Effective Study Guide for Examination 1: Requirements Analysis

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Dec 12, 2024
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Examination 1: Study GuideLast updated: Thursday, December 12, 2024Individual work only. A single shared answer over multiple exams will be considered cheating. All exams with a common answer will receive a grade of 0.Closed book & notes.ScopeAll materials to date.Suggestion: You are urged to study for the exam by constructing answers to each of the following questions. Consider it as a study guide. If you do not, you may not have time tocomplete the exam. Some multiple-choice questions, then short answer, then write a UML specification from a case description.About 20 – 25 questions.Questions that are crossed outwill not be on the examRequirements1.Describe Requirements Ambiguitya.Describe sources of Requirements Ambiguity.b.What is a procedureto determine if a document is ambiguous? Specify thesteps necessary to determine ambiguity 2.What are some lessons learnt from the FBI case file system?3.Justify the spending of development resources on requirements analysisa.Consider an empirical argument based on prior failures attributed to poor requirements analysis. (session 1 lecture notes)i.According to numerous examples and surveys of project managers,requirements management is one of the most import factors that contributes to the success or failure of a software development projectb.Consider an argument based on defect cost snowballing(aka cascading) through the phases of development, leading to increased overall cost (session 4 lecture notes)i.Requirements defects (errors) ripple through the remainder of the development phases4.What percentage of all software project fail (about)?5.How can requirements ambiguity be reduced?Vision
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6.What are the three most important sections of a Vision document7.Be able to complete a Positioning statement: problem & product position.8.Specify stakeholders (and users) and describe some of their goals9.What percentage of the overall development budget should be spent on requirements analysis (about)?10.Know these terms from the requirements development processa.Elicitation, Analysis, Specification, Validation11.Describe how control of "requirements leakage" can help manage development (costs, time-table, etc.). Context12.What is a context diagram?13.Given a textual description, draw a context diagram.14.Given a context diagram, describe the interactions between the system and its context.a.Know what’s “in scope” and what’s “out of scope”i.Hint: actors within the context diagram have their interface within scopeGoals15.Define and contrast the (van Lamsweerde) terms: goal, requirement.a.Consider the example of the ATL train vs. the MARTA trainb.It’s important to recall that a requirement is a goal assigned to an agent16.Define and illustrate (with example) four goal GORE patternsa.Which achieve, avoid cease and maintain goal patterns 17.Specify goals and subgoals (aka subordinate goals)a.Use How and Why questions to generate new goals.b.Use subsection notation to specify subgoals (e.g, 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, some (specific) reasons why goals are useful (see the slides or van Lamsweerde)19.Write EARS requirementsa.ubiquitous, event-driven, unwanted behavior, state-driven, optional feature20.Write a WHEN x THEN do yrequirementThe CaseThe problem will be something familiar, like specifying an e-commerce system such as Amazon.com.21.Given a brief business case description, be able to: a.Write high-level requirements (vision document, stakeholder requests, system features/goals).b.Specify the problem & position statements (tables) for the Vision document
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c.Draw a context diagram (bring a sheet of paper and pencil)d.Specify a goal model (multiple GORE or EARS goals)
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