Exploring the History of Computation: CPSC 409 Course Guide

University of Calgary**We aren't endorsed by this school
CPSC 409
Computer Science
Dec 12, 2024
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Department of Computer ScienceICT 602403 220-6015cpsc@cpsc.ucalgary.caCOURSE OUTLINE1. Course:CPSC 409, History Of Computation - Fall 2024Lecture 01 : MWF 16:00 - 16:50 - OnlineInstructorEmailPhoneOfficeHoursOffice time James Tamtam@ucalgary.ca403 210-9455VIA ZOOM LINKMonday & Wednesday: 2:00 - 2:30 PMTo account for any necessary transition to remote learning for the current semester, courses with in-person lectures, labs, ortutorials may be shifted to remote delivery for a certain period of time. In addition, adjustments may be made to the modality andformat of assessments and deadlines, as well as to other course components and/or requirements, so that all coursework tasksare in line with the necessary and evolving health precautions for all involved (students and staff).In Person Delivery Details:Lectures will occur in the lecture room at the scheduled day/time.Course Site:D2L: CPSC 409 L01-(Winter 2023)-History Of Computation with links to the official coursewebsite: https://cspages.ucalgary.ca/~tam/2024/409F/Note:Students must use their U of C account for all course correspondence.Equity Diversity & Inclusion:The University of Calgary is committed to creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive campus, and condemns harm anddiscrimination of any form. We value all persons regardless of their race, gender, ethnicity, age, LGBTQIA2S+ identity andexpression, disability, religion, spirituality, and socioeconomic status. The Faculty of Science strives to extend these values inevery aspect of our courses, research, and teachings to better promote academic excellence and foster belonging for all.2. Requisites:See section 3.5.Cin the Faculty of Science section of the online Calendar.Prerequisite(s):Computer Science 355.3. Grading:The University policy on grading and related matters is described in F.1and F.2of the online University Calendar.In determining the overall grade in the course the following weights will be used:Course ComponentWeightDue Date (duration for exams)Modality forexamsLocation for examsMidterm 133.33%Sep 27 2024 at 04:00 pm (50 Minutes)onlineRemote via ZoomMidterm 233.33%Nov 01 2024 at 04:00 pm (50 Minutes)onlineRemote via ZoomRegistrar ScheduledFinal Exam33.34%Will be available when the final exam schedule isreleased by the RegistraronlineWill be available when the final exam schedule isreleased by the RegistrarEach of the above components will be given a letter grade using the official university grading system (see section F.1.1). Thefinal grade will be calculated using the grade point equivalents weighted by the percentages given above and then converted to afinal letter grade using the official university grade point equivalents.This course will have a Registrar Scheduled Final exam that will be delivered on-line. The Final Examination Schedulewill bepublished by the Registrar’s Office approximately one month after the start of the term. The final exam for this course will bedesigned to be completed within 120 hours.Per section G.5of the online Academic Calendar, timed final exams administered using an on-line platform, such as D2L, will beavailable on the platform. Due to the scheduling of the final exams, the additional time will be added to the endof the registrarscheduled synchronousexam to support students. This way, your exam schedule accurately reflects the start timeof the exam2024-08-291 of 5
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for any synchronousexams. E.g. If a synchronousexam is designed for 2 hours and the final exam is scheduled from 9-11amin your student centre, the additional time will be added to the endtime of the synchronousexam. This means that if the examhas a 1 hour buffer time, a synchronous exam would start at 9 am and finish at 12pm.The University of Calgary offers a flexible grade option, Credit Granted (CG) to support student’s breadth of learning and studentwellness. Faculty units may have additional requirements or restrictions for the use of the CG grade at the faculty, degree orprogram level. To see the full list of Faculty of Science courses where CG is not eligible, please visit the following website:https://science.ucalgary.ca/current-students/undergraduate/program-advising/undergraduate-processes4. Missed Components Of Term Work:Students who are absent from an in-course assessment or who miss a deadline to submit course work are responsible forunderstanding and following the recommended steps provided in this Course Outline, and in the event of unexpectedcircumstances, contacting their course instructor to determine the impact of the missed assessment. At the discretion of thecourse instructor, alternative arrangements may be considered for missed components of term work, as described in SectionG2.3Absence from In-Course Assessments of the Calendar. For additional information and resources on the steps you can takein the event of unexpected circumstances interrupting your studies, see the website link in Section M.1of the Calendar.The course instructor may ask for supporting documentation to confirm an absence. For information on supporting documentationthat you can provide, see Section M.1Supporting Documentation for Absences of the Calendar.In the event that an alternative arrangement is denied by the course instructor, students can email science@ucalgary.catodiscuss the matter further with an Associate Dean.If you miss an examination, with the approval of the course instructor (and the receipt of the appropriate documentation), then the grade will be determined byremaining exams. Note: The weight can only be redistributed for one missed examination. If you are going to miss a graded term component, then you must let thecourse instructor know prior to the due date of assignment/exercise or the day/time of the examination. 5. Scheduled Out-of-Class Activities:There are no scheduled out of class activities for this course.6. Course Materials:Required Textbook(s):Michael R. Williams, A History of Computing Technology: Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr; 2 edition (April 10 1997).In order to successfully engage in their learning experiences at the University of Calgary, students taking online, remote andblended courses are required to have reliable access to the following technology:A computer with a supported operating system, as well as the latest security, and malware updates;A current and updated web browser;Webcam/Camera (built-in or external);Microphone and speaker (built-in or external), or headset with microphone;Current antivirus and/or firewall software enabled;Stable internet connection.For more information please refer to the UofC ELearningonline website.7. Academic Assessment & Examination Policy:Exams are open book. Resources that can be used include: the online lecture notes created by the course instructor, any lecture videos provided withthe course resources, the recommended course text book (as well as the external resources specifically recommended in the course notes). Also youcan use any notes that you have created yourself ("in class lecture notes"). You should not be using other resources (online or non-online). Oneexample resource (but not the only one) that you should not use for examinations are A.I. tools such as ChatGPT.If you are going to miss a graded term component due to illness, then you must let the course instructor know prior to the due date or the day/time ofthe examination.See also Section Gof the Calendar, on Academic Assessments and Examinations.8. Approved Mandatory And Optional Course Supplemental Fees:There are no mandatory or optional course supplemental fees for this course.2024-08-292 of 5
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9. Writing Across The Curriculum Statement:Writing skills are not exclusive to English courses and, in fact, should cross all disciplines. The University supports the belief thatthroughout their University careers, students should be taught how to write well so that when they graduate their writing abilitieswill be far above the minimal standards required at entrance. Consistent with this belief, students are expected to do a substantialamount of writing in their University courses and, where appropriate, members of faculty can and should use writing and thegrading thereof as a factor in the evaluation of student work. The services provided by the Writing Support, part of the StudentSuccess Centre, can be utilized by all undergraduate and graduate students who feel they require further assistance. See alsoSection E.2of the University Calendar.10. Human Studies Statement:Students will not participate as subjects or researchers in human studies.See also Section E.5of the University Calendar.11. Reappraisal Of Grades:A student wishing a reappraisal, should first attempt to review the graded work with the Course coordinator/instructor ordepartment offering the course. Students with sufficient academic grounds may request a reappraisal. Non-academic grounds arenot relevant for grade reappraisals. Students should be aware that the grade being reappraised may be raised, lowered or remainthe same. See Section Iof the University Calendar.a. Term Work:The student should present their rationale a s effectively and as fully as possible to the Coursecoordinator/instructor within ten business days of either being notified about the mark, or of the item's return to the class. Ifthe student is not satisfied with the outcome, the student shall submit the Reappraisal of Graded Term work form, foundon the Grade Reappraisals & Appealsweb presence to the department in which the course is offered within 2 business daysof receiving the decision from the instructor. The Department will arrange for a reappraisal of the work within the next tenbusiness days. The reappraisal will only be considered if the student provides a detailed rationale that outlines where and forwhat reason an error is suspected. See Sections I.1and I.2of the Calendar and https://science.ucalgary.ca/current-students/undergraduate/program-advising/grade-reappraisals-and-appealsb. Final Exam:student seeking a reappraisal of a final grade should first attempt to review the final grade with the d epartmentor faculty offering the course. After which, if the student wishes to initiate a formal grade reappraisal, they should refer toucalgary.ca/registrar/student-centre/gradesfor more information. The student must indicate exactly what error was made inmarking the final assessment and/or in computing the final grade. The reappraisal will only be considered if the studentprovides a detailed rationale that outlines where and for what reason an error is suspected. See Section I.3Reappraisal ofFinal Grades of the University Calendar.12. Other Important Information For Students:a. Wellness and Mental Health ResourcesThe University of Calgary recognizes the pivotal role that student mental healthplays in physical health, social connectedness and academic success, and aspires to create a caring and supportivecampus community where individuals can freely talk about mental health and receive supports when needed. We encourageyou to explore the mental health resources available throughout the university community, such as counselling, self-helpresources, peer support or skills-building available through the SU Wellness Centre (Room 370, MacEwan Student Centre,Mental Health Services Website) and the Campus Mental Health Strategy website (Mental Health).b. Student Wellness Services:For more information, see their websiteor call 403-210-9355.c. Student Success:The Student Success Centre provides services and programs to ensure students can make the most oftheir time at the University of Calgary. Our advisors, learning support staff, and writing support staff assist students inenhancing their skills and achieving their academic goals. They provide tailored learning support and advising programs, aswell as one-on-one services, free of charge to all undergraduate and graduate students. For more information visit:https://www.ucalgary.ca/student-services/student-successd. Student Ombuds Office:The Student Ombuds Office supports and provides a safe, neutral space for students. For moreinformation, please visit www.ucalgary.ca/ombuds/or email ombuds@ucalgary.cae. Student Union (SU) Information:The SU Vice-President Academic can be reached at (403) 220-3911orsuvpaca@ucalgary.ca; Information about the SU, including elected Faculty Representatives, can be found here:https://www.su.ucalgary.ca. Email your SU Science Reps: science1@su.ucalgary.ca, science2@su.ucalgary.ca,science3@su.ucalgary.ca.f. Academic Accommodation Policy:It is the student’s responsibility to request academic accommodations according to the University policies and procedureslisted below. The student accommodation policy can be found at: https://www.ucalgary.ca/legal-services/sites/default/files/teams/1/Policies-Student-Accommodation-Policy.pdf2024-08-293 of 5
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Students needing an accommodation because of a disability or medical condition should communicate this need to StudentAccessibility Services in accordance with the Procedure for Accommodations for Students with Disabilities:https://www.ucalgary.ca/legal-services/sites/default/files/teams/1/Policies-Accommodation-for-Students-with-Disabilities-Procedure.pdf.Students needing an accommodation in relation to their coursework or to fulfil requirements for a graduate degree, based ona Protected Ground other than Disability, should communicate this need, by filling out the Request for Accommodation inAcademic Courses Formand sending by email to science@ucalgary.capreferably 10 business days before the due date ofan assessment or scheduled absence.g. Academic Integrity and Misconduct:Academic integrity is the foundation of the development and acquisition of knowledgeand is based on values of honesty, trust, responsibility, and respect. We expect members of our community to act withintegrity. Research integrity, ethics, and principles of conduct are key to academic integrity. Members of our campuscommunity are required to abide by our institutional Code of Conductand promote academic integrity in upholding theUniversity of Calgary’s reputation of excellence. Some examples of academic misconduct include but are not limited to:posting course material to online platforms or file sharing without the course instructor’s consent; submitting or presentingwork as if it were the student’s own work; submitting or presenting work in one course which has also been submitted inanother course without the instructor’s permission; borrowing experimental values from others without the instructor’sapproval; falsification/fabrication of experimental values in a report. Please read the following to inform yourself more onacademic integrity:Student Handbook on Academic IntegrityStudent Academic Misconduct Policyand ProcedureFaculty of Science Academic Misconduct ProcessResearch Integrity PolicyAdditional information is available on the Student Success Centre Academic Integrity pageh. Copyright Legislation:All students are required to read the University of Calgary policy on Acceptable Use of MaterialProtected by Copyright ( ucalgary.ca/legal-services/university-policies-procedures/acceptable-use-material-protected-copyright-policy ) and requirements of the copyright act ( laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-42/index.html ) to ensure theyare aware of the consequences of unauthorized sharing of course materials (including instructor notes, electronic versionsof textbooks etc.). Students who use material protected by copyright in violation of this policy may be disciplined under theNon-Academic Misconduct Policy.i. Copyright of Course Materials:All course materials (including those posted on the course D2L site, a course website, orused in any teaching activity such as (but not limited to) examinations, quizzes, assignments, laboratory manuals, lectureslides or lecture materials and other course notes) are protected by law. These materials are for the sole use of studentsregistered in this course and must not be redistributed. Sharing these materials with anyone else would be a breach of theterms and conditions governing student access to D2L, as well as a violation of the copyright in these materials, and may bepursued as a case of student academic or non-academic misconduct, in addition to any other remedies available at law.j. Recording of Lecture:Audio recording of lectures, other than where an audio recording is an accommodation, shall bepermitted for individual private study only at the discretion of the instructor. For any other use, whether by duplication,transcription, publication, sale or transfer of recordings, written approval must be obtained from the instructor for the specificuse proposed. Any use other than that described above constitutes academic misconduct and may result in suspension orexpulsion. For more information, see Section E.6 Recording of Lectures of the University Calendar.k. Freedom of Information and Privacy:This course is conducted in accordance with the Freedom of Information andProtection of Privacy Act (FOIPP). Students should identify themselves on all written work by placing their name on the frontpage and their ID number on each subsequent page. For more information, see Legal Services website.l. Surveys:At the University of Calgary, feedback through the UCalgary Course Experience Survey provide valuableinformation to help instructors and programs evaluate the student experience. Your responses make a difference andfacilitate instructors in improving the learning and teaching experience offered in our courses. For more information, pleasevisit https://www.ucalgary.ca/provost/teaching-learning/student-surveys.m. Emergency Evacuation/Assembly Points:Assembly points for emergencies have been identified across campus.Assembly points are designed to establish a location for information updates from the emergency responders to theevacuees; from the evacuated population to the emergency responders. For more information, see the University ofCalgary’s Emergency Management website: https://www.ucalgary.ca/risk/emergency-management/evac-drills-assembly-points/assembly-pointsn. Safewalk:Campus security will escort individuals, day or night, anywhere on campus (including McMahon Stadium, HealthSciences Centre, Student Family Housing, the Alberta Children's Hospital and the University LRT station). Call 403-220-5333or visit https://www.ucalgary.ca/security/safewalk. Use any campus phone, emergency phone or the yellow phonelocated at most parking lot pay booths. Please ensure your personal safety by taking advantage of this service.2024-08-294 of 5
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Electronically Approved - Aug 27 2024 09:01Department ApprovalElectronically Approved - Aug 29 2024 23:48Associate Dean's Approvalo. Campus Supports & Resources:A link to required information that is not course-specific related to student wellness andsafety resources, can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website: https://www.ucalgary.ca/registrar/registration/course-outlinesCourse Outcomes:Describe the basic operations or functions of computational tools or devices from the past,Specify the significance of these devices/tools and whenever applicable students will learn how the technologies and eventsaffects the technologies of today,Indicate the approximate date or time period that devices were designed, completed or put into actual usage (dependingupon the device or tool),Describe the events leading to the development of the Internet as well as major milestones since its creation,List the major players involved in web searches and how searching for information has changed over time,List the major hardware and software houses of the microcomputer era and describe their contributions,List some of the most influential or outstanding computer/video games and describe how games have changed over time,Describe some of the methods computer interaction employed in the past.2024-08-295 of 5
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