Understanding Representational Art: Types, Styles, and Examples

South Central College**We aren't endorsed by this school
HISTORY 161-02
Arts & Humanities
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by MinisterStarling4857
TEXT QUESTIONSREVIEWThere are four different types of representational art. What are the names for all fourtypes? Also, choose one of the four to explain. What does it mean and what would it looklike?Still life, portrait, landscape/seascape, and historical painting are the four types ofrepresentational art. I'll look at still life to obtain a better understanding of the differentstyles of representational art. A still life is a sketch or painting of various things that aregrouped together and viewed from a single point of view. Fruit, flowers, plates, glasses,vases, furniture, and other inanimate objects are frequently used. With that in mind, atypical still life piece of art might be set out in such a way that a vase or pot of flowers isplaced next to a bowl of various fruits, also, still life art typically has a very mundanebackground. What is abstract art? Can you think of an example of an abstract artist?Abstract art uses shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to accomplish its effectrather than attempting to provide an accurate depiction of a visual reality. An example ofabstract art is a piece using various shapes, colors, and elements used to create a senseof the unknown. Pablo Picasso is a well-known abstract artist who achieved fame duringthe twentieth century with works such as "La Lecture."Please give a description of pointillism. Include the famous example of pointillismmentioned in the unit and explain what that piece looks like.Pointillism is a type of art in which a picture is created by putting together a number oftiny small dots. These little dots have a distinct appearance and a pure hue. They'replaced in such a way that a visual picture emerges. A Sunday on La Grande Jatte is awell-known example of pointillism. The piece shows people, clothing, umbrellas, lake,and grass made up of perfectly placed dots throughout the painting.How would you explain surrealism to someone who had never seen it before? Pleaseinclude the example of surrealism from the unit in your explanation.To someone who has never heard of surrealism, I would define it as a popular art stylefrom the late 1910s to the early 1920s that incorporates almost dreamlike qualities, suchas precise proportions or anything you would see in the actual world but with an abstractcomponent, almost like a fever dream. While still on the topic, an example of an artistwho incorporates these almost "dream like" qualities really well is Salvador Dali, he wasan eccentric person who created lots of surreal artworks such as "Persistence ofmemory." This artwork shows many realistic clocks on a beach almost melting,everything is right in terms of realism except the "off" clocks.The Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky believed that color could show emotions. Pleasefill in the emotions that he believed each color showed.Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian artist, believed that numerous colors might expressemotions; I'll go over the different hues he connected with each emotion! Red was livelyand confident, blue was deep and supernatural, green was calm, yellow was warm,exciting, or bonkers, and white was silent but full of possibilities. These are only a few of
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the numerous colors he believed represented emotion; he would combine them invarious ways to depict emotions in his paintings.CRITICALThe unit shared with us the following painting by Monet of water lilies. It asked you tothink about some questions. Please answer the following questions regarding Monet’spainting: What time of day do you think it is? Why? What are some different types ofbrush strokes you can see in this piece of art? Where do you see them?Based on this specific lily painting by monet (there are various) I believe it's in theafternoon (6:00pm), it's because it’s not too yellow indicating the sun is coming up nor isit too dark indicating the sun is going down. I observed light, bold, smudgy, and quickbrush strokes. Light brush strokes can be found in the leaves in the water, bold lines canbe found for some of the lilies but not all, smudgy and quick lines can be found for theother lilies, extremely intriguing pieces in terms of brush strokes!The unit mentions a work of surrealist art by Salvador Dali called The Lobster Phone.Without looking this piece of art up online, describe what you think it might look like. Useyour imagination and your knowledge of what surrealism is to help you!Based on my understanding of surrealism art, which is a type of realism art thatincorporates dreamlike qualities, I believe Salvador Dali's "The Lobster Phone" depicts alobster in the deep dark seas, holding what appears to be a melting phone; the onlyreason I say melting is because of his previous work, "Persistence of Memory."The unit shares the following painting of the first Thanksgiving. Let’s pretend that youdidn’t know this was about the first Thanksgiving. What are some things in this paintingthat might help you understand what this painting was about? Can you think of any otherhistorical paintings that you are familiar with?Noticeable things that will help me understand what the painting is about, is by lookingat the people. We can see two different types of people in this painting, one is wearingtribe-like clothing, while the other is wearing pilgrim-like clothing. It also appears bothgroups are sharing food despite what they look at first glance, so we could probablymake a hypothesis that they're having a celebration despite their noticeable differences.Some other historical paintings I'm familiar with include the "Declaration ofIndependence" by John Trumbull, and "The last supper" by Leonardo da Vinci. We’ve learned a lot about the different genres (categories) of art, but art is not the onlything that has genres. What are some other things in life that have genres? Try to list asmany examples of things with different genres as you can.Other various topics that have genres besides art notably include music, with genressuch as r&b, hip-pop, and country. Another topic includes books, with genres such assci-fi, horror, and fantasy. Similar to books in terms of genres we also have movies, withgenres such as thriller, drama, and comedy. Imagine that you are redecorating your room and you want to buy some art pieces todecorate it. What style of art pieces would you want to get and why? Would you stick toone genre of art or mix and match? What styles of art do you think would mix and matchtogether best?If I were to buy art to decorate my room, I would choose abstract art since it is so unique
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and unusual, and it, in my opinion, would give a lot of personality and depth to a room.Personally, I'd stick to one kind of art because abstract art is already so unique andunusual, but if I had to mix and match, I'd think abstract art and pop art would go welltogether because of the amount of color and how it stands out.
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