Understanding International Organizations: Key Concepts and Roles

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Dec 12, 2024
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QuestionList Specific Evidence from the Video or sentences.Script #1.What are international organizations? (0:48) International organizations are groups of governments or people from different countries that work together to solve an issue that crosses a country’s borders32.What do we mean when we say an organization is an‘intergovernmental organization’? (0:57)One type is an intergovernmental organization which is an organization formed with groups of governments for a specific purpose.43.What is the purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)? (1:10)The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as NATO, is a military and defense agreement among the governments of member nations. It was established in 1949 and represents a group of 28 countries that have agreed to protect each other in case of attack64.What is the goal of the United Nations? (1:36)The goal of the United Nations, also known as the UN, is to keep peace around the world and develop friendly relationships among nations. It was created in 1945 after World War II, 193 countries and their governments are currently members of the United Nations85.Where is the United Nations headquartered? (1:50).The UN is currently headquartered in New York City. United Nations meetings take place in New York City at different times throughout the year.96.What is the purpose of the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)?(2:02)We also have the United Nations Children’s Fund, or UNICEF, which was establishedin 1946. This provides help and care to mothers and children in poor nations.10The U.S. & The World: SS.7.C.4.2International OrganizationsVIDEO VIEWING GUIDE (9:56)Name: ________________________________Date: _________________________________1Civics360©Lou Frey Institute2017 All Rights ReservedFloridaJoint Center for Citizenship
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7. What three areas does UNICEF focus on in order totry and fulfill its mission? (2:10) UNICEF focuses its work on a variety of children’s issues throughout the world that include education, sanitation, and protecting children from violence.108. What is the goal of the World Trade Organization (WTO)? (2:29) The goal of the World Trade Organization, also known as the WTO, is to promote trade and economic growthScript #119. What kind of policies does the WTO support in order to fulfill its mission? (2:32)The World Trade Organization tries to promote economic growth by lowering taxes and removing limits on some types of trade between member countries. Countries may join and make agreements with other countries about trade and taxes.1110.How does the World Court contribute to the work of the United Nations? (2:50) The International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court, was established in 1945. The World Court gives legal advice to the United Nations and deals with international legal issues, such as a disagreement about borders between countries. It was established in 1945.1211. How do international organizations play a role in trying to solve the problems facing the world? (3:11) International Organizations try to get try to get nations to work together, providedefense, promote trade, and help citizens across the border.12. What is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO)?(3:26)Another type of international organization is an International Non-GovernmentalOrganization, also called an INGO. These are voluntary citizens groups that are organized on an international level.1513. How might an INGO differ from International Governmental Organizations?Do not do #1314. What are the four areas that INGO’s tend to focus on? (3:37)INGO’s perform a variety of service and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concerns to governments, advocate for certain issues such as human rights or theenvironment, and encourage political participation. Individual citizens can be a part of international non-governmental organizations1615. What is the purpose of l organization is the International Red Cross/Red Crescent. The International Red2Civics360©Lou Frey Institute2017 All Rights ReservedFloridaJoint Center for Citizenship
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the International Red Cross/Red Crescent? (3:59)Cross/Red Crescent was established in 1863. It was founded to protect human life and health, to promote respect for all human beings, and to help people who suffer because of war or natural disasters1716. How do nations becomemembers of the United Nations? (4:30)Remember that there are 193 nations that are members of the UN, and membership to the UN is open to nations that agree to the Charter of the United Nations, the organization’s governing document.Script #2017. What role does the General Assembly play at the United Nations? (4:55)makes membership decisions based on the advice of the UN Security Council, madeup of 15 members responsible for maintaining international peace and security.2118. What role does the Security Council play at the United Nations? (5:07)makes membership decisions based on the advice of the UN Security Council, madeup of 15 members responsible for maintaining international peace and security.2119. How can governments support the United Nations?Do not do #1920. What are some ways that individuals can support the United Nations? (5:07)But how about individuals like me and you? Well, we can support the United Nations by donating money. We can participate in the United Nations by interning or working for the UN.2221. How can governments participate in the work of theWorld Court? (5:29)Countries and governments can participate in the World Court by being members of the United2322. What are some ways that individuals can participate in the World Court? (5:42)How can we participate in the World Court? Well, we can work or intern for the organization.2423. How can individuals participate in and support the work of UNICEF? (6:13)But how can individuals like me and you support and participate in UNICEF’s work? Well, we can participate in UNICEF by working, interning or volunteering forthe organization. We can support UNICEF by donating money, educating others about the organization, and spreading awareness of their work through social 263Civics360©Lou Frey Institute2017 All Rights ReservedFloridaJoint Center for Citizenship
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media24. How can governments support the International Red Cross/Red Crescent?(7:04)So the International Red Cross/Red Crescent does some really good work. How can governments support the International Red Cross/Red Crescent? Well, they can donate money, educate people, and provide volunteers to help in the work25. How can individuals support and participate in the work of the International Red Cross/Red Crescent?(7:15)So how can individuals like me and you support and participate in the work of the International Red Cross/Red Crescent? Well, we can do it in many ways: donate money, support its causes through social media, volunteer, work for the organization, and raise awareness26. Summarize the ways governments and individuals can support and participate in international organizations. (7:45)Governments by being present at the meetings and donateing supplies and moneyIndividuals donate money though social media volunteer27. What is a treaty? (8:13). Now international organizations are not the only way that countries can try and solve problems. We should also know that countries can form treaties instead of creating an organizations. A treaty is an agreement or arrangement between two or more countries.28. How is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) an example of countries working together? (8:20)They came together for the common good 4Civics360©Lou Frey Institute2017 All Rights ReservedFloridaJoint Center for Citizenship
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