Exploring Bioethical Challenges in STEM Research and Therapy

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FIN 12
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by ColonelBoulder1934
Bioethical issues in STEM FieldsBioethical issues in stem cells arise around the topic of embryos, where the use ofembryonic stem cells also often entails the destruction of embryos. Preimplantation humanembryos are destroyed in the process of harvesting their stem cells (Hyun I.). This raises moralconcerns about whether it is justifiable to use embryonic stem cells for research purposes. Manyargue that preimplantation embryos have the potential to become human beings, thereforemaking this act morally wrong. Additionally, extracting these cells also raises concerns abouthuman cloning, commoditizing human genetic material, and mixing both human and animalspecies.Speaking of cloning, this is another major area where the ethicality of these practices isquestionable at best. Among the concerns are that cloning technology is not yet advanced enoughto ensure the safety of individuals, the clones themselves would have trouble integrating intosociety, and the individuals involved could be subjected to abuse (Nabavizadeh SL).Furthermore, this raises questions about the rights of clones and whether they are to be treated ashumans or as objects. Health risks as well as consentual problems all compound on the mattermaking it hard decide what is morally right.Bioethical issues in gene therapy raise their own unique ethical concerns. After all, thereare many risks involved and adverse side affects that could be unaccounted for, and suchuncertainties make making the patient fully aware of the risk, a priority. Then the question comesinto play whether we should really allow people to use gene therapy to enhance their traits andhow we’d decide which traits are normal and which constitute disabilities (MedlinePlus). Gene
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therapy has many broad societal implications such as whether your gene alterations will affectsomeone down the line in your family.Designer Drugs substantiate many bioethical concerns because of legal and regulatorychallenges. Firstly, development of these drugs could outpace local regulations making itdifficult for authorities to control and monitor its use. Furthermore, ethical issues arise aroundwhether manufacturers and distributors would take responsibilty for preventing addiction andmisuse (Van Campen LE). Ultimately, the main concerns here are primarily how to regulate anddistribute these drugs within a legal framework to maintain patient safety.ReferencesHyun I. The bioethics of stem cell research and therapy. J Clin Invest. 2010 Jan;120(1):71-5. doi:10.1172/JCI40435. PMID: 20051638; PMCID: PMC2798696.Nabavizadeh SL, Mehrabani D, Vahedi Z, Manafi F. Cloning: A Review on Bioethics, Legal,Jurisprudence and Regenerative Issues in Iran. World J Plast Surg. 2016 Sep;5(3):213-225.PMID: 27853684; PMCID: PMC5109382.MedlinePlus. (n.d.). What are the ethical issues surrounding gene therapy?. U.S> NationalLibrary of Medicine. 2024 Sep;17https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/understanding/therapy/ethics/Van Campen LE, Poplazarova T, Therasse DG, Turik M; Biopharmaceutical Bioethics WorkingGroup. Considerations for applying bioethics norms to a biopharmaceutical industry setting.BMC Med Ethics. 2021 Mar 25;22(1):31. doi: 10.1186/s12910-021-00600-y. PMID: 33766013;PMCID: PMC7992125.
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