Master Human Anatomy & Physiology: Course Overview for NUR 0012

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NUR 12
Dec 12, 2024
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UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH SCHOOL OF NURSINGHealth Promotion and DevelopmentBSN COURSE:NUR 0012: Human Anatomy and Physiology 1CREDIT ALLOTMENT:3COURSE HOURS:5:30-6:45pm; Tuesday & Thursday 3 theory/week (45 hours/term)121 Lawrence HallPLACEMENT:1styearPREREQUISITES:NoneFACULTY:Jake Dechant, PhD.449B Victoria Building.412-383-7068Office hours: TBDEmail: jdec@pitt.eduCOURSEDESCRIPTION:This course is designed to present students with a foundation in normal human anatomy and physiology. Topics covered: Cell physiology, Histology, Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous and Sensory systems. Emphasis is on the interaction of structure and function and the mechanisms that maintain homeostasis in the human body.OBJECTIVES:Upon completion of NUR 0012 Student Will Be Able To:1.Discuss the body in correct directional and regional anatomical terms.2.Describe the structure and function of cells and cell membranes.3.Discuss the importance of cell organelle function.4.Describe why diffusion and osmosis are vital to normal physiological processes.5.Identify the histological composition of the body and their functions.6.Discuss the composition and development of bones.7.Identify the major bones of the body and their associated processes.8.Identify major muscle groups of the human body, selected individual muscles, and how they work synergistically and antagonistically.9.Describe the electrical properties of skeletal muscles cells and the physiology of muscle contraction.10.Describe the properties of nervous tissue that makes it so unique in the body.11.Identify selected components of the central and peripheral nervous systems, and discuss their normal functions.12.Identify the structures and functions of the autonomic nervous system.13.Identify components of the major sensory systems of the human body and their normal and pathologic functioning.APPROVAL DATE TOTAL FACULTY:August, 20181
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COURSE OUTLINE:Class Week/DateChaptersTopicsAssignments/ EvaluationWeek 1Tuesday8/27Introduction, Syllabus, Mastering A&P.Begin Chapter 1 Thursday8/29Chapter 1Homeostasis and feedback mechanismsWeek 2Tuesday9/3Chapter 2Chemistry: Bonds, pH, Organic moleculesThursday9/5Chapter 3Cells: Membrane functions & ReceptorsWeek 3Tuesday9/10Chapter 3Cells: Transport mechanismsThursday9/12Chapter 3Cells: Energy ProductionWeek 4Tuesday9/17Exam 1Chapters 1-3MAP 1-3 Due 9/16Thursday9/19Chapter 4Tissues: The Living FabricWeek 5Tuesday9/24Chapter 4Chapter 5Tissues: The Living FabricIntegumentary SystemThursday9/26Chapter 6Bones and Skeletal TissueWeek 6Tuesday10/1Chapter 6Bones and Skeletal TissueThursday10/3Chapter 6Chapter 7Bones and Skeletal TissueSkeleton Overview – if time permitsWeek 7Tuesday10/8Exam 2Chapters 4-6MAP 4-6 Due 10/7Thursday10/10Chapter 8JointsCase Study 1 DueWeek 8Tuesday10/15OFFFall BreakThursday10/17Chapter 10The Muscular SystemWeek 9Tuesday10/22Chapter 10The Muscular SystemCase Study 2 DueThursday10/24Chapter 9Muscle PhysiologyWeek 10Tuesday10/29Chapter 9Muscle PhysiologyThursday10/31Chapter 11General Nervous System2
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Class Week/DateChaptersTopicsAssignments/ EvaluationWeek 11Tuesday11/5Chapter 11General Nervous SystemThursday11/7Exam 3Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11MAP 8, 9, 10, 11 Due 11/6Week 12Tuesday11/12Chapter 12The Central Nervous SystemThursday11/14Chapter 12The Central Nervous System Week 13Tuesday 11/19Chapter 12The Central Nervous SystemThursday11/21Chapter 12The Central Nervous SystemCase Study 3 DueWeek 14Tuesday11/26OFFOFFThursday11/28OFFOFFWeek 15Tuesday12/3Chapter 13The Peripheral Nervous SystemThursday12/5Chapter 13The Peripheral Nervous SystemWeek 16Tuesday 12/10Chapter 14The Autonomic Nervous SystemExam 4To Be DeterminedMAP 12, 13, 14 Due day before test.NOTEThis outline is intended as a general guideline for topics to be covered. Due to time constraints and other factors we may not cover all the topics listed above in normal lecture hours. In some cases I may do an online lecture for certain material using the Panopto program to supplement our in class lectures.All students will be asked to submit a course evaluation following completion of the course.REQUIRED TEXTBOOK:Human Anatomy and Physiology: 12ed, Elaine N. Marieb and Katja Hoehn,San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, 2024.TEXT OPTIONS: Your instructor for NUR 0012 has chosen to include your course in Inclusive Access, a digital course material program, and a course materials charge of $74.00 was applied to your PittPay account for the digital course materials you will be using.  At this point your course materials should be available to view and use in the Canvas for your course, or will be when your instructor has opened Canvas for use.  You are notrequired to participate in the Inclusive Access program. You have until the end of the add/drop period to opt out of the program and the charge for these materials will be refunded to your account.  By opting out, you are assuming responsibility for obtaining physical copies of the course materials. You have until the end of the add/drop period to opt back into the program, if you choose. If you opt back in the course the course materials fee will be reapplied to 3
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your account. If you are having trouble with accessing the online content, please contact our e-textbook provider’s customer service team here, or view video instructions here: Access Redshelf through Canvas. Inclusive Access Opt OutPolicies and Procedurescan be found on our website.  If you are having difficulty opting out, instructions can be accessed here: Opting-Out-Opting-InMY VIEW ON TEXTS:All textbooks and supplements are resources for you to use and have. My power point slides and my lecture format follow the Marieb book, however, most texts cover the same material. I do not expect you to read and memorize each chapter, and often I do not cover everything that is in every single chapter. Some of you may choose to read or skim the chapter before we cover it in class, othersmay choose to wait until after lecture so they can pick and choose what needs to be read in detail. I know we have Google but remember the text has been written and revised through multiple editions and the information in it is verified and cited. TEACHING STYLE:Lecture, in class questions, online homework assignments and online case studies. All lectures will be recorded in Zoom and available shortly after class ends.EVALUATION: The course grade will be calculated from scores obtained four in class exams and multiple onlineassignments throughout the course of the semester. Exams will be a combination of multiple choice,diagrams, and/or case scenarios. In the event of an unexcused missed exam, the makeup exam will consist of essay questionsand case scenarios. You do not want to miss exams!ONLINE ASSIGNMENTSCase Studies:The four online case studies will present you with a short description of a clinical problem. In order to answer the questions you will have to use your lecture notes, textbook, and possibly outside referencematerial (i.e. internet sources, medical journals, other texts, etc.). The case studies will be available from the following dates:Case Study 1: 10/3 - 10/10Case Study 2: 10/10 – 10/22Case Study 3: 11/14 – 11/21Case Studies will be available until 11:59pm on the due date.After the times listed above the case studies will no longer be available to complete online.If you keep and turn in the hard copy instead of the online version, 2pts will be deducted for each day that it is late.I will not accept any case study submissions more than 4 days after the posted due date. Mastering A&P:Homework assignments must be completed by 11:59 pm on the due date to receive full credit. You will lose 10% for each day the homework is late. Please read the questions slowly and carefully. You will have four attempts to answer each question and submitted answers that are incorrect will result in a 25% reduction for that point. In other words, if you submit one incorrect answer and the second attempt is correct, you will receive 0.75 points for that question. You will have a total of two attempts to complete the homework assignment before the due date and the system keeps your highest score. Any assignment listed in blue is for credit. Any assignment in pink is a dynamic study module that can be completed for that chapter. While I don’t do extra credit in my classes, for each Dynamic Study Module you complete, 1 point will be added to your final mastering score at the end of the term. AssignmentWhat it isRequiredAssignments in BlueHomework that is due for credit.YesAssignments in PinkDynamic Study Modules you can do for an extra point for each chapterNo4
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We will go over how to access MAP the first day of class via Inclusive Access. In addition to my weekly office hours, please don’t hesitate to make an individual appointment to meet with me. This will help me get to know you. Remember, this is your course – it will be what you make of it. Your active participation – coming to class prepared, thinking about the issues we discuss, asking for clarification, and pursuing interesting questions will ensure that you will have learned a lot and have had fun! STUDYING: In general, you can expect to spend about three hours studying for every hour spent in class. Thatmeans you should try to spend about 6-7 hours studying for A&P materials. Suggestedactivities include: 1) Review your notes as soon as possible after each lecture, jot down any questions or clarifications. I will do my best to answer them at the beginning of the next class. 2) Compare and contrast new information with things that you have already learned.3) Study in groups 4) Utilize the various online practice assessments available via the e-text.5) Do something active with your studying, don’t just skim notes or text. One of the best skills I ever learned was how to rewrite and condense my notes into something that I couldrecall and understand quickly. For me, there is no substitute for hand to brain learning.UNIVERSITYGRADING SCALE:Rounding Policy: 93.5=94, 93.4=93, etc. C is considered passing for School of Nursing StudentsThere is no extra credit available.GRADINGBREAKDOWN:AssessmentPercentExam 120%Exam 220%Exam 320%Exam 420%Mastering Assignments15%Case Studies5%Total100%GRADING RUBRIC:Grading for lecture is done on a weighted scale, not on a straight points scale. You will have many more points for Mastering this term than you will for your exams, so each item is calculated as a percentage of the total. This way your Mastering and case study scores will not count for a disproportionate amount of your final grade. Overall 80% of your final grade is from your performance 5GradePercentageA+97-100A94-96A-90-93B+87-89B84-86B-80-83C+77-79C74-76C-70-73D+67-69D64-66D-60-63FBelow 60
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on exams and 20% of your grade is from your performance on your other online assignments. Below is an example of how a weighted grade is calculated at the end of the term. Please note that the raw scores are made up for this example.Example Grading RubricUNIVERSITY POLICIES:DISABILITY: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact me and the Office of Disability Resources and Services (DRS), 216 William Pitt Union, 412-648-7890 / 412-383-7355 as early as possible in the term.  DRS will verifyyour disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students in this course will be expected to comply with the University of Pittsburgh's Policy on Academic Integrity. Any student suspected of violating this obligation for any reason during the semester will be required to participate in the procedural process, initiated at the instructor level, as outlined in the University Guidelines on Academic Integrity. This may include, but is not limited to, the confiscation of the examination of any individual suspected of violating University Policy. Furthermore, no student may bring any unauthorized materials to an exam, including dictionaries and programmable calculators.DIVERSITY / INCLUSIVITY STATEMENT: An important aim of this course is to promote an inclusive learning community that encourages the dynamic, open exchange of ideas and affirms the diversity and dignity of participants and perspectives within a save and mutually respectful environment.COPYRIGHT NOTICE:The University of Pittsburgh affirms that, except as specifically exempted by this policy, faculty, staff, and students are entitled to claim copyright ownership, including world-wide rights, in the following works authored by them: books, articles, educational course work, similar works that areintended to disseminate the results of academic research or scholarly study, popular fiction or nonfiction works, poems, musical compositions, and other works of artistic imagination. The University has no proprietary interest in University (in which the faculty, staff, or students have no controlling or majority interest), except as specifically exempted by this policy. Additional information on this policy is available at: TO RECORD:To ensure the free and open discussions of ideas, students may not record classroom discussions, and/or activities without the advance permission of the instructor, and any such recording properly approved in advance can be used solely for the student’s own private study.ACCESSIBILITY: Canvas is ADA Compliant and has fully implemented the final accessibility standards for electronic and information technology covered by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998. Please note that, due to the flexibility provided in this product, it is possiblefor some material to inadvertently fall outside of these guidelines.6AssignmentScorePercentWeightWeightedPercentExam 140/45.88820%17.76Exam 242/45.93320%18.67Exam 345/50.90020%18.00Exam 460/65.92320%18.46Mastering 350/380.92115%13.82Case Studies(4@10pts each)38/40.9505%4.75TOTALS91.46%
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