Designing a 3-Bit Adder/Subtractor Circuit with Overflow

Iowa State University**We aren't endorsed by this school
CPR E 281
Electrical Engineering
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by ProfessorBookMule27
En Subtraction: 7 -3 =4 Addition: 4 + (-7) = -3 11001 51 Ignore 0 + 00100 11001 011101 \('L \(‘ \(o add /5€ Yo 3-bit adder Clop —P [ - Sy Tonare o Ol wv ~l Yn-1 Add /Sub Wwo control Xn-1 % Q W, v ] 1 Yy \ Y f A4 [ -bit adder w2 J e Sn-1 5 5 w3 H >_ . A s Overflow Detection: 5-bits s Add /Sub Carry, control in J cary out a) Full Adder (FA) 1 t [ ] ] EAENE Y xn\/y‘ AR AR B3 A3 B2 A2 B1 A1 BO A0 o 5-bit adder l l l l l l Ss S ) 5 ) [T T 1 Ful [ €3 | Fun | C2 | Fun [ €1 | Ful |cin Adder Adder Adder Adder l/ overtlow Carry S3 s2 s1 so | - - out X4Y484+X4Y484 Clock, ;i =Xx®y:® ¢ S 1 Civ1 =(Xx;®DYy;)C;i + X, y; ci+1 b) 4-bits Ripple Carry Adder (a) Let A=Az A1 and B=Bz B1 Bo be two 3-bit binary numbers in 2’s complement representation. You are given three full-adders, one NOT gate, and seven XOR gates. Your task is to design a circuit that can perform two different arithmetic operati The operation is selected by one of the inputs to this circuit that is called S. When S=0 the 3-bit result R= Rz R1 Ry is equal to A-B. Alternatively, when S=1 the result is B-A. The circuit must also detect if an overflow has occurred. Draw the wiring diagram for your circuit below. Clearly label all inputs, outputs, and pins. B2 A’fl» Py 4 e Cl sl s HA c Xi e— Y; —— HA c Cirl (a) Block diagram c; \‘_\ L " A 3-to-8 decoder using two 2-to-4 dec A 1-to-4 demultiplexer built with a 2-to-4 decoder with enable "o " BOY Yo "1 ! i b4l N p23 po) w 1 "2 e » 0 D: 0 0| . A 4-to-1 multiplexer & Lo nb— | . o P built using a 2-to-4 decoder w, Vs . p——— = D % P » " Nr—— H) 5 p— A barrel shifter circuit D Bl S| Sg Y3 Y2V Yo |,_|Di y3 Wy Wy W, W, D g (1) w; wi w; w? 1 : " d , F2, F1, and Fo. The equations 1o woowe W w for the outputs are: RS S H H H H F2=F1=(S1&S0)[($1 &%) (@) Tt tale Hold / Shift-Right Circuit , o w3 w wy o 1 ] .. [ 4-bit input fi 7 fi —7 fi —7 s The Adder / Subtractor Sl_% | yu— 0 ["’3 "2 " WO] 0 9 sub o | | \+—|+—\+—‘+—‘ | Vi X Yo X Ys X Yo X Vs X Yo X2 Yy X Yo X y V- y Ay " " " Pl o7 Pl o7 Pl 7 Pl 7 X v T LI I I O O O . i 1. Label all inputs, output circuit. (7p) J.l J.l -]._I- ll J.L -LL J.l b 0 it | | | 1 v 0 Yo ", > I [ys Y2 ) yo] k I_ : En wy wy Yo ¥y Yy V3 put 0 1 00 1000 " ; o , 101 0100 i " 0"_|} Y2 110 001 0 Rel 1 1.1 00 01 e LS o 0 00 0 0 4 00—130— »3 i o ,—_)E >— overflow (a) Truth table (b) Graphical symbol carry 281 CPU 0 T T x indicates that it does not matter what the value of this variable is for this row of the truth table
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Basic Latch Basic Latch Gated SR latch with NOR gates (with NOR Gates) (with NAND Gates) ® o kS ®| ey Clock is used for the D Flip-Flop, R 3 0 = = | Qnochange) but Clk is used for each D Latch Q‘l Qa Clk 1 0 0 Q(7) (no change) S Q 1 0 1 0 . 5 1 1 0 1 Master Slave 111 % (undesirable) I Qm | Q, Clk L j bQ - Q . Clk| Q s e R Gated SR latch with NAND gates - Clock k Q N Clk 8 R | Qe+ 1) R Q o - o N Q, Qs s R| Q. Q Q 0 x x Q(1) (no change) 0 0/1 10 (mochange) Latch 0 0 |01 10 (nochange) Latch ik 10 0 | Q)(nochange) 0 0 1 Reset o 1] o 1 Reset oot 0 1 10 Set o1 o Set oo ! . 1 Undesirable 1o ] Undesirable Q 1 11 = (undesirable) R Characteristic tables are the same Circuit Diagram and Characteristic Table cijrcuit Diagram for the Gated D Latch for the Gated D Latch (with the latch implemented using NORs) D Q Oy | - o Clk D | Q(t+1) Cik Q - KR Q 1 1 1 R | D Flip Flop Constructing a Master-Slave D Flip-Flop Master-Slave D Flip-Flop Positive-Edge-Triggered Input Output From one D Latch and one Gated SR Latch . (This version uses one less NOT gate) MaSter-Slave D FIIp-FlOp D Q Q/\ SMaster Latch Slave Latch . _ O 0 1 ‘Data) s I Master Slave o @ ° fiqm L e R > ol —le , 1 1 0 lock cK Q Cik Q Q o . Zlock TDV ck Q ’, Cik Q Q - B, The Complete Wiring Di f - i Positive-Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop e Lomplete Wiring Diagram for a ;:)‘:ltcl:\?eTEp:iegtee-"I"! :;I;egr:;agr;:';_f;;p with Asynchronous Clear and Preset a Negative-Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop preset_n b Clock - Q Q Clock Clock —] Y 3 Q clear_n Dc The Complete Wiring Diagram for Positive-edge-triggered D flip-flo itive- -Tri ip- with asynchrsc’)nougsgCIear andpPresF:at Negative-Edge-Triggered D flip-flop aFosifveScasiriggered T Flip-Fiop with asynchronous Clear and Preset Preset_n The Complete Wiring Diagram for a Negative-Edge-Triggered T Flip-Flop e C © D L 6 [ 3 5 Clock Clear_n (@) Gircuit [>o T-FlipFlop A The Complete Wiring Diagram for a Positive-Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flop The Complete Wiring Diagram for a Negative-Edge-Triggered JK Flip-Flop Clear_n T Q(t E 1) NextState Q(¢) How ; 1 a( t) TOGGLE o ) vraw we comprere wirmg diagram for a 1-to-2 demultiplexer using only NAND gates. J K Q (t + 1 ) Clearly label all inputs and outputs. Wp Yo Same State’/HOLD () () Q (t) RESET () 1 setr 1 0 Toaale 1 1 Ql
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