Understanding Urinary Elimination: Key Concepts and

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Dec 12, 2024
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NF2 Module 5Urinary Elimination
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Organs of the urinary system (renal system)-KidneysoRemove waste from the blood to form urine-UretersoTransport urine from the kidneys to the bladder-BladderoReservoir for urine until the urge to urinate develops-UrethraoUrine travels from the bladder and exits through the urethral meatusUrine – waste product of the renal systemWhat is it?Characteristics? – clear, pale yellow to yellowish wasteWhat’s normal/abnormal? – cloudy, red to brown colorsColour=pale straw to amberOdour= ammonia likeClarity = transparentAmount = Min 30mL/hrTerminology-MicturationoUrination; act of passing urine voluntarily through the urethra-OliguriaoDiminished capacity to form and pass urine-AnuriaoCessation of urine production-PolyuriaoExcretion of an abnormally large volume of urine-DysuriaoPainful or difficult urination-HematuriaoAbnormal presence of blood in the urine-NocturiaoUrination at night-CystitisoInflammation of the urinary bladder characterized by pain, urgency, andfrequencyofurination
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It is means inflammation of bladder ia means abnormalolig means very littlean means missingpoly means a lotdys means difficulthemat means presence of bloodNoct means nightCyst means bladderUrinary retentionWhat is it?What causes urinary retention?-An accumulation of urine in the bladder due to bladder’s inability to empty.oOverflow incontinence may occur (urethral sphincter is unable to hold back urine due to built-up pressure).oBladder could be firm and distended upon assessment. In severe cases, the bladder may hold as much as 2-3L of urine.-What are some factors that can affect a person’s ability tourinate?Illness; malfunction of an organ that affects the urinary system-How do you know your patient is retaining urine?Inflation of the abdomen-Complications of urinary retention?Bladder may burst if urine is not emptied in the bladderCatheterization: What is it?-Introducing a narrow tube through the urethra and into the bladder to allow a continuous flow of urine intro a drainage receptacleHow might we explain this procedure to a patient?Catheterization: Indications-Collect sterile urine specimen-Intermittent or continuous bladder drainage and/or irrigationAn intervention to manageIncontinence SurgeryPersistent residual urine volume after voidingFeeling of discomfort (patient's subjective feeling of fullness, symptoms secondary to a UTI, etc.)Super pubic catheter – surgeons create a pathway through the pubic area and a catheter is placed inside the bladder
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Catheterization: TypesStraight, Intermittent,“in & out”Insertion followed by immediate removalSingle lumen catheterNo balloonIndications?NocturiaIndwelling, continuous, FoleyBalloon to secure in situDouble or triple-lumen catheterIndications?Coudetip catheterType of indwelling catheterCurved and rigid tip for ease of passing enlarged prostateEasier to control/stiffLess traumatic insertionIndications?Catheter materials and sizes (Check for allergies)1. Catheter MaterialsLatex, silicone, teflon, plastic2. Catheter Size (lumen size)Determined by size of patient's urethral canalPresence of clots/debrisFrench (Fr) systemoChild8 Fr to 10 FroAdults14 Fr to 16 FroUrological procedure20 Fr to 24 Fr3. Balloon Size (how much to instill?)From 3mL (peds) to 30mL prostatectomies)Commonly 5mL in adults for optimal drainage*Check packaging for manufacturer's recommendation of volume to instill*
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Closed drainage systemsoWhat is a closed drainage system?-Another port for draining-Clamp it the tube firstoConsider position of the bag-No opening-Drainage tube in the bag-Open it to drain the bagoHow can you maintain asepsis?oWhen would a urometer drainage system be required?oWhat might the Luer lock port beused for?Catheterization: Assessments*Physician order is required to insert a catheter*Indications for the procedureConsider any pathological condition that may impair the passage of the catheter (i.e., enlargedprostate)Allergies – allergic to latex?Gather data from your head-to-toe assessmentIntake and outputtime of lastvoidassess output forcolour,odour, consistency, amount(COCA)Palpate bladder for distension, pain, etc.Bladder scan to determine the amount of urine retained or post-void residualMay need a doctor’s order to useSkin integrity at the perineumredness, edema, ecchymosis, drainage, approximation (REEDA)provide peri-care before (and after) the procedureSubjective data from patientfeeling offullness,frequency,painful voiding, etc.Mobility/physical limitations which might impede procedure andpost-careConsider cultural, gender, age, and mental capacitydeterminecathetersize, approach, teaching, and post-careCatheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CA-UTIs)Nursing interventions and evaluation:Promote infection prevention (teaching and assessments)Ensure unobstructedurine flow (bag below the height of the bladder)Encourage hydration
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Proper peri-careAseptic catheter insertion techniques75% of nosocomial UTIs are CA-UTIsRoutine Catheter Care is to promote bladder health- page 1198.Catheterization: Adverse outcomesLeakage due to obstruction or bladder spasmsObstructions (kinks/loops in tubing)BleedingChronic renal inflammationUrethral erosion, stricturesBladder spasmsEncrustationsKidney stonesProstatitis, OrchitisUTI/UrosepsisTo catheterize or not to catheterizeGuideline for Prevention of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CA-UTIs; CDC, 2019)Best Practice Guidelines:Risk/benefit must be weighed for each patientMust be indicated for initiationMust be indicated for continuing useMust be assessed and reassessedCatheterization: DocumentationDate and timeRelevant data from your assessmentThe indication for the procedureType and size of Foley inserted (# Fr.) and balloon (size/inflated volume) (so the next nurse will know how much fluid will they remove from the catheter)Patientteaching providedIfspecimen obtainedAssessment of the drainage (COCA)Patient reaction, adverse outcomesDiscussion1.What are the symptoms of an UTI?Burning sensationHematuriaFrequent urination feverFoul odorUrine color may differ from normal CystitisWBC in urineSediments in urineDysuria
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Urinary retentionurgency2.Why are UTIs the leading cause of hospital acquiredinfections?Unsterile techniques for urinary cathetersInterventionsImmobility issuesPoor hygiene3.What patient teaching should take place?Drink of a lot of waterMaintain good hygieneDo not hold your peeComplete your medicationsPatient teaching are:HygieneFluidsPositioningReportingIndwelling catheter removal (Clean technique)Do pericare after*Need physician order to remove catheter*Clean technique, wear clean glovesShort-term dysuria is normal, especially if the catheter was in situ for several days or weeksThe patient may experience urinary frequency or retention until the bladder regains full toneAssess urinary system functionDocument first void after removal, time and amount of voiding during the next 24 hoursBody is very relax when catheter is in Couple of days: spasms or may mimic symptoms of UTI (burning feeling in the urethra)
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Bladder irrigationPurposeoMaintain catheter patencyoMedication administrationoIndications?Intermittent – two lumens; bladder irrigation kitFlush it, clamp it, and drain ml according to the doctor’s orderContinuous – three lumens; set up like an iv bagIrrigate bladder – flushing to see if there is n0o blood clot after surgeryPrior to bladder irrigation1.Assess clientHistory of catheter changes (frequency, bypassing, blocking, spasms)Ensure no kinks, clothing restricting, etc.Bag below level of bladderIntake and outputPain assessment (OPQRSTUV)Last bowel movement (can impede bladder emptying)Presence of debris/film in tubingActivity and mobility2.Investigate cause of catheter blockageMucosal occlusionEncrustation - primary reason for blockageBacteria build-up >> Biofilm in catheter and tubing >> encrustation of catheterMaintenance solutionsNormal salineWashdebris from catheter through mechanicalactionWill not dissolve encrustation (crystalline material)Acetic AcidEvidence that mineral deposits can be dissolved withacetic acid but not preventative measureIntermittent bladder irrigation:OpensystemUrine collection bag has no portson drainage bag therefore must disconnect drainage bag (openthe system) to instill fluidMUST maintain sterility
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Catheter tip - bulb or piston syringeGreater risk of infectionAlcohol swabs – can make the cap sterile after irrigation; 30 seconds to cleanIntermittent bladder irrigation:ClosedsystemUrine collection bag has a portin placeCollection bag is clamped prior to initiating irrigateBE SURE TO UNCLAMP when finishedContinuous infusion of a sterile solution into the bladderUse a 3-way irrigation closed system with a triple-lumen catheterOne lumen is used to drain urine; another is used to inflate thecatheter balloon; the final lumen carries the irrigation solutionUsually indicated in patients with complications such as gross hematuriaor after a urological surgeryBladder irrigation: DocumentationAssessment of patient prior, during, and post irrigationType of irrigation performed and irrigate solution used (as per physician order)Amount instilled & amount returned as drainageCharacter of the drainage (COCA)Any indicators of issues during irrigation:Inability to instill, presence of clots or sudden bleedingChanges to drainageRetaining solutionPain/bladder distentionBladder spasmsBypassing
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