Understanding Sex Chromosome Anomalies and Intersex Conditions

University of Texas**We aren't endorsed by this school
PSY 306
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by BailiffCrowPerson492
9/2519/25sex characteristicssex chromosomegonadsinternal genitaliasex hormonesexternal genitalia 2% of births follow a nonbinary pathway terminologysex:biological characteristics of male/ femalegender:cultural/social factors ascribed to person’s biological sexgender identity:one’s core sense of being male/female, both or neitherSex Chromosome Anomaliesturner syndrome (X-) (X0)45 chromosomes, only one sex chromosome~2/5000 conceptions; 1/3000 live birthslots of spontaneous abortions or still births usually infertile: no functional ovariessome cells have XX and some have X0these are called mosaicsphysical: short, broad chest, webbed necj, widely spaced nipplies
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9/252mental ability: IQ not affected; may have some cognitive deficitslow in spacial abilities Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY, XXXY)~1/600 live births → very rare as Xs addedsometimes the woman contributes two or more Xsthe woman contributes one X and the man’s sperm contains both the X and Ymore severe variants include >1 extra X chromosomeusually sterile: puberty delayed or absent, low T, small testiclesphysical appearance: have Y chromosome which masculinizes body but sometimes feminized appearance (e.g., breast development) producing T but testes are not producing as much T, so the estrogen produced plays a more effect XYY Syndrome~1/1000 live birthssexual development typical; lower sperm quality but usually fertilephysical characteristics: typical male; some tall (~6’5 ft)mental ability: low IQ, autism-related symptoms commonalso somehow common in the prison demographicthey make bad decisions, stand out and are more likely to get caughtTriple X Syndrome (XXX)1/1000 live birthsusually fertilephysical characteristics : taller than average, wide-set eyes, dental problemsmental ability: may have learning disabilities ( delayed speech, lower IQ)incidence : ~1 in 1000 live female births
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9/253XXX and turner’sare more likely to identify in female directionin the abscence of the Y chromosomewhen there is a Y, there is a more likely chance to identify in the male directionIntersex Conditions: Disorders of Sexual Developmentoccur hormonally in the wombOvotesticular Disorderextremely rareperson has both ovarian and testicular tissue - either on different sides of body or in gonads that contain mixtureswere called hermaphrodites in the pastincorrect label → no human can reproduce on their own → don’t have both pairs of both genitalia appearance of genitals varies usually infertile Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)~1/13000 live brithsXY individualsdevelop testesX-linked recessive gene results in malfunctioning T receptor male internal tract fails to develop because Wolffian ducts needs T to develop; female tract fails to develop becuase testes secret anti-Müllerian hormone ( lack reproductive tract of either male or female therfore infertile)produce T but body does not read the T → no functional T receptorsso the little estrogen produced is read by the body
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9/254external genitalia look typically female at birthvagina may be present but is shallowtestes remain inside bodyvulva develop normally, breasts and feminine body type develop at puberty because of adrenal estrogenusually identify as female caught early in infants as lumps in the abdomen but mostly catches when person fails to menstruate testes removed as it is cancerous Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)~1/13000gene mutation leads to impaired steroid metabolismin the absence of Y, cause gonads to become ovaries → begin secreting estrogen and develop internal genitalia → as external genital, adrenal secret large amounts of steroids and T → genitals become masculinized adrenal glands secrete insufficient amount of steroids that control salt and water balanceadrenals also secret high levels tin XX, high T causes partial masculinization of genitals surgeries can be harmful as clitoris is very sensitive can occur in XY individuals, extra T does not effect genitals, still affects adrenal glands5-alpha reductase DeficiencyXY genotype rare deficiency of enzyme alpha reductase, which converts T to dihydrotestosterone is what is needed to masculinize the genitalia in the wombinternal and external male genitalia development is influenced by these types of T
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9/255the fetus is exposed to T produced by the testes, but not dihydrotestosterone → incomplete masculinization because it is lacking the enzyme to convert T into dihydrotestosterone which is needed to masculinize the genitals in the womb → baby who looks femalein womb, T acts on Wolffian ducts to cause differentiation of internal genitalia but - dihydrotestosterone is necessary for differentiation of external genitaliafurther development of their genitalia is influences a birth, there are internal male genitalia but external female genitalia at puberty, T causes external masculinization = increases muscle mass, growth of penis & scrotum, testes descend, voice deepens, onset of sperm & ejaculationfurther development of genitals is exposed to Tat puberty, dihydroT mediates changes that are scant or absent in this population:prostate growth, facial hair growth, recession of hairline, acne not sterile but urethra is not in the penis but at the base of it due to the switch in development as the urethra had developed already in the female direction correct bonus?Terminologytransgender:those who identify with gender different from assigned gendercisgender: those who identify with their assigned gendergender dysphoria: DSM-5 diagnostic term to refer to individuals who experience stress from the incongruence between their experienced/ expressed gender and their assigned gender not considered a mental disorder to being a transgender receive in either childhood or adolescent, criteria is different as behavior expression is different gender dysphoria
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9/256in children, manifested by 4+ of:strong desire to be or insistence that they're some alternative genderwearing or simulating some alternative gender typical clothingpreference for cross-sex roles in fantasiesdesire to participle in stereotypical games and pastimes of some alternative genderstrong preference for some alternative gender playmates in boys :assertion male genitals disgusting, desire not to have a penis , aversion towards gender-stereotypical playin girls: rejection of urinating in sitting position desire to grow a penis, wish not to grow breasts or menstruate, aversion towards feminine clothing adolescents and adults, manifested bystates desire to be some alternative genderfrequent passing as some alternative genderdesire to live or be treated as some alternative genderconviction that they have typical feelings of some alternative gendermanifested by → preoccupation with getting rid of primary and secondary sex characteristics or belief that they were born the wrong sexTreatmentno evidence that therapy aimed at “adjusting the mind to the body” is effectivemany thought it was depression or psychotic break no successful conversion of transsexual persons via psychotherapyno longer accepted by professionals most professionals agree that “adjusting the body to the mind” is best practice for those clinically diagnosed who desire the procedure(s)
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9/257not everyone who is trans decides to transition because they’re comfortable in their body or alter their body to identify as their gender or believe in the binary of gender and accepted for their diversityTransitioningnot all individuals who identify as trans seek to transition medically to the other sexthey may not transition becuase they don’t need to do so in order to express their identity, or they reject a simple male/ female dichotomymay refer to themselves using terms such as non-binary, genderfluid, genderqueer, agenderfour elementsassessment, education, and psychotherapymake sure this individual identifies as transgender and not a depressive psychotic break or other mental disorder proper education to treatment and psychotherapy as for the distress of being transhormonal treatmentexperience in the desired gender roleimportant to do before surgery → very expensive and complex and irreversible sometimesgender confirmation surgery Hormone Treatment : Natal male to femaleT blockers, estrogen skin softnessbreast developmentdecrease in facial and body hair; muscle strength, sex drive, penile erections, prostate size, sperm/count, quality sex drive is highly influenced by T levels
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9/258natal female to male T, progesterone ( to stop menstruation)increase in facial and body hair, muscle mass, clitoris sizedecrease breast size ( does not eliminate breasts)they developed since puberty so they still existsome individuals elect to have their breasts removed ( top surgery)vaginal atrophysuppresses menstruationdeepens voice gender confirmation surgerynatal maleskey proceduresremoval of penis and testiclesconstruction of vagina ( vaginoplasty), labia, clitorisaugmentation of breastsvaginoplastycreation of cavity in space between rectum and prostate tissue from the penis and scrotum ( or other skin grafts) used to line the cavitytaking a penis and turning it inside keeping all the nerve endings and just putting it inside to create a vaginaother procedures surgery to vocal cords ( to raise pitch)liposuction to waisthair graftreduction of adam’s apple
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9/259procedures to feminize facial appearance individuals who have gone through male typical puberty → procedures to undo thisnatal femaleskey proceduresremoval of breasts, ovaries, uterus, vagina construction of penis ( with functioning urethra and capable of erection with implant)construction of scrotumfrom labial skim; saline-filled testicle implants metoidioplasty (meta = toward, oidion = male genitalia) giving high dosage of T that clitoris grows to the size of a small penis allows individual to urinate without eliminating sensitivity of the clitoris aren’t able to have intercourse a very high satisfaction rate phalloplasty phallus → creation of a penismultistage process, very expensive many complicationsinsertion of an inflatable penile prosthesis for the individual to be able to have sexual intercourse
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