Managing Acute Back Injury: Key Symptoms and Nursing Actions

Chamberlain University College of Nursing - Atlanta**We aren't endorsed by this school
NURS 442
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by DeanBuffalo512
ot e NN [ [yl i A 0 ‘»OS=104#q1 | A ve ) @2 = o O of 3) O ® A Vera Kissi e i3 j Before answering this question, review the client's health el 3! information in the EHR. Drag the correct answers to the : ¥l boxes provided. DN ACTIONS inal stenosisJ % [Acute Back Injury] [TDrotect cervical s| Fncrease pain me Occasional urge incominencflfl-i—'ratai hernia [gpinal cord mjur*d fimni-memal status exam :,lAcute Back Injury § : Promote laxative use {Shght pumbnessin ‘nghsj [Recem move to assisted living H SKin dr_\fj Your answer is partially correct. Debriefing: The client is experiencing increased weakness in his legs along with hew numbness in thighs after his recent fall. These symptoms are more severe than his chronic symptoms related fo spinal stenosis consider: lm 1 \What symptoms Indicate his back pain‘is woesening J ] -~ 2. \What concerns would the nurse have if the patient Coult nat valk afier the | e QT T e S T . . 2% g o = o 35 ,’},,,‘:,.,',‘.w,fl,,
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