Java Program for Chatbot Responses and Substring Detection
Golden West College**We aren't endorsed by this school
BIOL 100
Computer Science
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by JusticeRainDonkey48
import java.util.Scanner;/**** @author IMACS Curriculum Development Group* @version 3.0 (29 March, 2022)*/public class Lab01Runner{/*** Determines if any element of an array of Strings is a substring of a given String* * @param s the String within which to search* @param sArr the array of Strings to look for* @return true if at least one element of sArr is a substring of s, false otherwise*/public static int indexOfKeyword( String s, String keyword ){// Change both s and keyword to lower cases = s.toLowerCase();keyword = keyword.toLowerCase();// The index of the first occurrence (perhaps embedded) of keyword in sint startIdx = s.indexOf( keyword );// Check if this occurrence is embedded and look further down s if it iswhile ( startIdx >= 0 ){// Find the substrings of length 1 immediately before and after// this occurrence. Default to the string " " containing only a space.String before = " ", after = " ";if ( startIdx > 0 ){/* Initialize before to the one-character substring before this occurrence */before = s.substring(startIdx -1, startIdx);}/* The number that would be the index in s of the firstcharacter (if there were any) after this occurrence */int endIdx = startIdx + keyword.length();if ( endIdx < s.length() ){/* Initialize after to the one-character substring after this occurrence */after = s.substring(endIdx, endIdx + 1);}// If before and after aren't letters, this is the first whole word occurrenceif ((before.compareTo("a") < 0 || before.compareTo("z") > 0 ) &&(after.compareTo("a") < 0 || after.compareTo("z") > 0)){return startIdx;}
// This is not a whole word occurrence. Move to the next occurrence.startIdx = s.indexOf(keyword, startIdx + 1);}return -1;}public static boolean containsAnyOf( String s, String[] sArr ){for ( String t : sArr )if ( indexOfKeyword( s, t ) >= 0)return true;return false;}/*** Gets a response chosen at random* * @return a response chosen at random from the responses array*/public static String getRandomResponse(){String[] responses ={"Interesting. Tell me more.","Hmmm.","Do you really think so?","I see.","Many people say that."};int idx = (int)(Math.random() * responses.length);return responses[ idx ];}/*** Gets an appropriate response to the input statement* * @param statement the String to which a response is sought* @return a String based on the input statement*/public static String getResponse( String statement ){String [] negatives = { "no", "never", "not" };String[] family ={"mother", "mom", "father", "dad", "brother","sister", "aunt", "uncle", "grandpa", "grandma"};String[] pets ={"cat", "dog", "parrot", "lizard", "turtle","gerbil", "rabbit", "fish"};if ( containsAnyOf( statement, negatives ) )return "Why so negative?";else if ( containsAnyOf( statement, family ) )return "Tell me more about your family.";else if ( containsAnyOf( statement, pets ) )
return "Tell me more about your pets.";elsereturn getRandomResponse();}/*** The main method* * @param args the command line arguments*/public static void main( String[] args ){System.out.println( "Chatter: Hello. Let's talk." );Scanner in = new Scanner( );String statement = in.nextLine();String[] farewells = { "bye", "quit", "exit", "done" };while ( !containsAnyOf( statement, farewells ) ){System.out.println( "Chatter: " + getResponse( statement ) );statement = in.nextLine();}if ( in != null )in.close();}}