Understanding ChatGPT: Origins, Uses, and Limitations of AI
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prompt in the form of a question or an instruction, and ChatGPT generates a response. For example, people may ask ChatGPTquestions about facts (such as which is the tallest mountain in the world) or more complex thought questions (such as why bad thingshappen to good people).As more people use ChatGPT, it will learn more about how humans think and communicate, making it more functional andsuccessful. In addition, ChatGPT users are able to rate their interaction with the program—typically with a “thumbs up” or “thumbsdown” symbol—to show whether they were satisfied with its reply. This helps the program determine which of its behaviors are moreor less acceptable to human users.Uses and LimitationsChatGPT became highly popular after its release and users have tested its abilities for dozens of purposes. Many ask it basicresearch questions, challenge it to solve math problems, or use it to chat or play games. More advanced uses include creating socialmedia posts, summarizing articles, designing new computer programs, or even composing musical works.Indeed, ChatGPT has proven more successful than previous chatbots because of its high-level application of AI to create responsesthat may seem truly human. It can also use a wide range of technologies to produce replies that are far more complex than merewords; it may be able to retrieve or even generate essays, social media posts, or even images or videos in response to user queries.While many users have been impressed by ChatGPT’s capabilities, many have discovered that the program has important limitationsas well. It has limited access to information, which means people may not be able to find obscure or up-to-date references. Just asimportantly, the attempt to mimic human comprehension and communication is still unrefined, and many users have noted that theprogram “sounds like a computer” or does not understand complex aspects of human interplay such as sarcasm and jokes. It mayalso misinterpret a person’s intended meaning or goal and have difficulty correcting itself.In addition, the quality of ChatGPT’s depend on the quality of the prompts that users provide. Prompt engineering, or the ability tocreate effective instructions, is an important skill for ChatGPT users. People need to understand how ChatGPT works and adjust thewording of prompts to achieve the desired responses. More detailed and specific prompts will likely yield a better result. For example,a user might ask ChatGPT to assume a role, such as “pretend you are a tech blogger” and then ask it for three ideas for a blog postabout artificial intelligence.Criticism of ChatGPTChatGPT has introduced tens of thousands of users to new possibilities in human-computer interaction, as well as offered new waysin which computers may help people. However, many people have also criticized ChatGPT and similar technologies on many fronts,ranging from its technical flaws to its overall impact on the future of humanity. Some people have noted that ChatGPT may be usedunethically, such as to impersonate real people, cheat on tests and assignments, spread lies or insulting attitudes, propagatecomputer viruses, or plagiarize existing works. Other observers are concerned about the loss of jobs due to the adoption of ChatGPTand other AI technologies. On a broader scale, many people are concerned that overreliance on human-computer interaction willweaken the bonds between people, potentially leading to isolation, poor social skills, and other troubling effects.Connections: The History of ChatbotsChatbots like ChatGPT have become a significant feature of science, news, and pop culture, but the technology behind them beganto develop generations earlier. The idea of a chatbot is often traced back to the 1960s, when an early computer program calledELIZA, developed by computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum (1923–2008), attempted to replicate a visit to a human therapist. Auser could tell ELIZA about personal problems or concerns, and the program would seem to offer comfort or advice. However, earlychatbots used much simpler technology than ChatGPT and might only produce stock phrases or replies that parroted the user’swords rather than providing new insights.Full Text:COPYRIGHT 2024 Gale, part of Cengage GroupSource Citation (MLA 9th Edition) "ChatGPT." Gale In Context Online Collection, Gale, 2023. Gale In Context: High School, link.gale.com/apps/doc/FGOOAN056745662/SUIC?u=jack63683&sid=bookmark-SUIC&xid=765e3a28. Accessed 21 Feb. 2024.Gale Document Number: GALE|FGOOAN056745662