution. This Act aims at providing interstate commissions and strategies for preventing air pollution. Another element is the reduction of acid rain (EPA, 2019).Many American businesses have been affected by the Clean Air Act. Some of these industries include the vehicle and assembly plants. Such businesses are forced to adhere to higher pollution standards. For example, the Clean Air Act may require such industries to install equipment for controlling pollution such as catalytic converters or result of using cleaner fuels. Noteworthy, the provisions and standards set out by the Clean Air Act are enforced by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) that is responsible for penalizing the companies that violate the Act. After amendments were done on the Act in 1990, the powers of EPA in enforcing the Act were strengthened (EPA, 2019).Assess three effects this regulation or policy had on our environment. Next, quantify its effects, if possible, to analyze whether or not the regulation had the desired effect on the environment.
The Clean Air Act 3It is worth noting that there was increased emission of the six key air pollutants during the 1900s up to 1970s. Some of these pollutants include lead, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone. However, with the inception of the Clean Air Act; most of these pollutants were reduced. As such, the Clean Air Act has been able to reduce air pollution which helps to protect both human health and the environment (Carlson & Burtraw, 2019) After the establishment of the act; the levels of pollution have been reduced. The Clean Air Act has also assisted in preventing premature deaths in more than 400,000 individuals. It has also assisted scores of people against contracting diseases that are mainly connected to air pollution (Bento, Freedman, & Lang, 2015). Furthermore, the Clean Air Act has ensured air quality improvements through the reduction of surface ozone levels by 25% since 1980. It also assisted in reducing mercury emissions by 45% since 1990. Since 1980, the gases that caused acid rain that is sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide have been reduced by 71%. Also, the Clean Air Act has helped in reductionof CFCs production that has been continually depleting the ozone layer. More pointedly, the Act has helped in reducing lead in gasoline which is the main cause of lead air pollution. From the analysis done, it is crucial to note that the Clean Air Act has assisted in reducing pollution to a great extent (SaveOnEnergy, 2019). However, with uncontrolled industrial activities, mining, and other human activities; air pollution is on the rise causing global warming.Discuss three economic effects of your chosen policy or regulation. Next, describe the directcosts of implementation, as well as the effect the regulation has had on economic growth. If possible, find a benefits/cost analysis that will provide you with objective analyses of this regulation’s economic impact.
The Clean Air Act 4The establishment of the Clean Air Act has assisted in developing America’s economy. Prevention and pollution control has helped in creating jobs for the citizens as well as protecting the workforce and health of the citizens. It is worth noting that between 1970 and 2011, there was a reduction in the emission of air pollutants by 68%. Simultaneously, the GDP in the USA grew by 212%. Moreover, jobs in the private sector rose by 88% during the same period. Notably, the establishment of the Clean Air Act has ensured a healthy economy especially when money spent on pollution control and prevention is concerned (EPA, 2019). The economy in the USA has also been boosted by companies that are specialized in building, designing and operating equipment and processes that reduce pollution.According to an EPA peer-reviewed study of 2011, most air programs have numerous economic benefits that exceed the costs. For instance, the Study estimates that benefits in 2020 will be more than the by a costs factor that exceeds 30-to-1 while the high benefits estimates are more than the costs by a factor more than 90-to-1(EPA, 2019).Speculate whether or not you believe that this policy or regulation has been successful overall. Next, debate whether or not your chosen policy or regulation has promoted environmental benefits or outweighed its economic costs. Lastly, determine whether you would recommend renewing this policy or regulation when it comes to its expiration date, or whether you should let the policy or regulation expire. Justify your response.I believe that the Clean Air Act has been successful to a great extent. For instance, since its establishment in 1990, it has helped in the prevention of more than 200,000 premature deaths.It has also prevented more than 700,000 cases of chronic bronchitis. Additionally, between 1990 and 2010 the Clean Air Act helped in decreasing the six key air pollutants by 41%. Further, the
The Clean Air Act 5Act ensured an increase in U.S GDP by 64%.In that sense, continued implementation and innovation of this Act will make it more beneficial in the next 40 years (Greenbaum, 2018). According to a 2011 peer-reviewed study by the EPA, it is evident that the Clean Air Act’s environmental benefits exceed its economic costs. For instance estimates on its environmental benefit exceed the economic costs by a 90-to-1.It is important to note that the expiration date of this Act should be reviewed and extended. Also, the Clean Air Acts provisions should be reviewed and more standards and regulations strengthened. Mainly, it is because the Act has saved the world especially on matters concerning pollution through safeguarding both the health of the people and the environment.
The Clean Air Act 6ReferencesBento, A., Freedman, M., & Lang, C, 2015, who benefits from environmental regulation? Evidence from the Clean Air Act Amendments. Review of Economics and Statistics97(3), 610-622.Carlson, Ann., & Burtraw, Dallas, 2019, Lessons from the Clean Air Act: Building Durabilityand Adaptability into US Climate and Energy Policy. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. EPA, 2019, Summary of the Clean Air Act. Retrieved from, 2019, The Clean Air Act and the Economy. Retrieved from, D. S, 2018, The Clean Air Act: Substantial Success and the Challenges Ahead. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 15(3), 296-297. doi:10.1513/annalsats.201710-763psOtte, S. J, 2017, Determining Whether the Environmental Protection Agency Has Proper Authority under Section 111 (D) of the Clean Air Act to Enforce President Obama's Clean Energy Plan. U. Cin. L. Rev., 85, 301.SaveOnEnergy, 2019, Impact of the Clean Air Act | Retrieved from