Understanding Axial and Appendicular Skeleton: Lab 4 Worksheet
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BSC 1085L
Dec 11, 2024
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HSCI 206 – ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I LAB 4 WORKSHEET- INTRODUCTION TO AXIAL AND APPENDICULAR SKELETON Name: ___________________________________ Section: _________________ DIRECTIONS:1.Please complete the following exercises using your textbook and VH Dissector by Monday, October 21 at 10 AM. Uploaded the completed document on Blackboard by the due date. 2.Review the lab worksheet thoroughly after completion, as all content may be tested on the post-lab quiz and the lab practical. In lab 5 we will examine these structures on bones, models, and skeletons, in addition to VH Dissector. 3.There is no post-lab quiz for this lab. Upload your completed worksheet for the full lab grade. Exercise 1 – Skull A.List the 8 bones that comprise the cranium. 1. ___Frontal Bone__ 5. Ethmoid bone 2. _____Parietal Bone___(2 bones) 6. _Sphenoid Bone_ 3. ___Temporal Bones (2 bones) 7. _________________________________ 4. __Occipital Bone 8. _________________________________ B.Complete the table below by listing the bones that are joined by the sutures described. Suture Bones Joined/Connected by the Suture Lambdoid Occipital bone and parietal bones Coronal Frontal bone and parietal bones Sagittal Right and left parietal bones Squamous Temporal bone and parietal bone (on each side) C.What part of the skull forms the attachment site (joint) to the rest of the vertebral column? Make sure to name the specific bony structure, and not just the whole bone. Foramen magnum D.What bone supports the pituitary gland, a major site of endocrine system control? What surface feature (part of the bone) does the pituitary gland sit in? Temporal bone supports pituitary gland; sits on sella turcica E.List the bones that comprise (make up) the orbit. Frontal bone Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone Zygomatic bone Maxilla Lacrimal bone Palatine bone
F.List the bones that comprise the nasal cavity. •Ethmoid bone •Vomer •Nasal bones •Maxilla •Palatine bones •Inferior nasal conchae (turbinate bones) •Lacrimal -Nasal bones G.Identify the numbered skull bones in the images below. Frontal 1. _________________________________ 8. ____Vomer 2. ___Parietal___________ 9. ____Sphenoidal sinus________ 3. __________Temporal_____ 10. ___Ethmoid________ 4. ___Occipital______ 11. ___Zygomatic____ 5. _________Lacrimal_______ 12. _Palatine__________ 6. _________Sphenoid_______ 13. __Maxilla_________ 7. _______Nasal______ 14. _______Mandible___________
H.Label the following structures on images at the top of the page: •Coronal suture •Lambdoid suture •Mastoid process •Sagittal suture •Squamous suture •Styloid process Exercise 2 – Skull Surface Features A.Label the following bones and surface features on the provided image to the right. •Mandible •Maxilla •Nasal bone •Vomer •Zygomatic arch B.Label the following bones and surface features on the provided image to the right. •Mastoid process •Maxilla •Occipital condyles •Palatine bones Exercise 3 – VertebraeA.Label the following common features of a typical vertebrae on the images below. •Body •Inferior articular process •Intervertebral foramen •Spinous process •Superior articular process •Transverse processes •Vertebral arch
•Vertebral foramen B.What part of a vertebra is the most anterior aspect? body C.What part of a vertebra is the most posterior aspect? Spinous process D.What structure is contained within the vertebral foramen? Spinal cord E.List the parts of the vertebrae that form the vertebral arch. Pedicles and laminae F.List 2 unique features of each region of the spine. These features should help you distinguish between each region of the vertebral column. 1.Cervical Region a.1 vertebra b.Curves inward 2.Thoracic Region a.12 vertebrae b.Attached to ribs. 3.Lumbar Region a.5 vertebrae b.Lordotic curve Exercise 4 – Vertebrae: Atlas and Axis
A.What is a unique feature of the C1/Atlas vertebrae? No body or spinous process B.What two bones does the atlas articulate/connect to form joints with? 1.occiput 2.dens 3.What motion of the neck does the articulation between the atlas and structure #1 provide? Nodding up and down 4.What motion of the neck does the articulation between the atlas and structure #2 provide? Rotating side to side C.What is a unique feature of the C2/Axis vertebrae? The dens axis Exercise 5 – Thoracic Cage A.Look at a skeleton. Which bones make up the thoracic cage? Sternum, ribs, thoracic vertebrae B.What connects the ribs to the sternum? _costal cartilage 1.Why do you think this is important for the thoracic cage’s function related to breathing? The ribs need the elasticity of the cartilage to expand when breathing. C.What is the difference between a truerib and a falserib? (Describe based on what you see on the skeletons). What further delineates a false rib to be a floating rib? 1.True rib vs. false rib: True ribs; direct connection to sternum False ribs; connect indirectly. 2.False rib vs. floating rib: False rib connects to sternum Exercise 6 – Pectoral Girdle A.What bones comprise the pectoral girdle? Scapula and clavicle B.What surface features of the pectoral girdle form the attachment site (joint) to the rest of the arm? Be specific. Acromion process, glenoid cavity, coracoid process, and clavicle C.What axial skeleton bones do the pectoral girdle bones articulate (join) with? Sternum, scapula, clavicle Exercise 7 – Scapula A.Label the following scapular features on the images below.
•Acromion •Coracoid process1 •Glenoid cavity •Inferior angle •Infraspinous fossa •Lateral border •Medial border •Spine •Subscapular fossa •Supraspinous fossa Exercise 8 – Shoulder A.What bones make up the shoulder joint? Scapula, humerus, clavicle B.What type of structural joint is the shoulder joint? Ball and socket 1.What movements occur at this joint? multiaxial Exercise 9 – Arm and Elbow A.On the image to the right, of a proximal humerus, label the following: •Anatomical neck •Deltoid tuberosity •Greater tubercle •Head •Intertubercular groove/sulcus •Lesser tubercle •Surgical neck
B.On the image of the humerus, is it a right or left humerus? What led you to this identification? Left, b/c capitulum is facing right C.What three bones articulate to form the elbow complex? Label them on the image of the elbow below. 1.What type of structural joint is the elbow joint? synovial hinge joint a.What movements occur at this joint? Extension, flexion, supination, and pronation D.Label the following parts of the elbow in the image to the right. •Capitulum •Coronoid fossa •Coronoid process •Head of the radius •Lateral epicondyle •Medial epicondyle •Radial fossa •Radial tuberosity •Trochlea Exercise 10 – Hand A.Label the following bones on the image of the palmar view of the hand:•2nddistal phalanx•3rdproximal phalanx•4th metacarpal•Capitate•Lunate•Pisiform•ScaphoidB.Is this image of the hand a right or left hand? What led you to this identification? Right, the thumb is on the right side with a palmar viewExercise 11 – Pelvic Girdle A.What three bones create an os coxae? Label them on the image of an os coxae below. B.What bone is located between the right and left ischium?
Pubis C.Label the following structures on the image of an os coxae: •Acetabulum •Anterior superior iliac spine •Greater sciatic notch •Iliac crest •Ischial spine •Ischial tuberosity •Obturator foramen •Posterior superior iliac spine D.What view is this of the os coxae? (i.e. superior, inferior, lateral, medial, etc…) Lateral Exercise 12 – Thigh and Knee A.Label the following features on the image of the femur: •Greater trochanter •Head •Lateral femoral epicondyle •Lesser trochanter •Linea aspera •Medial femoral condyle •Neck B.Which feature listed above articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvis? The head C.Is the image of the femur a right or left femur? What led you to this identification? Right femur, the head faces right anteriorly D.What bone directly articulates with the femur to form the knee joint? Patella Exercise 13 – Leg and Foot A.Which bone is lateral, and which bone is medial, in the leg? Fibula; lateral Tibia; medial B.What bone does the tibia articulate with distally to create part of the ankle? The talus
C.Label the following features on the image of the tibia and fibula: •Head of the fibula •Lateral malleolus •Medial condyle of the tibia •Medial malleolus •Tibial tuberosity D.Label the following bones on the provided image of a foot: •2nd proximal phalanx •3rd distal phalanx •5th Metatarsal •Cuboid •Intermediate cuneiform •Lateral cuneiform •Medial cuneiform •Navicular •Talus