Preserving Filipino Culture: The Evolution of Buko Halo-Halo

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges, Gen. Santos City**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 12, 2024
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTIONBackground of the studyDesserts and refreshment parlors have continuously evolved, driven bythe creative ideas of individuals, while traditional delicacies face competition.As dessert trends gain popularity worldwide, traditional flavors risk beingovershadowed by offerings from international chains and fast-food outlets.This creates a conflict between modern tastes and the need to maintaincultural identity (Moments Log, 2023).The rise of new dessert trends poses a significant threat to traditionaldelicacies like halo-halo in the Philippines. Consumers often link traditionalfood with high quality and cultural importance, but they also want healthier,more nutritious, and convenient options. This need for innovation is essentialto meet changing demands. Traditional food products must adapt to staycompetitive, even though consumers might feel conflicted about changingfamiliar recipes due to the tension between innovation and tradition. Thissituation offers a unique chance to blend innovation with products valued fortheir traditional roots (Guiné et al., 2021).Locally, traditional delicacies are still enjoyed by many, and restaurantsare eager to promote them. Food is a key part of any culture because itconnects people. Even in today’s globalized world, preserving the uniquenessof each culture’s cuisine is essential (Roxas, 2023).One iconic Filipino delicacy that endures is halo-halo, which means "mix-mix," aptly describing its diverse ingredients and vibrant appearance. Halo-halo typically includes sweetened beans, fruits, jellies, ice cream, shaved ice,and evaporated milk, and it is especially popular during the summertime inrefreshment parlors across the Philippines.Buko halo-halo is deeply rooted in Filipino culture and reflects thecountry’s diverse culinary heritage. While it is often seen as an authenticFilipino dish, it is actually a mix of various cultural influences from Japanese,
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Chinese, Spanish, and American migrants (Tekrema, 2020). The origins ofbuko halo-halo can be traced back to a Japanese dessert called kakigori,which consists of shaved ice topped with sweet beans. Kakigori wasintroduced to the Philippines by Japanese migrants before World War II, andits popularity grew after the first ice plant in Manila, known as the Insular IcePlant, was established in 1902. This helped make halo-halo a staple inFilipino food culture.As halo-halo evolved, Filipinos began adding more ingredients, leading tothe creation of a variant called buko halo-halo. This version includes coconut,or "buko," a plant native to the Philippines. The introduction of buko halo-halohas excited many Filipinos, as well as businesspeople and foreign investors,encouraging them to enter the buko halo-halo market (Dayaday et al., 2021).As a result, this delightful dessert can now be found on many restaurantmenus.The concept of Apareja Buko Halo-Halo originated from the Aparejafamily, who operated a fruit stand and sold buko juice. The juice becamepopular, and a family member from Manila suggested adding it to halo-halo,creating a unique version served inside a buko shell. This innovativeapproach set it apart from other halo-halo offerings, leading to businessgrowth driven by customer loyalty and feedback. Apareja Buko Halo-Halo wasofficially registered on April 17, 2009, initially selling for 40 pesos. Its successattracted competitors, contributing to the development of a famous buko halo-halo strip in Saravia, where various stalls now line the national highway.Buko halo-halo and other traditional delicacies represent not only Filipinoculture and heritage but also the adaptability of Filipino cuisine. Filipinocuisine is a vital part of Filipino identity, showcasing its rich heritage.However, many people are beginning to prefer foreign foods over traditionalFilipino dishes. This shift is occurring in social gatherings, restaurants, andeven at home, where Filipino food is often seen as less desirable.Additionally, the way Filipino food is prepared has changed to appeal more toforeign tastes (Florendo, 2019).
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Therefore, studying the strategic management of businesses that offerthese delicacies is essential. Strategic management involves planning andguiding a business's direction. It includes understanding what a strategy isand important concepts like having a clear vision, setting goals, creating aplan, implementing that plan, and evaluating results to make necessaryadjustments. The goal is to develop strategies that help the business maintaina strong competitive edge over time (Tapera, 2014). By researching this area,we can identify best practices that promote sustainability and growth, ensuringthat these culinary traditions continue to thrive in a changing landscape.Rationale of the studyThe Apareja Halo-Halo business, a refreshment parlor business,represent a cultural and economic activity that not only serves a belovedFilipino dessert but also fosters community engagement and entrepreneurshipin Koronadal City. This study is inspired by the observation that, despite therich cultural heritage associate to Halo-Halo, many vendors, including AparejaHalo-Halo, continue to depend on traditional methods that could hinder theirgrowth and competitiveness in an ever-changing marketplace. According toNarayan (2020), the continuous improvement of product quality and customerservice significantly influences consumer loyalty and retention.This Issues give an opportunity for researchers to analyze the currentpractices of the Apareja Halo-Halo business and to conduct a strategicmanagement analysis to determine an innovative management approach forthe improvement and development of a business. By looking into customerpreferences, operational challenges, and competitive factors, the research willoffer insights that can help business owners improve their product andbroaden their market presence. Additionally, grasping the historical andcultural importance of halo-halo can enhance business strategies and supportlocal heritage.
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Objectives of the studyThe study aims to identify the current strategies of Apareja Buko Halo-halo and will recommend strategies for improvement/development of theorganization in Koronadal City, South Cotabato. Specifically, it aims to:1. Describe the profile of Apareja Buko Halo-halo 2. Present the major players in the industry in the FF. aspects:a. Organizationalb. Operationalc. Marketingd. Financial3. Present the internal analysis of Apareja Buko Halo-halo in the followingaspects:a. Organizationalc. Marketingb. Operationald. Financial4. Developed and recommend strategies for Apareja Buko Halo-halo inthe following aspects:a. Organizationalb. Operationalc. Marketing d. Financial
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Scope and limitationThis study will discuss the buko halo-halo business in Koronadal City,South Cotabato. Specifically, it will focus on Apareja's marketing strategiesand strategic management. The study will involve conducting surveyquestionnaires and interview among the employees and customers of AparejaBuko Halo-Halo. Customers will be randomly selected by the researchers.The respondents will include teenagers, adults, and middle-aged individualswho have purchased buko halo-halo.The researchers will employ a mixed-method research approach,collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data to provide amore accurate and comprehensive understanding. Key areas of focus willinclude customer satisfaction, customer engagement, location accessibility,business facilities, and product pricing. Additionally, the researchers willconduct surveys and interviews with selected employees, including questionsthat address their operational, organizational, marketing, and financialaspects.Research methodologyThis section presents the locale of the study, respondents of the study,sample size, research instruments, data gathering procedure, significance ofthe study and definition of termsLocale of the studyThe researchers will conduct the study in the vicinity of Koronadal City,South Cotabato, Philippines, to gather relevant data and information.
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Koronadal City, also often referred to as Marbel, is situated in South Cotabatoon the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. With a population exceeding195,000, it serves as a vibrant center for political, cultural, and socioeconomicactivities.Derived from the B'laan words "koron" (cogon grass) and " nadal" (plain),Koronadal City is a rapidly growing urban area comprising twenty-sevenbarangays. Its strategic location, abundant natural resources, and favorablebusiness environment have made it a thriving hub for trade, industry, andtourism. The city boasts scenic attractions that draw visitors from bothdomestic and international destinations, solidifying its reputation as abusiness-friendly city in Mindanao.Respondents of the studyIn this study, five (5) internal respondents (employees) and twenty-five(25) external respondents (customers) of Apareja Buko Halo-Halo will beidentified. Respondents will be selected using a random sampling method.Personal interviews with employees will also be conducted as part of thestudy.Sample SizeThe researcher will determine the sample size using the randomsampling method. Specifically, twenty-five (25) customers and five (5)employees will be chosen randomly.Research InstrumentThe researcher will collect the necessary data and information fromrespondents through both survey questionnaires and interviews. The surveyquestionnaires are designed to assess employees' and customers’ feedback
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regarding the business's internal operations. Key areas of focus will includepersonal information, levels of satisfaction, engagement, and feedbackconcerning products, pricing, and facilities.The research instruments will consist of:1.Personal Interviews: A set of questions will be asked, and responses willbe recorded with the respondents' permission.2.Printed Survey Questionnaires: These will include a series of questionsusing a rating scale, such as the Likert scale, to evaluate customerfeedback on various aspects of the business. The responses will serve asthe basis for statistical analysis, leading to conclusions andrecommendations for business improvement.Data Gathering ProcedureData will be gathered by first obtaining permission from the businessowner or manager to conduct the study on their premises. Data collection willinvolve one-on-one interviews and survey questionnaires. Internal interviewswith employees will take place after their work hours.Furthermore, the researcher will administer surveys to randomly selectedcustomers while they are waiting for their orders or after they finish theirsnacks. The researchers will assist respondents during the interviews andprovide translation as needed to ensure their comfort. With the respondents’permission, voice recordings or notes will be used to enhance accuracy.Finally, the data collected by the researchers will be analyzed and evaluatedto obtain results and finalize the study.Significance of the StudyThis study aims to provide information, data, and insights regarding thebuko halo-halo business and will be significant to the following:
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Buko Halo-Halo Owners.The study will offer ideas and suggestions foranalyzing their strategic management, helping them implement effectivedecisions and methods for improving their businesses.Customers.The research will raise awareness and provide insights intothe factors they should consider when choosing a refreshment parlor,enhancing their overall eating experience.Aspiring Entrepreneurs. The study will inform potential businessowners about important considerations when starting a business, allowingthem to strategize effectively.Future Researchers.This study will serve as a valuable resource andguide for conducting related research in the future.Definition of termsTo further understand the study, the researchers defined the followingterminologies: Culinary Heritage. The cooking traditions, recipes, and food practicespassed down through generations, showcasing the unique flavors andtechniques of a culture.Desserts. Sweet foods served at the end of a meal, like cakes, cookies, or icecream, enjoyed for their delicious flavors.Entrepreneurship. The act of starting and running a new business, ofteninvolving new ideas and taking risks to create something valuable.Filipino Cuisine. The traditional foods and cooking styles from thePhilippines, which reflect the country’s diverse cultures and history, usinglocal ingredients and flavors.
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Refreshment Parlor. A casual place where people can get light meals anddrinks, often focusing on snacks and desserts.Strategic Management. The process of planning and making decisions tohelp a business achieve its goals and succeed in a competitive environment.Traditional Delicacies.Special foods that are made using old recipes andmethods, representing the culture and history of a particular region.
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