Understanding Industrial Imperialism: Key Concepts for Grade 9
El Camino Real High School**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by PresidentBraveryMink43
Industrial Imperialism,the “New” ImperialismLesson Plan for Grade 9, Honors HistoryPrepared by Mr.yii1. Which 2 nations in Africa successfully resisted colonization.Ethiopia and liberia2. Which European nations colonized different parts of Africa bythe 1880s?Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal and Spain.3. Which western nations colonized different parts of SoutheastAsia?Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, British, French, Americans.4. Compare and contrast the terms: Colonization andImperialism.Colonialism uses direct force and military from nations while imperialismuses the colonized peoples own leaders to establish power.5. According to the article, what does "New Imperialism" mean?According to the article “new imperialism” was the rise of new raw materialsand the need for more labor.6. There were 5 factors mentioned in the articles that explainedthe causes of new imperialism. Choose the most importantone and explain why.In my opinion I believe that the main factor that caused new imperialism1
was increased industrialization. With the increase of new raw materialsimperialists wanted to milk their new reacorse as much as possible,increasing their wealth and their nations statues in the race for power.7. Choose 2 of the 5 causes that you thought were the leastsignificant and explain why new imperialism would have stilloccurred.The two least important factors on the list would be “Man-on-the-spot” and“Nationalism”, this is because although the two factors were a part ofimperialism in general new imperialism would still have taken place withoutit. Nationalism is basically the less aggressive version of racism, while“Man-on-the-spot” was the rise of independent organizations that hired menwith ammunition to take over land. While both of these factors played avaluable role in history, I wouldn't agree that it was a crucial or importantfactor of new imperialism.2