Mastering Computer Applications in Industry: ICT 12 Guide
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ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 1MMOODDUULLEEIINNIICCTT1122Computer Application in Industry and Business ENGR. BILLIE JACK DR. PASION, Ed.D. January 2022
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 1INTRODUCTION very long time ago, since the dawn of computer technology, most chores were done by yourself physically, i.e., from the processing of documents or paper works to calculation of simple and complex mathematical problems. Today’s digital natives are so providential because these types of chores can be achieved in a jiffy through the support of current technology. A sincerely gratitude to those who initiated the discovery of computer technology; they have made information dissemination so much easier. At present, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) plays a vital role in most digital native’s lives. A day seems to be imperfect without utilizing any electronics gadget related to the ICT sector, e.g., smart phone, tablets, palmtop, laptop and desktop computers, or even surfing the World Wide Web (WWW). Computer applications or programs are software that has been manufactured to lessen or diminish the extensive procedures of manual operations. Programs are developed based on their uses and functionality. Word processing applications for instance, are constructed to create documents, process, format and print documents. Another example is the spreadsheet program which creates worksheet that solves simple and complex computation as well as prints same. The development of this module has been made based on the subject ICT 12, a computer subject intended to train students for computer applications in industry and business. This module contains four units, the first two units cover the word processing application and the remaining units cover the spreadsheet program. The computer application to be utilized in this module is Microsoft Office 2016 Suite, specifically the Microsoft Office Word for computer applications in industry and Microsoft Office Excel for business computer programs. It will cover the different commands that are featured in this software. This module is intended to be used by students who have basic information in operating a personal computer –that of being able to open, save, and close an application program, start a computer unit as well as shut it down. Some of the pictures used in this module are downloaded from trusted websites, copied from the Microsoft office applications, and edited by the author of this module. A
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 2TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Page 1 Table of Contents Page 2 UNIT I: INTRODUCTION TO WORD PROCESSING Page 4 OverviewPage 4 Learning Objectives Page 4 Setting-Up Pre-test Page 5 Lesson Proper Introduction to Word Processing Page 6 Microsoft Word Working Environment Page 6 Microsoft Word Commands Page 7 ReferencesPage 9 Assessing Learning Posttest (Quiz 1) Page 10 UNIT II: SETTING DOCUMENT PAGE AND FORMATTING OF OBJECTSPage 12OverviewPage 12 Learning ObjectivesPage 12 Setting-Up Pre-test Page 13 Lesson Proper Setting Document Page Page 14 The Header and Footer Page 15 Inserting Special Symbol Page 15 Unprintable Page Background Page 16 Enhancing the Working Area using Fill Effects Page 16 Printed Watermark Page 17 Incorporating Tables on Documents Page 17 Formatting Tables Page 18 Integrating and Formatting Illustrations Page 19 Dividing Working Area and Applying Drop Cap Page 27 Printing Documents Page 28 ReferencesPage 29 Assessing Learning Posttest (Quiz 2) Page 30 UNIT III: INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET Page 32 OverviewPage 32 Learning ObjectivesPage 32 Setting-Up Motivating Activity Page 33
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 3Lesson Proper Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Page 34 Microsoft Excel Working Environment Page 34 Uses of Microsoft Excel Page 36 Format Column and Row Headings Page 37 Manipulate Cells and Sheets Page 40 Perform Wrap Text, Merge and Center and Orientation Page 40 Microsoft Excel Pointers Page 41 ReferencesPage 43 Assessing Learning Posttest (Quiz 3) Page 43 UNIT IV: MANAGE ARITHMETIC AND COMPARISON OPERATORS, FUNCTIONS AND SEPARATORS Page 44OverviewPage 44 Learning ObjectivesPage 44 Setting-Up Motivating Activity Page 45 Lesson Proper Arithmetic Operators Page 46 Comparison Operators Page 47 Separators Page 48 Constructing Formula Page 48 Functions of Microsoft Excel Page 49 ReferencesPage 51 Assessing Learning Posttest (Quiz 4) Page 52
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 4UNIT I: INTRODUCTION TO WORD PROCESSING Overview In this unit, word processing using Microsoft Word will be discussed. Furthermore, methods on how to start, create, save, and retrieve documents will also be tackled. Moreover, the components and functions of the graphical user interface of Microsoft Word will be introduce and discussed. Learning Objectives: At the end of the unit, you should be able to: 1.Define Word Processing 2.Discuss Microsoft Word 3.Start a new document 4.Recognize the Menu Bar 5.Identify Ribbon’s Tabs 6.Perform commonly used commands 7.Employ clipboard commands 8.Execute text formatting commands 9.Use paragraph formatting commands 10.Utilize editing commands
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 5Setting Up Pre-test Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Course/Year/Section: __________________________________ Direction: Identify and supply the command that corresponds to the given shortcuts below. CTRL + A - ____________________CTRL + B - ____________________CTRL + C - ____________________CTRL + D - ____________________CTRL + E - ____________________CTRL + F - ____________________CTRL + G - ____________________CTRL + H - ____________________CTRL + I - ____________________CTRL + J - ____________________CTRL + K - ____________________CTRL + L - ____________________CTRL + M - ____________________CTRL + N - ____________________CTRL + O - ____________________CTRL + P - ____________________CTRL+ Q - ____________________CTRL+ R - ____________________CTRL+ S - ____________________CTRL+ T - ____________________CTRL+ U - ____________________CTRL+ V - ____________________CTRL+ W - ____________________CTRL+ X - ____________________CTRL+ Y - ____________________CTRL+ Z - ____________________
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 6Lesson Proper Introduction to Word Processing Word Processing describes creating or editing a document using a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or OpenOffice Writer [1]. Microsoft Word sometimes called Winword, MS Word, or Wordis a word processor published by Microsoft [2]. It is one of the applications in office productivity suite of Microsoft which is released in 1983 and formerly developed by Charles Simonyi and his co-developer Richard Brodie. This application deals with the acronym WYSIWYG which means “What You See Is What You Get”. It guarantees that everything displays on MS Word’s working area will look the same when printed. Microsoft Word Working Environment Microsoft Word Office 2016 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Working with an application it’s not a hard task. A simple method that you can apply when learning the use of a certain application is to determine its main purpose and also the different components of the application’s GUI and their functions. Presented below are the different components of MS Word 2016 version working environment. Quick Access Toolbar: It displays the different icons of particular commands that can be access easily. Title Bar: It displays the name of the application and default filename of the current file that is opened.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 7Windows Interface Buttons: The functions of these buttons are to minimize, maximize or restore down and close an opened window. Menu Bar: By default, Microsoft Word Office 2016 has 10 menus displayed on its interface. There are some menus that are not displayed to avoid clustering. They will be only available if an object is inserted in the working area. Presented below are the different menus of MS Word 2016 as well as their respective ribbon and tabs. •File •Home (Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing)•Insert (Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Add-ins, Media, Links, Comments, Header & Footer, Text and Symbols)•Design (Document Formatting and Page Background)•Layout (Page Set-up, Paragraph and Arrange)•References (Table of Contents, Footnotes, Research, Citations & Bibliography, Captions, Index, and Table of Authorities)•Mailings (Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results and Finish)•Review (Proofing, Accessibility, Language, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect and Ink)•View (Views, Page Moment, Show, Zoom, Window, Macros and SharePoint)•Help (Help)Ribbon: Theribbon helps the user to find a certain command. Commands are organize in tabs and usually represented by an Icon. Ruler:The ruler helps the user to align text inside the working area through indentation. Parts of a ruler are; First Line Indent, Hanging Indent and Left Indent. Scroll Bar:The scroll bar helps the user to navigate in the working area easily. Two types of scroll bar are horizontal and vertical. Status Bar:The status bar provides the information of your current documents; such as, page numbering, word counts, and language. Along with this bar are the different view layouts and zoom slider. Microsoft Word Commands Commandsare used to perform a certain task in your documents. These commands can be found in quick access toolbar, file menu and ribbon. They can be activated by typing their keyboard shortcut or clicking the icon of these commands. Presented below are the different categories of commands: Commonly Used Commands: •New (CTRL + N)–it starts a new document. •Open(CTRL + O) –it opens stored documents from storage bin. •Save(CTRL + S) –it stores the current document to the desired location.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 8•PrintPreview(CTRL + F2) –it displays the document to be printed. •Print(CTRL + P) –it prints the current document. •Spelling and Grammar(F7) –it checks the spelling and grammar in the current document. •Undo (CTRL + Z) –it cancels the last action done in the document. •Redo(CTRL + Y) –it reverses the last undo action in the document. Clipboard Commands: •Cut (CTRL + X) –it cuts the selection and put it in the clipboard. •Copy (CTRL + C) –it copies the selection and put it in the clipboard. •Paste(CTRL + V) –it pastes the contents of the clipboard. •Format Painter–it copies the format of the selection and applies it to other selectionText Formatting Commands: •Font –it allows the user change the font type.•Font Size –it allows the user to change the font size.•Increase Font (CTRL + ]) –it increases the font size of the selected text. •Decrease Font (CTRL + [ ) –it decreases the font size of the selected text.•Change Case –it allows the user to change the different case in the document such as Sentence case, lowercase, UPPERCASE, Title Case and tOGGLE cASE. •Clear Formatting –it clears all the formatting applied in the selection.•Bold (CTRL + B) –it applies boldface on the selected text.•Italic (CTRL + I) –it applies italicize effects on the selected text.•Underline (CTRL + U) –it applies underline effects on the selected text.•Strikethrough –it applies strikethrough on the selected text.•Subscript (CTRL + =) –it creates small letter below text baseline.•Superscript (CTRL + +) –it creates small letter above line of text.•Text Effects –it applies different text effects on the selected text.•Text Highlight Color –it applies highlight effects on the selected text.•Font Color –it allows the user to change color of the selected text. Paragraph Formatting Commands: •Bullets –it applies bulleted form on the selected text.•Numbering –it applies automatic numbering on the selected text.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 9•Multilevel List –it starts a multilevel list on the selected text.•Decrease Indent (CTRL + SHIFT + M) –it decreases the indent level of the paragraph.•Increase Indent (CTRL + M) –it increases the indent level of the paragraph.•Sort –it sorts the selected text alphabetically.•Show/Hide –it shows or hides paragraph marks on the document.•Align Left (CTRL + L) –it aligns text to the left side margin of the document.•Center (CTRL + E) –it aligns text to the center of the document.•Align Right (CTRL + R) –it aligns text to the right-side margin of the document.•Justify (CTRL + J) –it aligns text to the left and right-side margin of the document.•Line and Paragraph Spacing –it applies the different spacing options on the document such as single, 1.5 lines and double.•Shading –it applies shading on the background of the selected text.•Borders –it applies different border on the selected text.Editing Commands: •Find (CTRL + F) –it finds text in the document.•Replace (CTRL + H) –it replaces the text in the document.•Go to (CTRL +G) –it navigates to a specific location on the document.•Select All (CTRL + A) –it selects all the objects and text in the document.•Hyperlink (CTRL + K) –it links selected text or object into a specific location. •Close (CTRL + W) –it closes the application window.•Increase Hanging Indent (CTRL + T) –it increases the hanging indent level.•Decrease Hanging Indent (CTRL + SHIFT + T) –it decreases creases the hanging indent level.References: [1] (2020), “Definition of Word Processing” Accessed on 12 January 2021 from[2] (2020), “Definition of Microsoft Word” Accessed on 12 January 2021 from
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 10Assessing Learning: Posttest (Quiz 1) Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Course/Year/Section: __________________________________ Direction: Read the following statement below. Identify what command that describe in each statement. Write your answer using a pen with black ink on the space provided. _________________________________________1. This command aligns text to the center of the document._________________________________________2. This command aligns text to the left and right-side margin of the document._________________________________________3. This command aligns text to the left side margin of the document._________________________________________4. This command aligns text to the right-side margin of the document._________________________________________5. This command applies boldface on the selected text._________________________________________6. This command applies italicize effects on the selected text._________________________________________7. This command applies underline effects on the selected text._________________________________________8. This command cancels the last action done in the document. _________________________________________9. This command closes the application window._________________________________________10. This command copies the selection and put it in the clipboard. _________________________________________11. This command cuts the selection and put it in the clipboard. _________________________________________12. This command finds text in the document._________________________________________13. This command increases the hanging indent level._________________________________________14. This command increases the indent level of the paragraph._________________________________________15. This command links selected text or object into a specific location.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 11_________________________________________16. This command navigates to a specific location on the document._________________________________________17. This command opens stored documents from storage bin. _________________________________________18. This command pastes the contents of the clipboard. _________________________________________19. This command produces a hard copy of a document. _________________________________________20. This command replaces the text in the document._________________________________________21. This command reverses the last undo action in the document. _________________________________________22. This command selects all the objects and text in the document._________________________________________23. This command starts a new document. _________________________________________24. This command stores the current document to the desired location.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 12UNIT II: SETTING DOCUMENT PAGE AND FORMATTING OF OBJECTS Overview In this unit, setting document page and formatting of objects will be discussed. Inserting document header and footer, symbols, tables and drawing objects will be discussed also. Document color, effects and watermark will be talk about and printing documents Learning Objectives: At the end of the unit, you should be able to: 1.Use page setup 2.Employ header and footer 3.Insert special symbols on documents 4.Apply page color on working area 5.Utilize fill effects on working area 6.Execute the properties of watermark 7.Incorporate and format tables on documents 8.Integrate and format illustrations on documents 9.Divide working area and apply drop cap 10.Print documents
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 13Setting Up Pre-test Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Course/Year/Section: __________________________________ Direction: Enumerate the following statement. What are the two types of document orientation? 1. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________ What are the five parts of the table? 3. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________________________________ What are the three options of drop cap? 8. _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________________________________________
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 14Lesson Proper Setting Document Page Document page or the work area of the Microsoft Word program is another important on-screen element. The work area is simply the page of the document that you are creating. On the work area, you can type words or you can insert other elements [3]. Microsoft Word’s document page or work area can be setup through page setup dialog box. From there you can change the document orientation, alter the default margins and choose a paper size. Page setup dialog box can be found under layout menu. Page Setup Dialog Box The top, left, right and bottom margins has a default value of 1”. This value can be change inside the Page Setup dialog box or you can choose from the margin options from the layout menu. You can choose your desired margin options by simply clicking it. The table below shows the default values of the margin options.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 15NAME TOP LEFT RIGHT BOTTOM Normal 1”1”1”1”Narrow 0.5”0.5”0.5”0.5”Moderate 1”0.75”0.75”1”Wide 1”2”2”1”Mirrored 1”1.25”1”1”Working area orientations are portrait and landscape. Portrait is the standing position while landscape is the lying position. Default paper is letter size which has a measurement of 8.5” x 11”. Other sizes are Legal (8.5” x 14”), A4 (8.27” x 11.69”), Postcard (3.93” x 5.83”) and custom size. The Header and Footer Header is can be found at the upper section of the working area when activated, while footer is located at the lower part. Usually they used to house footnotes, page numbers, titles and other details, data or information of the document. Header and footer can be activated through Insert Menu under the Header & Footer tab. Other option is to double click the upper or lower section of the working area just outside of the top and bottom margin. Inserting Special Symbol Computer keyboard is composed of different characters that can be utilized in many applications. Microsoft Word applications have thousands of character symbols on its library. Go to Insert Menu and look for the Symbols tab and click symbol and more symbols. The Symbol dialog box will be displayed. You can also insert symbols by typing the character code in conjunction of ALT key. Symbol Dialog Box
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 16Unprintable Page Background This feature is in contrary with the acronym WYSIWYG, because if you add a background color into your document page, it cannot be printed. Maybe the reason is to save ink when printing your documents. This feature of MS Word will only enhance the appearance of your document when opened in a multimedia device. To use this feature of MS Word, go to Design Menu and look for the Page Background tab, select Page Color and then choose what your desire color. Enhancing the Working Area using Fill Effects Like page color, additional effects like gradient color, texture, pattern and picture that serve as document background is cannot be printed. The reason is the same with page color, to save some ink when printing. The advantage of this feature over page color is that the background will look more realistic and you can add more vivid colors. To utilize this feature of MS Word, go to Design Menu and look for the Page Background tab, select Page Color and then choose Fill Effects. Fill Effects Dialog Box
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 17Printed Watermark A watermark is a washout picture or text that when inserted in the document can serve as a background. Usually, a text watermark appears in a light gray and large font, so that readers can see them easily in the document. This default setting of text watermark can be modified. Default text watermarks that can be use are draft, confidential, do not edit, do not copy, sample and urgent. A picture watermark is typically utilized when you want an organization’s seal or logo serve as background. To utilize this feature of MS Word, go to Design Menu and look for the Page Background tab, select Watermark and then choose custom watermark. Printed Watermark Dialog Box Incorporating Tables on Documents A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns. Tables are useful for various such as presenting text information and numerical data [4]. Rows of the table are defined horizontally, while columns are defined vertically. The intersection of rows and columns is called cell, which serves as blank text box.Aside from rows, columns, and cells as component of a table there are two more component that you need to learn. These components are table move handle and table resize handle. Table move handle is located on the upper left corner of the table which is use to move a table in the document page. Table resize handle is located on the lower right corner of the table that is use to
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 18resize the row heights and column widths simultaneously. Other ways to resize a table is direct resizing it using the grid of the tables or using the ruler. Insert Table Dialog Box Components of a Table Formatting Tables Tables can be formatted once incorporated on the documents. As a user, you can do the following; choose a style for your table, add cell background, choose a border style, manipulate the table borders, draw and erase table, add desired number of rows and columns on the current table as well to delete them, split a table, merge and split cells, distribute rows and columns evenly, apply cell alignments, change text direction, add cell margins, sort data on table, repeat header rows,
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 19convert table to text and add formula. All this formatting can be done under table tools such as Design Menu and Layout Menu. Table Tools: Design Menu Table Tools: Layout Menu Integrating and Formatting Illustrations on Documents Illustration is another ingredient in your document. These ingredients will add more details and information into your document. Illustration can be considered as drawing objects in MS Word, this includes pictures, shapes, smartart, chart, screenshot, text box and word art. Pictures This feature of MS Word allows user to insert a picture in documents. These pictures usually located on the repository made by the user in their computer. To insert a picture in the document, go to Insert menu, look for the Illustrations tab, choose Pictures and then select an option (This Device or Online Pictures). Insert Picture Dialog Box
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 20Different Manipulating Handles of a Picture Formatting Picture Integrated pictures can be formatted using format menu under picture tools. As a user, you can do the following; remove a background, apply corrections, change color, add artistic effects, compress, change picture and reset picture, apply picture styles, add border, effects and layout, choose position for picture, wrap a picture, bring forward and sent backward a picture, display the selection pane, align a picture, group a pictures, flip and rotate picture, crop a picture and resize a picture. Picture Tools: Format Menu Shapes Shape is another feature of MS Word which allows user to insert ready-made shapes in documents. These shapes are categorized in to lines, rectangles, basic shapes, block arrows, equation shapes, flowchart, callouts and stars and banners. To insert a shape in the document, go to Insert menu, look for the Illustrations tab and then choose Shapes. The insert shape drop down panel will be displayed and then choose the desired shape you want to integrate in the document. Click the working area for automatic insertion of the shape or you can use the point and drag procedure to insert the shape.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 21Insert Shape Panel Different Manipulating Handles of a Shape
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 22Formatting Shape Integrated shapes can be formatted using format menu under drawing tools. As a user, you can do the following; edit shapes, apply shapes styles, add fill, outline and effects to shapes, change the direction of text inside a shape, align text inside the shape, attach a link to shape, choose position for shape, wrap a shape, bring forward and sent backward a shape, display the selection pane, align a shape, group shapes, flip and rotate shape and resize a picture. Drawing Tools: Format Menu SmartArt Another feature of MS Word is SmartArt which allows its user to integrate illustrations or graphics that is visually convey information. To insert a SmartArt graphic in the document, go to Insert menu, look for the Illustrations tab and then choose SmartArt. Choose a Smart Graphic dialog box will be displayed. From there you can choose different variations of SmartArt graphics such as list, process, cycle, hierarchy, relation, matrix, pyramid and picture. Choose a Smart Graphic Dialog Box
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 23Formatting SmartArt Integrated SmartArt can be formatted using design and format menu under smartart tools. As a user, you can do the following; add shape and bullet, display and hide text pane, promote and denote text box, move the position of text box from left to right and vice versa, move up and down insertion point, change the branch layout for selected type, change colors, reset changes made in a smartart graphic, change the shape of text box, enlarge and reduce the size of text box, apply different shape styles, apply fill, outline and effects on shape, apply different wordart styles, apply fill, outline and effects on text, choose position for shape, wrap a shape, bring forward and sent backward a shape, display the selection pane, align a shape, group shapes, flip and rotate shape and resize a picture. SmartArt Tools: Design Menu SmartArt Tools: Format Menu Chart Another feature of MS Word is Chart which allows its user to integrate illustrates or compares data. To insert a Chart in the document, go to Insert menu, look for the Illustrations tab and then choose Chart. Insert Chart dialog box will be displayed. From there you can choose different types of charts such as; column, line, pie, bar, area, XY scatter, stock, surface, radar, treemap, sunburst, histogram, box & whisker, waterfall and combo. Do take note that once a chart has been integrated in the document, a new window of MS Excel will be displayed. It contains the default data of the inserted chart. If you want to change the default data of the chart, edit it on MS Excel window.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 24Insert Chart Dialog Box Chart Formatting Tools
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 25Formatting Chart Aside from the chart formatting tools, an integrated Chart can be formatted using design and format menu under chart tools. As a user, you can do the following; add chart elements, apply quick layout for chart, change element colors, apply chart styles, switch rows and columns data, select, edit and refresh data, change chart types, format selection, reset to match style, insert and change shapes, apply shape styles, apply fill, outline and effects on shapes, apply wordart styles, apply fill, outline and effects on text, choose position for shape, wrap a shape, bring forward and sent backward a shape, display the selection pane, align a shape, group shapes, flip and rotate shape and resize a picture. Chart Tools: Design Menu Chart Tools: Format Menu Screenshot and Screen Clipping This feature of MS Word allows its users to integrate a screenshot or screen clip in the documents. To integrate a Screenshot in the document, go to Insert menu, look for the Illustrations tab and then choose Screenshot or Screen Clipping. Formatting Picture Integrated screenshot or screen clip can be formatted using format menu under picture tools. As a user, you can do the following; remove a background, apply corrections, change color, add artistic effects, compress, change picture and reset picture, apply picture styles, add border, effects and layout, choose position for picture, wrap a picture, bring forward and sent backward a picture, display the selection pane, align a picture, group a picture, flip and rotate picture, crop a picture and resize a picture. Picture Tools: Format Menu
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 26Text Box Another feature of MS Word is to integrate a text box which brings focus to the content it contains and it is good for displaying important text. To integrate a Text Box in the document, go to Insert menu, look for the Text tab and then choose Text Box. Formatting Text Box Integrated Text Box can be considered as shape which can be formatted using format menu under drawing tools. As a user, you can do the following; edit shapes, apply shapes styles, add fill, outline and effects to shapes, change the direction of text inside a shape, align text inside the shape, attach a link to shape, choose position for shape, wrap a shape, bring forward and sent backward a shape, display the selection pane, align a shape, group shapes, flip and rotate shape and resize a picture. Drawing Tools: Format Menu Word ArtThis feature of MS Word allows its user to integrate illustration that adds some artistic flair in the document using a WordArt text box. To integrate a WordArt in the document, go to Insert menu, look for the Text tab and then choose WordArt. Formatting Text Box Integrated WordArt can be considered as shape that can be formatted using format menu under drawing tools. As a user, you can do the following; edit shapes, apply shapes styles, add fill, outline and effects to shapes, change the direction of text inside a shape, align text inside the shape, attach a link to shape, choose position for shape, wrap a shape, bring forward and sent backward a shape, display the selection pane, align a shape, group shapes, flip and rotate shape and resize a picture. Drawing Tools: Format Menu
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 27Dividing Working Area and Applying Drop Cap If you want to divide the working area into several partitions, the user must use Columns which helps to break up the layout of a page full of text. Usually, columns are use in page lay-outing of newspapers, magazines, journals, books, etc. If you want to integrate a column, go to layout Menu, look for the Page Setup tab and then choose Columns. There are five column presets, such as; One, Two, Three, Left and Right. Number of Columns text box allows the user to type the desired number of columns to be applied in the working area. Columns Dialog Box A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning of a paragraph or section [5]. Drop cap size is commonly two or more lines. Drop cap is usually used in lay-outing a newspaper, magazines, journals, books, etc. To integrate a Drop Cap in the document, go to Insert menu, look for the Text tab and then choose Drop Cap. The default option will be applied in the selection made. I f you want to display its dialog box, follow the procedure on how to apply drop cap and then choose Drop Cap Options. Inside the Drop Cap dialog box, as a user you can do the following: choose a position such as Dropped and In Margin and apply the desired font, select lines to drop and input distance from text.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 28Drop Cap Dialog Box Printing Documents The last part of any documentation is producing the hard copy of the document so that it can be disseminated to its intended purpose. To produce a hard copy, the user must use command print. Several ways to activate the printing options, the user can do the following: click File menu and then choose Print, select the Quick Print in the Quick Access Toolbar and hit the keyboard shortcut CTRL + P. Printing Options
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 29Printing options panel allows its user to setup the printing processes like choosing the printer to be utilize, number of copies to be printed, choosing the page to be printed, changing the orientation of paper and choosing what size of paper to be used. If everything is setup, you can now hit the print icon so that the printer starts printing the documents. References: [3] (2021), “Definition of Work Area” Accessed on 15January 2021 from [4] (2020), “Definition of Table” Accessed on 15 January 2021 from [5] (2021), “Definition of Drop Cap” Accessed on 17 January 2021 from,usually%20two%20or%20more%20lines.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 30Assessing Learning: Posttest (Quiz 2) Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Course/Year/Section: __________________________________ Direction: Enumerate the following statement. What are the three printed watermark options? 1. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________ What are the three manipulating handles of a shape? 4. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________________ What are the five column presets? 7. _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________________________________________________ 11. _______________________________________________________________________________ Write down at least seven types of chart. 12. _______________________________________________________________________________ 13. _______________________________________________________________________________ 14. _______________________________________________________________________________
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 3115. _______________________________________________________________________________ 16. _______________________________________________________________________________ 17. _______________________________________________________________________________ 18. _______________________________________________________________________________ Jot down at least seven categories of SmartArt graphics. 19. _______________________________________________________________________________ 20. _______________________________________________________________________________ 21. _______________________________________________________________________________ 22. _______________________________________________________________________________ 23. _______________________________________________________________________________ 24. _______________________________________________________________________________ 25. _______________________________________________________________________________
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 32UNIT III: INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET Overview In this unit, electronic spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel will be discussed. Furthermore, methods on how to start, create, save, and retrieve worksheet will also be tackled. Moreover, the components and functions of the graphical user interface of Microsoft Excel will be introduced and discussed. Learning Objectives: At the end of the unit, you should be able to: 1.Define what is electronic spreadsheet and Microsoft Excel 2.Know the uses of Microsoft Excel 3.Start a new workbook 4.Recognize the Menu Bar and Ribbon (Tabs) 5.Save and retrieve a worksheet 6.Format Column and Row Headings 7.Manipulate Cells and Sheets 8.Perform Wrap Text, Merge and Center and Orientation 9.Describe the use of Microsoft Excel Pointers
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 33Setting Up Motivating Activity Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Course/Year/Section: __________________________________ Direction: Identify the different pointers of Microsoft Excel. Write your answer of the space provided. NO WRITE YOUR ANSWER HERE POINTERS CHOICES DESCRIPTION 1 A Mouse Pointer 2 B Cell Pointer 3 C Move Handle 4 D Autofill 5 E Double-Sided Arrow 6 F Row Heading Selector 7 G Column Heading Selector 8 H I-Beam I
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 34Lesson Proper Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheet Spreadsheet describes as an interactive computer application program for organization and analysis of information in tabular form. Spreadsheets developed as computerized simulations of paper accounting worksheets. The program operates on data represented as cells of an array, organized in rows and columns. Each cell of the array is a model-view-controller element that can contain either numeric or text data, or the results of formulas that automatically calculate and display a value based on the contents of other cells [6]. Excel screen consists of rectangular table or grid of rows and columns. The horizontal rows are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3…) and the vertical columns with letters of the alphabet (A, B, C…). For columns beyond 26, columns are identified by two or more letters such as AA, AB, and AC. The intersection point between a column and a row is a small rectangular box known as a cell. A cell is the basic unit for storing data in the spreadsheet. Because an Excel spreadsheet contains thousands of these cells, each is given a cell reference or address to identify it. Microsoft Excel Working Environment Microsoft Excel Office 2016 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Working with an application is not a hard task. A simple method that you can apply when learning the use of a certain application is to determine its main purpose and also the different components of the application’s GUI and their functions. Presented below are the different components of MS Excel 2016 version working environment. Quick Access Toolbar: It displays the different icons of particular commands that can be access easily.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 35Title Bar: It displays the name of the application and default filename of the current file that is opened. Windows Interface Buttons:The functions of these buttons are to minimize, maximize or restore down and close an opened window. Menu Bar:By default, Microsoft Excel Office 2016 has 9 menus displayed on its interface. There are some menus that are not displayed to avoid clustering. They will be only available if an object is inserted in the working area. Presented below are the different menus of MS Excel 2016 as well as their respective ribbon and tabs. •File•Home (Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, Editing) •Insert (Tables, Illustrations, Add-ins, Charts, Tours, Sparklines, Filter, Links, Symbols) •Page Layout (Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, Arrange) •Formulas (Function Library, Defined Names, Formula Auditing, Calculation) •Data (Get & Transform, Connections, Sort & Filter, Data Tools, Forecast, Outline) •Review (Proofing, Accessibility, Insights, Language, Comments, Protect, Ink) •View (Workbook Views, Show, Zoom, Window, Macros) •Help (Help, Community) Ribbon: The ribbon helps the user to find a certain command. Commands are organized in tabs and usually represented by an Icon. Name Box:Name box helps you identify cell that is currently selected or the active cell. Formula Bar:This bar helps you recognize the formulas that you are inserting on the active cell. Column Headings: This represents the name of column you are working with. Column headings are represented by letters. Row Headings:This represents the name of row you are working with. Row headings are represented by numbers. Worksheet: Part of the application where all necessary items you want to insert be in place. Sheet Tabs:You can insert new tabs, copy or move, rename, delete, add color, hide and unhide. Scroll Bar: The scroll bar helps the user to navigate in the working area easily. Two types of scroll bar are horizontal and vertical. Status Bar: The status bar provides the information of your current documents; such as count, numerical count and zoom.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 36Uses of Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets are often used to store financial data. Formulas and functions that are used on this type of data include: •Performing basic mathematical operations such as summing columns and rows of figures. •Finding values such as profit or loss. •Calculating repayment plans for loans or mortgages. •Finding the average, maximum, or minimum values in a specified range of data. •Graphing or charting data to assist users in identifying data trends. •Sorting and filtering data to find specific information. Commonly Used Commands: •New (CTRL + N) –it starts a new document. •Open (CTRL + O) –it opens stored documents from storage bin. •Save (CTRL + S) –it stores the current document to the desired location. •Print Preview (CTRL + F2) –it displays the document to be printed. •Print (CTRL + P) –it prints the current document. •Undo (CTRL + Z) –it cancels the last action done in the document. •Redo (CTRL + Y) –it reverses the last undo action in the document. Clipboard Commands: •Cut (CTRL + X) –it cuts the selection and put it in the clipboard. •Copy (CTRL + C) –it copies the selection and put it in the clipboard. •Paste (CTRL + V) –it pastes the contents of the clipboard. •Format Painter –it copies the format of the selection and applies it to other selection Text Formatting Commands: •Font –it allows the user change the font type. •Font Size –it allows the user to change the font size. •Increase Font Size–it increases the font size of the selected text. •Decrease Font Size–it decreases the font size of the selected text. •Bold (CTRL + B) –it applies boldface on the selected text. •Italic (CTRL + I) –it applies italicize effects on the selected text. •Underline (CTRL + U) –it applies underline effects on the selected text. •Border –it allows the user to apply border to the selected cells. •Fill Color –it allows the user to apply background color of selected cells. •Font Color –it allows the user to change color of the selected text. Alignment Formatting Commands: •Top Align –it aligns text to the top of cell. •Middle Align –it aligns text on the middle of cell. •Bottom Align –it aligns text to the bottom of cell.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 37•Align Left –it aligns the content of cell to the left. •Center –it aligns the content on the center of the cell. •Align Right –it aligns the content of the cell to the right. •Decrease Indent–it moves the content closer to the cell border. •Increase Indent–it moves the content farther away from the cell border. Format Column and Row Headings Column headings are represented by the alphabets. It starts with letter A up to Z and then followed by AA up to AZ, and then BA to XFD the last column of a sheet in Microsoft Excel. There are 16, 384 columns per sheet, therefore the alphabets loop 630 times. On the other hand, row headings are represented by numbers. There are 1, 048, 576 rows by default. Therefore, there are 17, 179, 869, 184 cells. Cell is the intersection of rows and columns. Usually, a cell address is defined by the combination of column and row headings, for instance, the first cell of a worksheet is named A1 because it is located on column A and row 1. Formatting of rows and columns may include, inserting, deleting, and resizing them. Inserting Rows and Columns When a user wants to insert a row or a column, they must follow a simple procedure and always remember that when a column is inserted, it always inserted on the left of the selected column heading while row is inserted above the of the selected row heading.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 38Deleting Rows and Columns When a user wants to delete a row or a column, they must follow a simple procedure which is to point the heading selector and then press right mouse button and then choose delete, selected rows and columns will be deleted immediately. Resizing Rows and Columns Rows and columns can be resized manually or using the right procedure. Utilize the double-sided arrow when resizing it manually; place the double-sided arrow on the space between of the headings.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 39Column width and row height is utilized to resize row and column headings with specific size.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 40Manipulate Cells and Sheets Sheets can be manipulated by inserting new sheets, deleting it, renaming it, moving or copying it, adding color and hiding or unhiding them. To do these manipulations, just simply point the mouse pointer on the selected sheet and press the right mouse button and choose on the options. Cells can be manipulated by applying a border, adding some fill background, change the alignment of the contents, alter the directions, wrap contents and merge multiple selected cells. Perform Wrap Text, Merge and Center and Orientation Performing wrap text, merge and center and orientation is a basic cell formatting. Wrap text allows its user to compress the contents of the cell so you can see it all in a single cell. Merge and center allow its user combine two or more selected cells and automatically create a center alignment. Do take notes that combining cells with content will be automatically deleted except on the cell located on the upper-left. Orientation allows its user to rotate the direction of text inside the cell. ORIENTATION WRAP TEXT MERGE AND CENTER
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 41Microsoft Excel Pointers •Mouse Pointer–is use to navigate around the user interface and also use for selecting icons on the ribbon. •Cell Pointer–is use to move around the worksheets and also use to select cell or a group of cells.•I-beam–is use to insert text on formula bar or activated cell.•Column Heading Selector–is use to select the entire column.I
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 42•Row Heading Selector–is use to select the entire row.•Double-Sided Arrow–is use to resize column and row headings.•Move Arrow–is use to move the content of the selected into another location.•Autofill–is use to create automatic filling on the selection.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 43References: [6] (2021), “Definition of Spreadsheet” Accessed on 18 January 2021 from Learning: Posttest (Quiz 3) Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Course/Year/Section: __________________________________ Direction: Read the following statement below. Identify what command that describe in each statement. Write your answer using a pen with black ink on the space provided. ______________________________1. How many columns are there in one worksheet? ______________________________2. How many rows are there in two worksheets?______________________________3. It is use to create automatic filling on the selection.______________________________4. It is use to insert text on formula bar or activated cell.______________________________5. It is use to move around the worksheets and also use to select cell or a group of cells.______________________________6. It is use to move the content of the selected into another location.______________________________7. It is use to navigate around the user interface and also use for selecting icons on the ribbon. ______________________________8. It is use to resize column and row headings.______________________________9. It is use to select the entire column.______________________________10. It is use to select the entire row.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 44UNIT IV: MANAGE ARITHMETIC AND COMPARISON OPERATORS, FUNCTIONS AND SEPARATORS Overview In this unit, creating formula using arithmetic operators will be discussed. Further, comparison operators and separators will be utilized in constructing a formula using the different function of Microsoft Excel. Learning Objectives: At the end of the unit, you should be able to: 1.Define arithmetic operator 2.Utilize arithmetic operators in creating a formula 3.Describe comparison operator 4.Use comparison operators in constructing formula 5.Classify separator 6.Apply separators in identifying cell addresses 7.Construct a Formula 8.Explain functions of Microsoft Excel 9.Employ functions to solve specific problems
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 45Setting Up Motivating Activity Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Course/Year/Section: __________________________________ Direction: Identify the comparison and arithmetic operators of Microsoft Excel. Write you’re the letter of correct answer of the space provided. NO WRITE YOUR ANSWER HERE OPERATORS CHOICES DESCRIPTION 1 = A Caret Symbol 2 + B Less than or Equal to Symbol 3 < C Asterisk Symbol 4 - D Greater than Symbol 5 >= E Percent Symbol 6 /F Not Equal to Symbol 7 <> G Forward Slash Symbol 8 % H Greater than or Equal to Symbol 9 > I Minus Symbol 10 * J Less than Symbol 11 <= K Plus Symbol 12 ^ L Equal Symbol
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 46Lesson Proper Arithmetic Operators The arithmetic operators perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and modulus operations[7]. Addition –is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic which focus on adding two or more whole numbers together that results to its sum. A B C 1 ARITHMETIC OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 + PlusSymbol =A1+B1 Subtraction –is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic which focus on subtracting two or more whole numbers together that results to its difference. A B C 1 ARITHMETIC OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 - MinusSymbol =A1-B1 Multiplication –is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic which focus on multiplying two or more whole numbers together that results to its product. A B C 1 ARITHMETIC OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 * Asterisk Symbol =A1*B1 Division –is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic which focuses on dividing two whole numbers together that results to its quotient. A B C 1 ARITHMETIC OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 / Forward Slash Symbol =A1/B1 Exponentiation –is a mathematical operation which is written as bn, where bstands for base while nstands for exponent. It is usually pronounced as braise to the power of n. A B C 1 ARITHMETIC OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 ^ Caret Symbol =A1^B1 Percentage –is a number or ratio articulated as a fraction of 100 which is usually denoted using the percent symbol. A B C 1 ARITHMETIC OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 % Percent Symbol =A1%
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 47Comparison Operators Comparison operators compare the contents in a field to either the contents in another field or a constant. They may be used alone or in combination with other operators and functions in both record expressions and target field expressions [8]. Equal Symbol –is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate equality between two cell addresses that have the same content. A B C 1 COMPARISON OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 = Equal Symbol A1=B1 Greater than Symbol –is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate inequality between two cell addresses. Usually, the left most cell address contains the highest value. A B C 1 COMPARISON OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 > Greater than Symbol A1>B1 Less than Symbol –is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate inequality between two cell addresses. Usually, the left most cell address contains the lowest value. A B C 1 COMPARISON OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 < Less than Symbol A1<B1 Greater than or Equal Symbol –is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate equality or inequality between two cell addresses. Usually, the left most cell address contains the highest value or having the same contents. A B C 1 COMPARISON OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 >= Greater than or equal Symbol A1>=B1 Less than or Equal Symbol –is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate equality or inequality between two cell addresses. Usually, the left most cell address contains the lowest value or having the same contents. A B C 1 COMPARISON OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 <= Less than or equal Symbol A1<=B1 Not Equal Symbol –is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate inequality between two cell addresses that doesn’t have the same content. A B C 1 COMPARISON OPERATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 <> Not Equal Symbol A1<>B1
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 48Separators Separators are used in to indicate a cell address or range of cell addresses utilized within the created formula in Microsoft Excel. Comma –is a punctuation mark which is usually utilized as a mark of separation within the sentence. In Microsoft Excel, comma is utilized to identify the individual names of a cell. Simply, they are utilized to separate individual cell address. A B C 1 SEPARATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 , Comma Symbol A1,B1,C1,D1 Colon –is a punctuation mark which is typically used as a mark of separation of two independent clauses, where the second clause explains the first clause. In Microsoft Excel, colon is used to identify the collective names of cell. Simply, they are used to identify the range of cell addresses. A B C 1 SEPARATOR DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE 2 : Colon Symbol A1:D1 Constructing Formula Formula is defined as an expression telling the computer what mathematical operation to perform upon a specific value. When referring to computer software, formulas are most often used in spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft Excel. Using formulas in spreadsheets can allow you to quickly make calculations and get totals of multiple cells, rows, or columns in a spreadsheet[9]. To construct a formula in Microsoft Excel, select a cell address and type the equal symbol (=) followed by function or a cell address and arithmetic or comparison operator or an integer. If you want to directly open an insert function dialog box press SHIFT+ F3keys. Formulation Exercises The table below is composed of 10 columns and 10 rows. Some of the cell addresses contains some values. Try to exercise your underpinning knowledge on constructing a formula using the lessons discussed on the previous pages. A B C D E F G H I J 1 3 10 5 20 4 2 6 9 10 18 8 3 9 8 15 16 12 4 12 7 20 14 16 5 15 6 25 12 20 6 18 5 30 10 24 7 21 4 35 8 28 8 24 3 40 6 32 9 27 2 45 4 36 10 30 1 50 2 40
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 49Exercise 1: On F1, find the sum of the entire last row. Formula: =A10+B10+C10+D10+E10 Answer: 123 Exercise 2:On F2, find the quotient of the first two-cells in row eight. Formula: =A8/B8 Answer: 8 Exercise 3: On F3, find the product of the first two-cells in third column. Formula: =C1/C2 Answer: 50 Exercise 4: On F4, find the difference of the last two-cells in row five. Formula: =D5-E5 Answer: -8 Exercise 5: On F5, find the arithmetic mean of the first four-cells in sixth column. Formula: =(F1+F2+F3+F4)/4 Answer: 43.25 ***Take note: Parentheses is represented by the symbol (or) which utilized to denote grouping. Further, they are also utilized in mathematical expressions to indicate modifications to normal order of operations. In Microsoft Excel, nested cells are enclosed with parentheses, which is usually performed first before other operations. Functions of Microsoft Excel Function is a predefined formula that performs calculations using specific values in a particular order [10]. Microsoft Excel includes usual functions that can be utilized to rapidly obtain the sum, arithmetic mean, count and minimum or maximum value for the given range of cells. Average–returns the arithmetic mean of its arguments, which can be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. Format: Average(number1,number2,…)A B C D E F G 1 3 10 5 =average(A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3) 2 6 9 10 =average(A1:B3) 3 9 8 15 4 12 7 20 5 15 6 25 Count–counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers. Format: Count(value1,value 2,…)A B C D E F G 1 3 10 5 =count(A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3,D1,D2,D3) 2 6 9 10 =count(A1:D3) 3 9 8 15 4 12 7 20 5 15 6 25
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 50Countif–counts the number of cells within the range that meet the given condition. Format: Countif(range,criteria) A B C D E F G 1 3 10 5 =countif(A1:B3,10) 2 6 9 10 3 9 8 15 4 12 7 20 5 15 6 25 If–checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if FALSE. Format: If(logical_test,value_if_tru,value_if_false) A B C D E F G 1 3 10 5 =if(A2=C3,”YES”,”NO”)2 6 9 10 =if(A2=C3,(A1+A2+A3),(C5-B4)) 3 9 8 15 4 12 7 20 5 15 6 25 Lookup–looks up a value either from a one-row or one-column range or from an array. Provided for backward compatibility Format: Lookup(lookup_value,lookup_vector,[result_vector]) A B C D E F G 1 70 =lookup(A1,E1:F5,G1:G5) 70 74 E+ 2 75 =lookup(A2,E1:F5,G1:G5) 75 79 D+ 3 80 =lookup(A3,E1:F5,G1:G5) 80 84 C+ 4 85 =lookup(A4,E1:F5,G1:G5) 85 89 B+ 5 90 =lookup(A5,E1:F5,G1:G5) 90 94 A+ Max –returns the largest value in a set of values. Ignores logical values and text. Format: Max(number1,number2,…)A B C D E F G 1 3 10 5 =max(A1:C5) 2 6 9 10 3 9 8 15 4 12 7 20 5 15 6 25 Min–returns the smallest value in a set of values. Ignores logical values and text. Format: Min(number1,number2,…)
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 51A B C D E F G 1 3 10 5 =min(A1:C5) 2 6 9 10 3 9 8 15 4 12 7 20 5 15 6 25 Sum –adds all the numbers in a range of cells. Format: Sum(number1,number2,…)A B C D E F G 1 3 10 5 =sum(A1:C5) 2 6 9 10 3 9 8 15 4 12 7 20 5 15 6 25 References: [7] (2021), “Definition of Arithmetic Operators” Accessed on 21 January 2021 from[8] (2021), “Definition of Comparison Operators” Accessed on 21 January 2021 from[9] (2021), “Definition of Formula” Accessed on 22 January 2021 from[10] (2021), “Definition of Functions” Accessed on 22 January 2021 from
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 52Assessing Learning: Posttest (Quiz 4) Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Course/Year/Section: __________________________________ Direction: Read the following statement below. Identify the word that describes in each statement. Write your answer using a pen with black ink on the space provided. ____________________________________1. It is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic which focus on adding two or more whole numbers together that results to its sum. ____________________________________2. It performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and modulus operations ____________________________________3. It returns the arithmetic mean of its arguments, which can be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers. ____________________________________4. It is a punctuation mark which is typically used as a mark of separation of two independent clauses, where the second clause explains the first clause. ____________________________________5. It is a punctuation mark which is usually utilized as a mark of separation within the sentence. ____________________________________6. It compares the contents in a field to either the contents in another field or a constant. ____________________________________7. It counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers. ____________________________________8. It counts the number of cells within the range that meet the given condition. ____________________________________9. It is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic which focuses on dividing two whole numbers together that results to its quotient. ____________________________________10. It is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate equality between two cell addresses that have the same content. ____________________________________11. It is a mathematical operation which is written as bn, where bstands for base while nstands for exponent. It is usually pronounced as braise to the power of n. ____________________________________12. It is defined as an expression telling the computer what mathematical operation to perform upon a specific value. ____________________________________13. It is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate equality or inequality between two cell addresses. Usually, the left most cell address contains the highest value or having the same contents.
ICT 12 –Computer Applications in Industry and Business Page | 53____________________________________14. It is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate inequality between two cell addresses. Usually, the left most cell address contains the highest value. ____________________________________15. It checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if FALSE. ____________________________________16. It is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate equality or inequality between two cell addresses. Usually, the left most cell address contains the lowest value or having the same contents. ____________________________________17. It is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate inequality between two cell addresses. Usually, the left most cell address contains the lowest value. ____________________________________18. It looks up a value either from a one-row or one-column range or from an array. Provided for backward compatibility ____________________________________19. It returns the largest value in a set of values. Ignores logical values and text. ____________________________________20. It returns the smallest value in a set of values. Ignores logical values and text. ____________________________________21. It is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic which focus on multiplying two or more whole numbers together that results to its product. ____________________________________22. It is a mathematical symbol that is utilized to indicate inequality between two cell addresses that doesn’t have the same content. ____________________________________23. It is a number or ratio articulated as a fraction of 100 which is usually denoted using the percent symbol. ____________________________________24. It is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic which focus on subtracting two or more whole numbers together that results to its difference. ____________________________________25. It adds all the numbers in a range of cells.