Jesus and Racism: Biblical Teachings on Equality and Nonviolence
Archbishop Walsh High School**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 12, 2024
Uploaded by ProfessorElementGoldfinch26
Ashley LiuTheology 11Period 6Mr. MahoneyHow did Jesus fight racism"The Bible clearly teaches us that prejudice and discrimination are mortal sins. Andthe Catholic Social Teachings hold that societies and individuals must take steps to eliminateprejudice and discrimination around the world. I think racial discrimination is a majorproblem in today's society and a major threat to human dignity in today's world.Racism can cause great harm to individuals and communities. It will not only affectthe mood of the victims, but also cause chaos to the society. Racism creates a society wherepeople distrust and respect each other. When people are denied equal access to jobs, services,and education, racism can also affect people's general well-being.The Bible clearly supports the idea of racial equality. The Bible says, "God created allthe races of the world from the same blood." This passage has been used again and againthroughout Christian history to resist extreme racism. The Bible does not begin with thecreation of a special or privileged race. When the first human was created, he was simplycalled "Adam," which means "human" in Hebrew. His race is not even mentioned, Adam andEve are portrayed as non-racial and non-national because they represent all people of allraces. From the very beginning, the Bible makes it very clear that people of all races andnations have the image of God. So to assume that one's own race or ethnicity is superior toothers is to deny that all human beings are created in God's image, an insult to God. Allhumans have the same physical characteristics, and all humans are created equally in the
image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). So we should love our neighbor as ourselves(James 2:8). Jesus taught in (Matthew, 25) that whatever we do to the least of his brothers, wedo to him. If we despise a person, we abuse a person created in the image of God; We arehurting the people God loves and for whom Jesus died.According to what Jesus taught us, when we face racism and prejudice. We mustresist, but not with violence. Violence cannot be met with violence. Jesus is not asking us tosubmit to evil, but to refuse to oppose it in its own way. Move beyond passivity and violenceto find a third way, a confident and non-violent way." Do not repay evil for evil" (Rom.12:17; 1 Thes. 5:15; 1 Pet. 3:9). The Scholars Version of Matt. 5:39a is superb: "Don't reactviolently against the one who is evil.”
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