Understanding System Calls and OS Structures: Homework Insights
Bryant University**We aren't endorsed by this school
COM 343
Computer Science
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by ProfessorGoose4785
Homework #3- Due Friday, Oct. 7th, 2024 before class COMSC 420, FA 2024 Chapter 2 Homework 1.What are system calls and their purpose? Explain types of system calls and give examples. 2.What is the relationship between an API, the system-call interface, and the operating system? 3.Explain the roles that the linkers and loaders play in terms of program running. 4.Describe different types of operating system structures and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a microkernel approach and the modular approach. Presentation Prepare a 5-minute (each group of 2-3 members) presentation (+/- 1) on an overview (and you will add design details through the whole semester) of one of the following topics. Microsoft Windows(1:10pm)) – 3 members Linux Systems(1:15pm) – 3 members macOS(1:20pm) – 3 members Mobile OS – iOS(1:25pm) – 3 members Mobile OS – Android(1:30pm) – 3 members Research – Security and Privacy in Smart Cities(1:35pm)– 2 members The class on Friday, October 7th(1:00pm) is reserved for your presentation. Please refer to the textbook and also the references at the end of this handout for materials to be covered. You may also refer to web info or Library documents for further information to be included in your presentation. You may use any media format such as: powerpoint slides, Tables, Pictures, Clip-arts, Animations, Audios, Videos, etc. List your references at the end of your presentation. Make your presentation INFORMATIVEand FUN! There is a sign-up sheet available on Bridges under Sign-up tool. Please form a team of two-three, choose a topic and sign up with group members. References [1]. M. Russinovich, D. Solomon, and A. Ionescu, Windows Internals: Covering Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, Redmond, WA, Microsoft Press, 2011; [2]. Y. Li, W. Li, and C. Jiang, “A survey of Virtual Machine Systems: Current Technology and Future Trends, Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, 2010; [3]. U. Vahalia, Unix Internals: The New Frontiers, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hass, 1996; [4]. W. Mauerer, Professional Linux Kernel Architecture, New York, Wiley 2008 [5]. Gandhewar, N., and Sheik h, R. “Google Android: An emerging Software platform for Mobile Devices”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Feb., 2011. [6]. Ghazaleh Javadzadeh etc. “Fog Computing Applications in Smart Cities: A Systematic Survey”, Wireless Networks, 26:1433-1457, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02208-y[7]. Solanas, A., Casino, F., Batista, E., & Rallo, R. (2017). Trends and challenges in smart healthcare research: A journey from datato wisdom. In IEEE 3rd forum on research and technologies forsociety and industry (pp. 1–7).